Aphorisms and Letters The Grand Experiment—What Went Wrong? A Layman’s Interpretation by Alipio Baldi - HTML preview

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―Equality is a transcendent principle of justice and is therefore rightly regarded as one of the principles of natural law‖ (Reinhold Niebuhr).

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What stands out the most about ‖rising‖ energy costs triggered by rapid population growth and higher standards of living, is that the price of a gallon of gas in ―constant‖ dollars compares quite favorably with what Americans were paying at the pump a half century ago in relation to other commodities and services at that time. One need only compare the increase in gas and oil prices with the rising costs of Education and Health Care over that period to obtain a proper estimate of its comparatively lower cost(s).

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Addendum to the above: Of greater concern to the consumer, however, is, in light of rapidly declining (oil/gas) reserves precipitated by the growing demands of emerging industrialized nations, coupled with our government‘s reluctance to pursue comprehensive energy reform, how much longer will the market will able to ―stabilize‖ prices?

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The NAACP does not properly represent the (mainstream) values of most African Americans. This organization has devolved into a sociopolitical anachronism whose dated agenda is presently designed to frustrate or otherwise confront the efforts of ―right thinking‖

individuals who are gradually emerging within the African American Community. (Read: Conservative Blacks!) Although it is not my intention to marginalize the organization‘s historical importance (or value) for peoples of color, its neo-radical, oftentimes racist agenda has long abandoned its intended purpose of advancing civil rights and equal opportunity in favor of consolidating a political power base in a manner that incorrectly defines the ―needs‖ of its ―constituents‖ by propagating the meanest forms of race-baiting that (otherwise) serve to advance political ambition by fanning artificial expectations that have lost much of their historical relevancy.

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Addendum to the above: Racism exists in American Society; America, however, is not a Racist Nation. (There is a fine line here.) Racism is informed by irrational hatred and fear (which are one and the same) or that which lies in the ―Hearts of Men.‖ Anti-Racism is guided by a higher ―Moral‖ Authority that seeks (ultimate) expression in a society‘s social and political institutions; in its customs and traditions. Whether or not a society has properly fulfilled its moral obligations, however, is questionable in the minds of individuals who believe that that ―society‖ has not gone far enough in fulfilling its intended promises. Such impressions, (oftentimes) guided by (opportunistic) political and social ―leaders‖ harboring a vested interest in maintaining the status quo in order to consolidate their political power base by forging racial alliances designed to sever popular accord, are unlikely to change anytime soon in the absence of alternative, more creditable viewpoints.

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Primitive Cultures possessed an inchoate awareness of its superior (natural) standing vis-à-vis the Beast although such impressions were comparatively intuitive rather than properly informed by ‖reason.‖ Humankind‘s primitive condition was not the inevitable outcome of (essential) designs inasmuch as a starting point in Nature, rather, that would eventually launch its spiritual, moral and rational potential. Free Will is that which separates Man from Beast. The former is informed by Reason and Conscience, the latter, by Instinct. The faculty of Free Will allows Humankind to make (reasonable) decisions. Although the choices that we oftentimes make are the inevitable outcome of Free Will, such decisions, however, are not…inevitable! Unlike the Beast, that lacks a moral directory, Humankind enjoys a variety of moral templates derived from an eternal source. However imperfectly formed in their thinking, primitives were guided by a transcendent moral authority that, however unclear, informed their respective culture(s). These models (I will refer to them as models for purposes of discussion) that serve to properly inform an individual; that is to say, define appropriate rules of conduct, vary in proportion (or meaning) to that individual‘s or society‘s present stage of spiritual, moral and intellectual development. Where the mind is not completely formed (Primitive) or has corrupted itself (Pride) or has been corrupted (Illness or Disease), however, such models may be found lacking ―significant‖ meaning or purpose or otherwise lose their appeal. What ultimately defines an individual‘s (moral) character are the decisions that he or she makes. (This viewpoint is based on the assumption 120

