You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It was none other than the stupendously enamoring and timeless fragrance of

the crimson roses; that beautifully gave me the license to uninhibitedly smell,


It was none other than the enchantingly gregarious and celestial festoon of

bountiful clouds; that exuberantly gave me the license to uninhibitedly fly,


It was none other than the flirtatiously tantalizing and insatiably seductive mountain tip; that euphorically gave me the license to uninhibitedly fantasize,


It was none other than the rhapsodically undulating and enigmatically leaping ocean; that resplendently gave me the license to uninhibitedly adventure,


It was none other than the melodiously chirping and enchantingly voluptuous

nightingales; that beautifully gave me the license to uninhibitedly romanticize,


It was none other than the unflinchingly blazing and Omnipotently golden Sun; that limitlessly gave me the license to uninhibitedly triumph,


It was none other than the uncannily vibrant and blissfully tranquil forest; that unrestrictedly gave me the license to uninhibitedly dance,


It was none other than the magnetically alluring and unfathomably titillating seductress; that gave me the license to uninhibitedly enchant,


It was none other than the impeccably milky and fathomlessly iridescent Moon; that fascinatingly gave me the license to uninhibitedly sleep,


It was none other than the indomitably heavenly and sacrosanct Mother; that

perennially gave me the license to uninhibitedly frolic,


It was none other than the patriotically undaunted and intrepidly righteous

soldier; that altruistically gave me the license to uninhibitedly blaze,


It was none other than the majestically parading and fearlessly Galloping

lion; that impregnably gave me the license to uninhibitedly express,


It was none other than the convivially twinkling and mischievously sensuous

star; that fantastically gave me the license to uninhibitedly enlighten,


It was none other than the artistically extraordinary and spellbindingly

mollifying cradle; that unimaginably gave me the license to uninhibitedly


It was none other than the brilliantly emulating and immaculately ingenious

chimpanzee; that wonderfully gave me the license to uninhibitedly innovate,


It was none other than the panoramically Omniscient and endlessly proliferating chapter of life; that divinely gave me the license to uninhibitedly discover,


It was none other than the irrefutably righteous and unassailably spotless

conscience; that aristocratically gave me the license to uninhibitedly consecrate,


It was none other than the poetically charismatic and unshakably unstoppable

breath; that perpetually gave me the license to uninhibitedly live,


And it was none other than the passionately thundering and effulgently rhythmic heart; that immortally gave me the license to uninhibitedly love .