Aphorisms and Letters The Grand Experiment—What Went Wrong? A Layman’s Interpretation by Alipio Baldi - HTML preview

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Nature, in its primitive state, is a wonder to behold, provided the observer maintains a respectful distance; however, having been tamed, loses much of its captive appeal ; that is to say, loses its magical effect in proportion to its domesticity, devolving into a distorted version of its regal eminence

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…predicated upon an intuitive understanding transcending the broadest limits of the imagination understood as the ―will to vision‖

expanding in proportion to (spiritual) phenomena that becomes (increasingly) receptive to (intuitive) logic and reason, a refined (spiritual) awareness that neither compromises nor inhibits the One constant at once approachable however ―inaccessible‖ to the mind, a (seemingly) moving target within (the) reach of a receptive imagination however evading the limited scope of rational thought, whose mysteries eventually become apparent through a strengthening of Faith and Divine Trust, alone…

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―Love‖ oftentimes devolves into Lust in the minds of the (emotionally) stunted who are unable to understand what to make of it.

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The mind must be continually challenged or otherwise it will weaken its natural capacity for growth. In this manner an individual must tend to his or her moral development; that is to say, seek proper guidance in a way that reinforces principled rules of conduct; what an individual should do and avoid doing consonant with ―what the heart teaches‖ (Natural Law).

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Racial quotas and preferences are denying many promising students equal access to quality schools by promoting a ―spoils‖ system that seeks to redress ―historical‖ grievances by replacing academically gifted students with lesser scholastic talents by virtue of their race, ethnicity, gender and religion rather than academic achievement. C.S. Lewis properly observed that ―Democratic Education…means give them all an equal start and letting the winners show their form.‖ He was referring, of course, to Equality of Opportunity, not results. This disturbing pattern, apparent in many of our colleges and universities, must inevitably produce dire 108

results for a society once that society begins to lose its competitive edge. Individuals are by nature, unequal. (This has been discussed elsewhere) Natural endowment, however, is not ceded solely to the ―privileged.‖ Competition, properly channeled, was/is intended to be ―ruthless‖, rewarding the talented and industrious above the ordinary and idle. Does modern society fear competition because of an uncertain, cynical apprehension of the potential ―consequences‖ or unintended results that such competition might otherwise occasion? Although I am not qualified to answer this question, it would appear that replacing genuine with common talents for the sake of social/cultural diversity will eventually compromise (true) intellectual diversity that our schools once promoted.

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Our military‘s adoption of politically correct rules of conduct on the battlefield and other ―proper‖ forms of military engagement, besides limiting or undermining its stated objective(s), is engendering a loss of confidence among its allies and other nations straddling the fence (aside from demoralizing its supporters at home) who (otherwise) continue receiving mixed signals while proportionately raising the confidence level of its enemies.

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It is perhaps some minor consolation that the political left (reluctantly) acknowledges that Saddam Hussein is an ―evil‖ man. What additional fodder to the antiwar movement had this villain been perceived as a benevolent and kindhearted individual!

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Rene Descartes argued that ―Wonder‖ is an impediment to Knowledge. I am uncertain of the context that this comment was made. I would imagine, however, that the acquisition of knowledge naturally arouses a (certain) excitement (or wonder) that leaves an inquiring mind thirsting for more. That Humankind never ceases pursuing new knowledge or (revealed truths lay hidden) is a wonderful achievement in its own right, a testimony to the unbinding limits of the imagination in search of new discoveries. Whether modern society is a worthy inheritor of such endeavors is problematical.

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Positivism is a school of thought that attempts to apply pseudoscientific methods to human behavior. It argues that precise measurement, or what is actually perceived by the senses, is the only authentic basis for knowledge and that all other perceptual concepts or ideas must be considered problematic unless verifiable. Empirical studies based on observation or evidence observed by the senses, however, are not, in themselves, immune to faulty impressions whenever the senses (―mind‖) are either inadequately formed, corrupted, diseased or subject to pre-conceived designs that otherwise interfere with the observer‘s ability to render impartial or reasonable judgments. This is oftentimes the case whenever social and political expediency advances behavioral assumptions that experience and common sense otherwise refute. Such thinking has prompted a twentieth-century mindset defined by the supercilious designs of social engineers seeking to modify, if not micro-manage, human behavior on the basis of implausible, formulaic theories

―underlying‖ (human) nature. Its flawed assumptions oftentimes fail to consider, however, that every Individual is subject to his or her own private set of moral and ethical assumptions that are naturally resistant to categorical imperatives or the conscientious ―merits‖ of narrow-minded viewpoints that seek to impose their (myopic) moral authority on others.

