You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It really doesn’t matter whether you dressed up like a majestically unconquerable prince an infinite number of times; or whether you indolently wandered into the

aisles of fecklessness without the most infinitesimal of fabric to drape your trembling form,


It really doesn’t matter whether you digested the most scrumptiously tantalizing meals an infinite number of times; or whether you torturously emaciated every single of your intestine; till the last iota of breath that you exhaled,


It really doesn’t matter whether you indefatigably sailed in the most swankiest of aircrafts an infinite number of times; or whether you preposterously slithered on obdurately cold-blooded ground; pathetically decaying every day of your existence like a frigidly orphaned leaf,


It really doesn’t matter whether you insatiably fantasized about the fathomlessly unending beauty of this Universe an infinite number of times; or whether

you deliriously stared into a corpse of jinxed baselessness for centuries immemorial,


It really doesn’t matter whether you uninhibitedly danced in the heart of the vivaciously moonlit night an infinite number of times; or whether you withered

like an infidel piece of insipid chalk at the most diminutive draught of wind,


It really doesn’t matter whether you philanthropically smiled at your every comrade who came your way an infinite number of times; or whether you despicably

fretted and fumed in your cocoon of insanely mundane commercialism,


It really doesn’t matter whether you restlessly innovated a valley of unsurpassable freshness an infinite number of times; or whether you decrepitly stagnated in the dungeons of hedonistically prejudiced malice,


It really doesn’t matter whether you supremely embellished every cranny of your persona with an unfathomable ocean of pearls an infinite number of times; or whether you bathed in disdainful cowdung curry as the minutes painstakingly unveiled by,


It really doesn’t matter whether you enchantingly sang till endless eternity for an infinite number of times; or whether you discordantly croaked in the graveyards

of ignominiously rebuking oblivion for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,


It really doesn’t matter whether you forever stood first in even the most evanescent of tasks that you attempted an infinite number of times; or whether you

disastrously stuttered to nimbly amble a single step,

It really doesn’t matter whether you astoundingly nurtured every aspect of your life to irrevocably inimitable perfection an infinite number of times; or whether you callously pillaged and blundered on even the most easiest of lanes that greeted you in your way,


It really doesn’t matter whether you made patriotically blazing victory your daily cup of reinvigorating morning tea an infinite number of times; or whether you collapse like a pack of incongruously livid pancakes; morbidly within the realms of your sleep,


It really doesn’t matter whether you indefatigably chased newer dimensions of prosperity an infinite number of times; or whether you dastardly discarded every moment of your survival; aimlessly admiring the delinquently irascible ants,


It really doesn’t matter whether you philandered amongst the highest echelon of society an infinite number of times; or whether you lackadaisically shriveled in the dungeons of purposelessly solitary oblivion,


It really doesn’t matter whether you celestially snored under the rhapsodically voluptuous quilts an infinite number of times; or whether you haplessly salivated on the dusty streets; with the salacious begging bowl outstretched from your unruly bohemian palms,


It really doesn’t matter whether you compassionately garnered International acclaim and cynosure of the highest degree an infinite number of times; or whether you insidiously retreated in your shattered cocoon at the tiniest ray of alien light,


It really doesn’t matter whether you spawned into a rainbow of invincible versatility an infinite number of times; or whether you lead every unraveling second of your life; like a penuriously middle-class man,


And it really doesn’t matter whether you joyously executed an infinite number of things in the odyssey of your enigmatic life for an infinite number times or whether you nonchalantly discarded your every hour into the mortuaries of barren nothingness,


But it is my humble plea to one and all of you on this colossal Universe alike; that do unassailably dedicate every passionate beat of your heart to the person you love at least once in your life; do definitely fall and gloriously fructify into the branches of immortal love; at least once in your entire lifetime .