that that individual is able to correctly distinguish between right and wrong) These models are not necessarily mandates (for choice) but guidelines, rather, that provide compelling reasons for making the right decisions to begin with. Neither are these models necessarily intended to encourage ―appropriate‖ conduct that should otherwise be left to Free Will to decide but reflect upon, rather, what is expected from a ―right thinking‖ individual who is morally evolving. An individual who willingly rejects God, however, rejects (His) Natural Law as well. That individual is likely to assign ―good‖ or ―evil‖ as accidents of nature or circumstantial rather than ―things‖ lying within themselves. Such thinking ultimately promotes amoral attitudes that typically characterize all forms of behavior as ―morally‖ neutral. It fails to acknowledge sin as such; although it is willing to entertain forms of appropriate/inappropriate behavior defined by popular customs or manners that (in any event) oftentimes lose their social mandate as arbitrary conventions may vary. This (very) troubling development has provided license to the meanest (latent) tendencies, a Will to Evil justified by the negation of eternal consequence(s). The (critical) assumption of inevitable consequences as they relate to voluntary designs, however essential to the formation of sound moral character, does not predispose a Will to Good; that is to say, Free Will does not dictate the

―Inevitability‖ of Choice. Such choices must be left for the individual to decide.

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My wife (Rose) was recently assigned an audit at a nursing home in the Bronx that is owned and operated by Hassidic Jews. Her pro-offered handshake to one of the facility‘s administrators was politely rebuffed for ―religious‖ reasons. It seems that this gentleman considered shaking hands with a gentile offensive, although he didn‘t express it in quite that manner. Although I genuinely respect religious traditions, I have to confess that his attitude was very troubling to me. I feel that his excessive manner, for whatever reason, represents the meanest form of religious (and social) intolerance. With so much animosity existing in the world today, what can any of us hope for when (extreme) ―religious‖ types, professed followers of God‘s teachings, conduct themselves in such an uncharitable manner!

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The appalling episode at Abu Ghraib was just what the doctor ordered. The general tenor resonating within the liberal community can best be described as ecstatic indignation over the (comparative) mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners of war by over zealous prison guards.

After all, it isn‘t as if these primordial nitwits were guilty of decapitating heads or other unmentionable acts of violence. Nevertheless, such morally reprehensible behavior, that should otherwise offend the sensibilities of any civilized nation, requires a sober assessment of what actually occurred and placing this event in its proper perspective; meting appropriate punishment if warranted. More troubling, perhaps, is the negative impact this incident will have on the war effort at a time when public support appears to be waning.

This unfortunate event— unfortunate because it was morally repugnant—has generated convulsions among antiwar protestors and professional agitators alike who have never properly supported the war effort to begin with. I suppose I should offer some counterarguments with a few observations of my own: How come the deafening silence or lack of righteous indignation over the mistreatment of captured American soldiers and civilians routinely paraded in front of media propagandists, their bodies horribly mutilated before being mercifully put to death? Where is the International Red Cross or Amnesty International that seem conspicuously absent whenever Westerners are mistreated? For what reason our obsessive concern over Saddam Hussein receiving three square meals and proper medical attention or that Afghan detainees at Guantanamo Bay should be issued copies of the Koran and provided legal counsel although nary a peep over the public executions of (American/European) soldiers/civilians that have become common throughout the Middle East and other parts of the world? This consistent pattern of cuddling up to our nation‘s enemies by liberal activists has been well chronicled over the years following the Vietnam War when tears were seldom shed for the many brave young men and women who courageously served their nation in the cause of Freedom.

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A partial truth is an incomplete truth that is an untruth!

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History, as it is presently taught in the classroom, can no longer be properly thought of as History, however civic exercises in political correctness designed to advance society‘s proportional requirements relating to gender and race. I do not mean to imply that America‘s historical evolution was exclusively a White Male phenomenon. A number of women and people of color played prominent roles in shaping the course of our nation‘s history. The rub lies, however, in far-fetched attempts aimed at distorting the commensurable accomplishments of relatively minor historical figures, many of whom do not properly merit their assigned place in history alongside the unquestionable giants of their generation. This by-product of social leveling has precipitated prescriptive efforts by revisionists seeking to recreate or redefine history within retro/present time frames that not only obscure our collective understanding of the events that shaped our nation‘s history, but an understanding of its people, as well. Such is the dire outcome of misdirected atonement!