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Equality and Freedom are not identical. Equality is an artificial construct that is neither attainable nor desirable, for that matter, aside from the fact that it is (generally) unworkable; that is to say, incapable of being ―implemented‖ successfully. (I am referring to Equal Human Qualities, not Equal Rights.) Freedom, that pursues its own course of action or seeks its own standards of excellence or acts in accordance with its own principled assumptions that seeks to advance its highest moral and intellectual potential by thinking and acting independently, is the antithesis of Equality in the manner Equality lacks the essential properties of Variety and Change.

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The Trinity of Existence is Being (the object of Existence), Consciousness (that which properly informs Existence), and Essence (its spiritual component).

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It is difficult to imagine that many Hollywood types once led normal, average lives before becoming stars. What is it about the Hollywood Culture that seems to effectively absorb all traces of their former selves, transforming them into Kafkaesque-like characters whose abnormal, dreamlike perceptions manufacture a distorted sense of reality?

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When the truth behind some proposition cannot be properly ascertained or supported by fact, opinion must serve as the final arbiter, provided it meets the (litmus) requirements of feasible plausibility.

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The following briefly sums up the antiwar movement in America: 1) Reflexive Pacifism, 2) Assumed Culpability, 3) Stylish Contempt, 4) Naiveté, 5) Conditioning, 6) Guilt, 7) Denial, 8) Partisanship. The (properly) informed reader does not require further elaboration!


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Addendum to the above: The most contemptible of all are our putative (political) leaders. History will not look favorably upon certain members of this shameless Congress who have (deliberately) placed (political) expediency ahead of National Security!

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Recommended reading for the thoughtful Christian include but are not limited to C.S. Lewis, G.T. Chesterton, Charles Williams, Romano Guardini, J.R.R. Tolkien, Eric Voegelin, Christopher Dawson, and Father D‘Arcy to name a few.

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I am not convinced that Wisdom necessarily comes with Age. (Experience should not be confused with Wisdom).

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Allowing notions of Evil to seep into our consciousness, even as dialectical counterarguments to Good, encourages standards of debate that Evil does not justly merit; that is to say, Evil poses a potential (spiritual) risk to individuals who (unknowingly) provide it with a plausible forum to deceive receptive viewpoints by (intentionally) mischaracterizing its harmful designs. Such efforts must place ―inquisitive‖ minds in an uncertain position that may very well compromise their spiritual well-being. It is Evil‘s custom to shield itself from criticism in the (artful) manner it encourages (a) Moral Neutrality by obfuscating notions of Good and Evil, a condition of the mind susceptible to individuals who have failed in their efforts to cultivate a proper spiritual and moral awareness of the fundamental agencies separating the two and therefore likely to arrive at the conclusion that such differences are either objectively unverifiable or the product of social convention(s). Such thinking may inevitably give rise to amoral attitudes of horrible (moral) consequence to these individuals.

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Where has it been written that a Great Nation must commend itself to the parochial interests or jealousies of ancient traditions that have lost their comparable standing or concede its leadership position among the Community of Nations, rather than conforming to its (own) enlightened self-interests? Such designs must inevitably tarnish that nation‘s highest historical achievements that it should (otherwise) enjoy and (rightly) pass along to posterity.

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The notion that there is no Heaven is too terrible to imagine; its promise of eternal happiness, free from pain and worry and troublesome ambitions that harden the heart! To be born again without blemish, to rise above the petty quarreling that promotes so much unhappiness and sorrow, to be reunited once again with loved ones and friends who left us too soon, to make proper atonement to those we‘ve disappointed and, most importantly, to obtain spiritual redemption.

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My (uncertain) position on Stem Cell research is that it could lead to medical discoveries that may otherwise provide comfort and relief to the suffering although where such designs to exceed their intended purpose, however, counter (moral) arguments would necessarily compel me to withdraw my conditional support of programs of potential benefit to Humankind. I would not under any circumstances, however, support Embryonic Cell research that 1) is unnecessary in that SCR is generally considered by (most) specialists in this field a more effective means of targeting DNA, and 2) provides a forum to Abortion Rights Advocates who are disingenuously using this issue (ECR) to add ―legitimacy‖ to their anti-life agenda.

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I have often been reminded by Christians and Atheists alike that war, or any act of aggression for that matter, is inconsistent with Christ‘s Teaching. I agree. Given Humankind‘s insatiable ambitions and imperfect condition, however, it is unlikely that such attitudes will change anytime soon.

