You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I couldn’t afford to embellish you in ornaments of pure gold; with chains of scintillating silver dangling from your neck, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would dive deep into the fathomless ocean; thread you a necklace of immaculate pearls; I extracted from the slippery oyster. 


I couldn’t afford to take you long distances in an ostentatious car; with the air conditioner blowing a full blast in your face, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would place both your legs on my shoulders; and carry you adroitly under the unrelenting sun; with your warm breath caressing my hair. 


I couldn’t afford to buy you exquisite eateries from the market; satiate your taste buds with appetizing caramel, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would dexterously knead rustic dough into bread; blend it with ravishing tomatoes; I specially grew for you in the backyard. 


I couldn’t afford to make you sleep on a silken mattress juxtaposed with diamonds; with cozy ambience of the palace engulfing you from all sides, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would inundate your ears with mystical rhymes; be there with you on your side under the twinkling stars; until you drifted into deep sleep. 


I couldn’t afford to talk with you on contemporary telephone for marathon hours; punching a jugglery of soft buttons on the intricate laptop, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would emboss letters to you with a river of my precious blood; never failing to miss the most inconspicuous of detail. 


I couldn’t afford to take you on a cruise of the ocean; sitting in the grandiloquent luxury liner with its knotted masts fluttering in the salty breeze, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would chisel a plain boat of strong wood; row you all throughout the choppy sea; despite of the monstrous waves trying to drown us down.


I couldn’t afford to drape your persona in opulently embroidered cloth; a host of artificial contrivances accentuating your features, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would stitch you a cloak of pure cotton; embodied with the essence of our immortal love. 


I couldn’t afford to offer you crystalline mineral liquid to drink; an incessant supply of crimson colored plum juice, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would fetch you water from the gurgling mountain springs; preserve it for you in my cupped hands till the hour you felt thirsty. 


I couldn’t afford to purchase expensive books for you; impregnated with the most panoramic of graphics, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would perceive the wildest of fantasy scrutinizing dormant arenas of my brain; and then recite the same to you. 


I couldn’t afford to buy the sky for you; with magnanimous gods residing in castles of unprecedented glory, 

But don’t you worry sweetheart; as I would transform every inch of soil which you tread on into paradise; present the most invincible sky of our romance at your celestial feet.