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I do not subscribe to the idea of Universal Salvation because this viewpoint (necessarily) nullifies eschatological arguments regarding final events that must ultimately stand on an individual‘s own (determined) ―efforts‖; that is to say, subject to final rewards and punishments. On the other hand, it is not for me to speculate the problematical fortunes of others that God (alone) must otherwise determine.

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An individual cannot be saved by ―good works‖ alone. Such works, in whatever (worldly) manner perceived, must be preceded by Faith that is (also) insufficient in itself unless acted upon by God‘s sovereign favor or ‖Grace‖; the final arbiter of Good Intentions.

What is confusing to individuals seeking salvation, is the troubling notion that Grace should be the ―arbitrary‖ by-product of God‘s (purposeful) designs in accordance with His Divine Will and that ―earnest‖ appeals and (hopeful conference) remain an ―uncertain‖

proposition irrespective of our ―worthy‖ actions or ―proven goodness‖. All roads are paved with good intentions. Good Intentions, limited and flawed as they oftentimes are however, are not enough! The believer must (first) place his or her trust in God, alone, who reminds each of us, who are receptive to His Wisdom, that every kindly deed, however ―ordinary‖ or ―exceptional‖, or every Act of Faith, cannot properly achieve its intended fulfillment without God‘s guiding intervention; that is to say, unless properly informed by God. The best of intentions must inevitably come full circle, reverting back to God whose Grace alone is the prerequisite for our salvation; the Beginning and the End of who we are, what we do and how we do it. Grace does not invalidate Free Will that, however expressed in accordance with God‘s (purposeful) designs, allows every individual to charter his or her own chosen course; that is to say, to decide whether to (freely) accept or reject what God expects from each of us or has to offer us if we willingly accept it with an open heart. ―Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you‖. To the Chosen, personal choice becomes involved with God‘s (own) Choice. That many individuals seeking salvation have oftentimes found themselves in a State of Grace at one time or another only to have it rescinded, is a humble reminder of how difficult it is to sustain; a blessing suddenly conferred and taken away just as quickly through spiritual despondency or neglect. Grace is not passive. It must be vigorously courted.

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Sufficiency Ratios relating to Income/Consumption are a function of our accustomed lifestyles. An individual who habitually consumes beyond the limits of his or her (material) resources, however, is unlikely to find any sum sufficient to support a standard of living that extravagant spending oftentimes adopts.

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In any free society, in order for a minority group to achieve a proportionate measure of influence, that group‘s influential or talented members must (first) marshal their collective resources. These resources may be either financial or intellectual. In this (traditional) manner have individual units joined together to form a common body reinforced by a common purpose. In today‘s politically energized environment, however, victimization is found to work just as well.

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Addendum to the above: Convene a number of disaffected groups that effectively eliminate the universal dynamisms that ―alienated‖

such groups to begin with!

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Aristotle once said that the soothing quality of (mellifluous) music exudes a spiritual quality or essence pleasing to the soul; that is to say, spiritually uplifting. That the musical odors indigenous to the culture of his day may very well have produced that desired effect is problematical in our own musically erratic times, however.

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The origin of Modern Conservativism lies in Liberal traditional principles that respected religious and individual freedom and property rights, supported free and open markets, were suspicious of big government and encouraged a strong national defense up until the time a band of influential (socialist) thinkers began embracing centralized forms of government. ―I have seen the future and it works‖ (Lincoln Steffens). That rather conspicuous moment in American History witnessed a troubling transformation in American political thought that subsequently ushered the moral and intellectual decline of traditional liberalism that would (eventually) invest it with an entirely different meaning; not to mention a peevish intolerance for liberal values deemed inconsistent with the emerging New World Order.