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Whenever a woman presents herself in the manner of a whore, conducts herself like one or (even) thinks like one, because it amuses her to do so, perception (alas) will oftentimes supersede reality!

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Perhaps it‘s me but I find it somewhat ironic, if not amusing, how nations like Russian, China and Germany routinely lecture the United States on Human Rights. Such coming from nations that gave the world Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Adolph Hitler!

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We oftentimes have much to learn from the passing of loved ones or friends who (routinely) reach out to us from the ―grave,‖ who continue to inform our hearts and minds and make each of us a better person whenever we allow them to do so.

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The problem with thinking you‘re a ―somebody‖ is that everybody thinks he or she is a somebody. Given our unique personalities, it goes without saying that each of us is a special, not to be confused with exceptional, somebody and not just an everybody. That would be a frightening proposition! By ―somebody‖, I mean the tendency many of us have of attaching far greater importance to ourselves than many of us justly merit, inclined as we oftentimes are of internalizing our self-importance. There is a (hidden) danger here: that popular attitudes of this sort oftentimes marginalize higher forms of excellence essential to the sensible management of a well-ordered society.

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The Vietnam War was a defining moment in American and European politics that produced ideological divisions at home and abroad, giving rise to moral equivocations and modernist geopolitical assumptions whose (dire) impact on critical political thinking continue to resonate through present times. Existing political tensions transcending the boundaries of American Society have steadily undermined America‘s fragile alliance with Europe in recent years. Nowhere is this fissure more apparent than that separating its Liberal and Conservative components. Europe, in particular, has taken a decidedly leftward turn. Liberalism‘s gradual departure from traditional conventions and quasi/moderate viewpoints coupled with its uncanny fascination with centralized authority has engendered an utopic, foolishly optimistic worldview based on imaginary global assumptions rather than practical means. The ―one size fits all‖

mindset of its more extreme elements is understood by their obligatory support of Socialist/Marxist governments, despite overwhelming evidence of government corruption, economic mis-management and Human and Civil Rights violations of every imaginable sort (that would have otherwise shocked the moral sensibilities of traditionally thoughtful liberals), and conditioned willingness to provide their ruthless leaders with a free pass. (Who was it that said ―you can‘t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs‖?) Nevertheless, such designs seem justified, on some uncertain level, at least, ( ‘tis better to err on the side of ―caution‖), on the basis of radical liberalism‘s excessive aversion for anything Western and its fawning enthusiasm for its vocal opponents. Although the seeds of anti-Western Tradition were planted at the turn of the present century, they did not reach its climax until the sixties when the war gave plausible expression to such ―troublesome‖ viewpoints. The Hard Left embarked on brilliantly conceived (however transparent) strategies of ―Moral Equivocation and Relativism.‖ The former sought to erase the ―uncertain‖ boundaries separating Good and Evil (read: Capitalism and Communism) by its specious portrayal of American Institutions, advancing a laundry list of America‘s (own) moral failings: institutionalized racism, unequal distribution of wealth, racial inequality, civil rights violations, unlawful imprisonment, political disfranchisement…you get the general idea (Glass Houses and Stones). While not openly supporting Communism, the movement achieved its intended purpose that sought to deflect public criticism. Such arguments, of course, were designed to confuse and win over the naïve and (politically) gullible whose wayside seeds failed to firmly take root. The movement would soon provide legitimacy while running interference for a succession of ruthless dictatorships that gradually emerged throughout the world, including our own hemisphere. Many, like Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega and today, Hugo Chavez, are considered fashionably chic in liberal circles not to mention media darlings of the Left. The latter, its fraternal twin, sought to undermine Western Moral Authority by calling into question the legitimacy or applicability of its (own) moral authority. This juxtaposing of two symmetrical (ideological) positions inserted a ―moral‖ variable of questionable value into the political equation that ultimately achieved its (unspoken) purpose; discrediting Western Values.

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Evil is the corruption of Good. All that God has created is inherently Good, inspired by God‘s (own) Perfect Goodness; that is to say, it would be contrary for anything Evil to proceed from (Principle) Goodness that was not Good in itself. Such an (implausible) event would (otherwise) contradict its (Goodness) essential quality. That God allows Evil to happen, however, should not be confused with His being the cause of Evil. (There is a major difference here!) ―In Him no darkness at all‖ John 1:5.

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An evil (or sinful) act is oftentimes voluntary (on the part of the sinner) however guided by (―involuntary‖) passions whose foreseeable consequences are properly informed by Reason. On the other hand, (Right) Reason would never allow any individual to voluntary seek his or her own (moral or spiritual) corruption without first giving that individual sufficient pause to consider its harmful effects.

