You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I salute you for your majestic speech; the authoritative flurry of spell binding words which emanated royally from your mouth,


I salute you for your impeccable stride; the magnanimous poise in your stature that portrayed you irrefutably as the greatest,


I salute you for your astoundingly mesmerizing sight; your uncanny ability to decipher the most inconspicuous of evil loitering ominously in the crowd,


I salute you for your ravishingly rubicund complexion; the ingratiating aura you generated on every piece of soil you voluptuously caressed,


I salute you for your insurmountably stoical passiveness; the unsurpassable equanimity with which you confronted the deadliest of disaster without a ruffle to your whiskers,


I salute you for your unflinching sense of responsibility; the ghastliest of times you had borne; just to see a smile lighten up on the face of your compatriots,


I salute you for your astute acumen of dealing dexterously with the uncouth world; marching relentlessly on your path to undeniable success,


I salute you for your inexorably poignant eyes; the heart rendering empathy you harbored within; for your fellow beings in inexplicably horrendous distress,


I salute you for your incomprehensibly adjusting temperament; the incredulous way in which you slept even on bare brick walls; if the hour so commanded,


I salute you for your stupendously reinvigorating aroma; the blissful waves of sheer ecstasy it spread ubiquitously to every cranny of this planet,


I salute you for your streams of passionately circulating crimson blood; the unfathomable ardor they generated in lifeless souls wandering solitarily around,


I salute you for the vivacious laughter that entrenched your lips; the cloud of benign congeniality it propagated in whomsoever it cast; even an ethereal glimpse,


I salute you for your nose; which smelt only the profoundly good from even amidst a dilapidated pile of horrifically fetid garbage,


I salute you for your bohemian feet; which kept traversing indefatigably to reach their ultimate goal; even in the most acerbic of storm and murderous rain,

I salute you for your incredulously alluring charisma; the mystically enigmatic look in your eyes which attracted the most alien at your doorstep; even from the most obsolete corner of the globe; like a trice of a bullet,


I salute you for your resolutely undeterred determination; the insatiable fervency in your demeanor to stand only by what you felt was right,


I salute you for your tumultuously adventurous zeal; the spirit of conquering the unknown profusely embedded in your brain; placing you an eternal shade above the rest,


I salute you for your tremendously transparent conscience; the sacrosanct feeling of righteousness which lingered around it for centuries immemorial,


And my wholehearted salutations to you O! beloved !! for your ability to uninhibitedly love; your incessant endeavor to make this planet of God once again a

paradise; blessing each molecule of his creation with the greatest wealth you could ever posses;  your greatest virtue called "The religion of mankind".