A Summary of the Wars of the 21st Century by Iakovos Alhadef - HTML preview

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The Arab Spring in Syria


The Syrian war was not an American war as the communist and nazi propaganda says. In Syria the Turks and the Arabs decided to attack Syria with the Arab Spring of 2011, in order to take the Sunni part of the country. With the pretext of democracy the Arabs and the Turks were asking for elections in Syria, because they were hoping that due to the Sunni Arab Sunnni majority, which was ruled by Bashar al Assad’s minority, the Turks and the Arabs would take control of the country and open a Sunni energy corridor (Qatar-Turkey-Europe). At the same time they would undo the Iranian influence in Syria.


With yellow on the map you can see Syria’s Sunni majority, with chaki the Sunni Kurds, and with green at the Syrian coasts the Alawite minority of Bashar al Assad. Bashar al Assad, like his father Hafez al Assad, is the strongest ally of Iran in the Middle East, and he is a Russian ally too.


For more details see “Who is Responsible for the War and the Immigrants”



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