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Whatever has been eternally pre-ordained has (already) been revealed by Divine Wisdom inasmuch as anything existing in time eternal, some (future) event, perhaps, already exists, not (will) exist; that is to say, it exists in time as a pre-determined fact or in a manner that is understood within the capacious boundaries of timeless time as already existing.

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Addendum to the above: I am speaking of the (once) was and the (will) become as the present (now); the product of God‘s eternal designs.

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The State of California has taken an certain step backwards in its putative efforts to secure our nation‘s borders when its feckless governor (Davis) signed a bill into law extending driver‘s licenses to illegal aliens. The (official) reason behind this egregious measure was to promote greater visibility and monitoring (read: write up more tickets) of vehicular infractions (not to mention increased revenue accruing from licensing and registration requirements, inspection and other user fees). That illegal aliens continue to routinely 111

flaunt the laws of our land without fear of reprisal is of no immediate concern to some politicians entrusted with the welfare and security of its citizens.

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Common Sense understands intuitively without recourse to Experience.

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Reincarnation: the cycle of birth and death - a regenerative journey in search of (blessed) harmony and peace: How does a (soul) account for (its) historical misdeeds whose antecedents are unknown?

In what manner do ―prevailing‖ moral and spiritual agencies informing the ―good life‖ reconcile contemporary standards lacking (historical) precedence; that is to say, whose identities or stores of knowledge have been irretrievably lost?

What has indeed been assimilated from having lived yet having forgotten all; that is to say, wherein lay the principle examples of forgotten impressions?

That life ends before it really begins; destined to revolve eternally in circles.

That the Wheel of Life appears much too harsh and unforgiving!

More comforting a God whose unlimited wisdom, immeasurable leniency and boundless capacity for forgiveness – we commend our souls.

Inclined to sin – Humankind – forgivable – self - correcting – (through) acts of faith (and) contrition - clemency in proportion to the sincerity of the supplicant‘s request.

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Materialism isn‘t so much a Condition of Wealth as a Condition of Mind.

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We oftentimes hear people say ―I believe that there is ‗something‘ out there‖ (whether ―it‖ be good, bad or indifferent). Such thinking, in my view, sets a disturbing spiritual precedence among ―believers‖ who, having failed to establish a close, personal relationship with God, establish (instead) an unwholesome pattern of skepticism.

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Its elasticity renders the Constitution a ―living‖ organism subject to contemporary interpretations or (the) prevailing temper (moral climate) of modern times.

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Laws, in the absence of binding (principle) origins constitute a transitory, variable system of rules conditioned by current fashions without regard to (the) underlying (moral) assumptions that otherwise provide (customary) perspective to a well-ordered, (continuous) society.

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Whenever legal revisions are inconsonant with the underlying assumptions of Original Intent, such modifications are improperly considered and, in some instances, morally objectionable (Abortion) once their conceptual designs have been improperly compromised or incorrectly interpreted.

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Although laws are not in every respect universally binding, many generally underscore the nature of time-honored (moral) precepts; that is to say, eternal truths and timeless values transcending the limits of parochial custom(s) and tradition(s); whose eternal precedence have been intuitively understood by a (variety) of people among a (variety) of cultures across the course of History.

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―Death is too good for him. He should spend the rest of his natural life rotting behind bars!‖ Such remarks are oftentimes made by opponents of Capital Punishment as a point of convenience; the very same people likely to applaud the compassionate, ―enlightened‖

decisions of (liberal) parole boards who routinely release incorrigible felons otherwise sentenced to serve ―life imprisonment.‖

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There are two forms of bias: The first is inductive, whereby specific premises or assumptions are employed to support some general conclusion about some individual or group: Christians believe in God; therefore all Christians are religious fanatics. The second is deductive, whereby general conclusions (relating to same) are adopted to reach some specific conclusion: Scotchmen are stingy; therefore Tavish MacDougal is a cheapskate.

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Although I am not principally opposed to inter-planetary travel, it would seem that given the number of pressing social and economic issues demanding our immediate attention right here at home, financial resources otherwise allocated to NASA would be put to better use by attending to the requirements of a planet that our progeny will continue calling home for centuries to come rather than exploring (uninhabitable) regions for no apparent reason other than satisfying quixotical designs.

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A Self-Contained Community is unachievable unless Human Nature achieves some measure of contentment.

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Western Democratic Nations have been conditioned by questionable rules of military engagement or ―proper‖ codes of conduct alien to Middle Eastern thinking. Such attitudes must inevitably foster uncertain hardships on our fighting men and women engaged in battle with an enemy untroubled by such scruples.

