A Summary of the Wars of the 21st Century by Iakovos Alhadef - HTML preview

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The Arab Spring in Libya


In Libya the United States did not want the war as you hear from the Communist, the NAZI and the Islamic propaganda, because since 2002 the Libyan dictator Qaddafi was cooperating with the Americans, the French and the English against the Islamists.


The Americans simply accepted to help their French allies. The French were diplomatically “hurt” when in Tunisia and Egypt they supported their allies i.e. the socialist dictators Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak, who were finally overturned by the Muslim Brotherhood.


Nicola Sarkozy had to officially apologize for France’s stance in the Arab Springs of Tunisia and Egypt, in order to defend himself from the propaganda war that was launched against him by the Communists and the Islamists.


When Sarkozy saw the men from the special forces of Sudan, Hezbollah and Qatar entering Libya, with Iran’s blessings, and probably with Turkey’s blessings too, he rushed to support the rebels, in order to prevent Turkey and Iran, two enemies of France, from gaining too much influence in Libya. If Turkey and Iran became too strong in Libya they could turn North Africa to a nightmare for France. And France is traditionally counting on the resources of Africa for her industry. Remember that in Tunisia and Egypt, where Sarkozy supported the dictators who were finally overturned by the Muslim Brotherhood, France’s image was “hurt” and he was attacked by the Communist and Islamist propaganda.


The reason Iran wanted the overturn of Qaddafi, even though they were allies for decades against the Americans and the Saudi King, was that since 2002 Qaddafi started cooperating with the Americans and the English against the Islamists, who were common enemies.


Qaddafi also supported the separatists of South Sudan, and Sudan was Iran’s strongest ally in Africa at the time, and the South Sudanese separatists gained their independence in 2011.


Moreover in 2003 Qaddafi had betrayed the Pakistanis, when he surrendered his nuclear equipment to the Americans. The Pakistanis were selling to Iran too nuclear technology in the black market. After that Iran had to rely only on North Korea and probably Argentina, given that the Russians do not want them to obtain nuclear weapons.


Qaddafi and Sarkozy had also agreed that France would construct in Libya a factory for the production of nuclear energy, and Qaddafi would stop challenging France in West Africa, by supporting terrorist groups against the French, for example the Tuaregs. France had traditionally counted on Africa’s resources for her industry, for example the uranium of Niger etc.


All the above were bad news for the Iranians, who together with the Sudanese were supporting many jihadist groups in Africa. The Islamists took advantage of the discontent, or even the hostility, that the people of Cyrineica had for Qaddafi, because Qaddafi was from Tripolitania and sometimes he was cruel and unfair to the people of Cyreneica. Most of the oil of Libya is located in Cyreneica.


For more details see “Iran’s Role in the Arab Spring of Libya”



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