You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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To win her back was as impossible; as thunder clouds in the cosmos not showering unrelenting rain,


To win her back was as impossible; as squeezing back tangy toothpaste back into the tube,


To win her back was as impossible; as scrupulously straightening a dog’s incorrigibly curved tail,


To win her back was as impossible; as plummeting face down from the 100th floor; and yet desiring to stay alive,


To win her back was as impossible; as typing alphabets on the swanky computer screen without the intricately chiseled keyboard,


To win her back was as impossible; as escaping the sting of the mosquito incessantly buzzing its cacophony in the ear,


To win her back was as impossible; as trying to tenaciously sneeze without making the tiniest of noise,


To win her back was as impossible; as attempting to walk without using twin pair of feet,


To win her back was as impossible; as trying to cultivate a tree without indispensable water,


To win her back was as impossible; as trying to speed the car at erratic speeds without whisky complexioned gasoline,


To win her back was as impossible; as hunting the untamed panther without a gleaming barrel gun,


To win her back was as impossible; as making tea without actually adding pungent tea leaves,


To win her back was as impossible; as trying not to scream when consuming heaps of green farm chili,


To win her back was as impossible; as constructing the colossal edifice without a concrete foundation,


To win her back was as impossible; as standing naked amidst the frozen snow without shivering,


To win her back was as impossible; as soaring high in the sky without a pair of dexterously handsome wings,


To win her back was as impossible; as retaining consciousness even after being pierced by fangs of the venomous snake,


To win her back was as impossible; as convincing the agnostic to believe in omniscient God,


To win her back was as impossible; as holding ones ground firmly in an island of quick sand,


To win her back was as impossible; as expecting a spider to stay suspended in the air without its silken web,


To win her back was as impossible; as existing in sweltering heat of the desert without a solitary globule of water,


To win her back was as impossible; as having the sun shine inexorably all the time without any mention of night,


To win her back was as impossible; as impregnating life back into the veins of a dead man,


To win her back was as impossible; as trying to survive without inhaling gallons of fresh air, 


O! Yes to win her back today was irrevocably impossible; after the dreadful fight we had in the day,


The only way I could still win her back; was wait for the gruesome night to unveil itself into another day,


Fervently hope that the new rising of dawn; made her exhaustively oblivious to the obnoxious events of the previous day .