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Introspection: or Quality Time with Oneself.

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Critical Scrutiny is a necessary requirement in forming a proper Estimate of Things.

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In the absence of absolute standards against which moral questions may be weighed, there can be no compelling argument between Right and Wrong.

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A troubling (social) phenomenon has been gaining momentum in recent years: an increasing Islamic presence within the African American Community whose ―converts‖ generally fall into one of two groups: Its more radical members with traditional ―axes to grind‖ who have lost confidence in the American way of life or notions of a color blind society and a softer version that perceives the Christian Community as an extension of an oppressive ―White Society.‖ In either case, the general impression of unfulfilled promises has sparked defections in favor of a ―religious‖ culture perceived as inclusive (sic) and generally more responsive to the ―spiritual‖

and social requirements of that Community. I do not entertain any doubts on this score, that this movement is politically and socially driven rather than motivated by religious principles although exceptions certainly exist. Although my line of reasoning may appear to be an oversimplification of a complex issue, its basic premise, I believe, contains some measure of truth. Be that what it may, one of the more troubling aspects of this ―apostatizing‖ movement is underscored by its more extreme examples (Nation of Islam) whose members have parted company with America‘s social and religious traditions adopting, in many instances, racist attitudes toward Western Culture that most feel alienated. More troubling, however, has been the emergence of Fifth Columnists who are using our college campuses, correctional facilities and, sadly to say, military establishments as recruiting (indoctrination) centers for advancing racist and anti-American viewpoints. Even more troubling has been the feckless compliance of our political and social leaders who have placed political correctness ahead of common sense by providing fertile training grounds for the ―enemy within.‖ (Lest I come under fire, I am speaking of hard-core elements of which there exists a growing number!)

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A tie, in whatever sporting event, is tantamount to taking one‘s sister to the prom!

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Unless a teacher possesses extraordinary talent and endurance, he or she may only hope to be as effective as his or her ―material‖ will allow.

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A steady stream of visual and graphic designs inevitably reaches a saturation point whereby the natural limits of conscious awareness or sensation are unable to properly absorb or assimilate additional units of (stimuli), unlike the insatiable capacity of one‘s (own) capacious imagination whose extended authority categorically rejects such restrictions.

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There was a time, (certainly before my time), when college professors harboring ―progressive‖ or insurgent designs, teaching in more conventionally-minded (academic) environments, had to raise ―false fronts‖; that is to say, ―operate‖ within the school‘s customary guidelines, in order to ―win‖ students over. The Cultural Revolution and its liberating impact on society altered the social dynamics of our schools and universities in a manner that encouraged its more radical members to step out of the (ideological) closet and freely pursue its anti-Western/ traditional mainstream agenda. Having abandoned all scholarly pretexts, many set off on their self-appointed course that sought to discredit all forms of traditional manners and customs that would eventually leave a moral and intellectual vacuum in its (nihilistic) wake. Such deceptions are no longer necessary in today‘s ―learning‖ environments where the pre-disposing limits and biases of intellectual argument(s) are freely flaunted. I believe that this proselytizing approach to ―teaching‖ and its apparent transparency, however, hasn‘t been lost on a number of critical-minded students who are beginning to take these distorted 113

(historical) mis-characterizations, especially those that falsely represent Western Culture, for what they really are. The emergence of a new, (more) independent minded generation of students has triggered a resurgence of traditional teaching methods and course studies in a number of (private) schools and colleges providing reasonable counter-arguments to out-dated designs while encouraging thoughtful (young) minds to correctly think for themselves.

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The flaunting arrogance of today‘s teachers, themselves victims of social engineering a generation ago, is presently under siege by a new generation of (thoughtful) students who, armed with their own (ideological) arsenal of values, may not be such willing accomplices as their parents. The battle, however, will be hard-fought!

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Addendum to the above: Insert Thinking for ―Thinking‖, for it is certain that many young students of my generation were not properly trained to Think (critically) but to ―Think‖ (―correctly‖), rather.

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Everyone is entitled to his or her (own) points of view provided they do not seek to mis-characterize the opinions of others.

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Cigarette importers in Ireland are required by law to inscribe a warning label on every pack that reads: ―Cigarettes Kill‖. That the Irish Government has no scruples over its unconscionable decision to levy taxes from the sale of a (toxic) product that it ―knows‖ (for certain) is ―definitively‖ lethal exceeds the hypocrisy of its warning labels. In this manner, the practice (of selling cigarettes) arguably constitutes accessory to murder!

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Today the ―One World Alliance,‖ tomorrow the ―Federation of Planets.‖