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Addendum to the above: Modern Liberalism is driven by a consummate desire to achieve power for its own sake; whereby (political) power no longer constitutes a means to an end but an end in itself. It has adopted, what has been described elsewhere, ―a softer version‖ of Marxism without the brutal trappings along the lines of Bolshevik model. Through a gradual process of social and political indoctrination, sanctioned by legal authority and centralized institutions, its leaders (intelligentsia) have been able to reconfigure the political landscape of our nation in a manner consistent with its intended International Socialistic Agenda.

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Nature, presented to an observer in its (most) primitive, ‖unrefined‖ and starkest form can be both terrifying and wondrous to behold (provided that the observer has sufficient imagination to perceive a diamond in the rough).

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Christ‘s principled teachings are oftentimes questioned by Secularists, Atheists and (nominal) ―Christians‖ alike who routinely disclaim their authenticity by either challenging scriptural interpretations or biblical precedence(s) mentioned in His teachings; that is to say, questioning whether or not Christ specifically said this or said that or whether His (contemporary) followers/biographers simply put words in His mouth in order to lend legitimacy to an incipient religious movement inasmuch as Christ, Himself, never 122

committed anything in writing. It should be understood, however, that Christ made His (revealed) identity the focal point of His teachings supported by the evidence of the many miracles He performed while He was alive and immediately following His ―death‖.

―Even though you do not believe Me, believe the evidence of the miracles, that you may learn and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father‖ (John10:38). It is also important to note that Christ spoke in parables or allegories in order to ―challenge‖ His followers to unravel the essential meaning of His ―simplistic‖ teachings for themselves. The Christian Community has been very fortunate, however, that it was/is able to draw upon a large body of Apostolic Testimonies passed along to the ancient fathers who promulgated the spiritual ―essence‖ of His teachings.

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Addendum to the above: Although Christ never addressed Abortion, at least not to our knowledge, He specifically stated that ―Thou Shall not Kill,‖ a universal precept that any thoughtful Christian understands by association!

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…are in many ways similar to the traditional ethnic gangs common at the turn of, up to around the middle of the twentieth century…

…most of its members who, the by-product of underprivileged or ―entry level‖ environments, alienated from mainstream values and norms that did not seem to provide moral support, sought to forge their own (unique) identities in a manner that provided each a (collective) sense of belonging…however anti-social…

…young men and women trying to find an appropriate niche within artificially conceived environments that provided meaning and self-worth…

…that many would eventually assimilate or simply outgrow their adolescence and become productive members of society…

…today‘s anti-culture(s) is (perhaps) unusual in the manner it (purposely) embraces the lowest common denominator and is (seemingly) unwilling to consider a higher level of (human) achievement…

…another troubling aspect of this ―culture‖ is the seeming inability…or unwillingness of its members to step outside an environment that in some manner has captivated its ―own‖…

…an overlapping of first, second and perhaps third generations that have yet to properly assimilate within the (greater) community…

…(that is to say) particularly striking to the casual observer is an inability to differentiate between generations whose phonic accents and (ethnic) customs and forms seem to suggest an unwillingness to integrate into the mainstream…

…that the fault clearly lies in our social and political institutions that seem more concerned with preserving ―national‖ identities for political reasons rather than escalating, as was once common, a process that gradually encourages the adoption of social and cultural attitudes characteristic of the mainstream society…

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Mixed Emotions consist of (past) recollections, (present) sensations, and (future) premonitions expressed in a single event that produces an inverted humor where laughter becomes mourning and elation, dejection!

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Liberals and (some) Moderate Republicans voicing their opposition over the outsourcing of jobs overseas and its dampening effect on the United States economy should give equal expression (as well) to Illegal Immigration that has similarly produced dire consequences on our domestic workforce; especially among lower wage earners. Perhaps unrestricted immigration should be properly considered a form of inversive (sic) outsourcing?

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Presidential hopeful John Kerry and his Dickensonian running mate, ―A Tale of Two Cities,‖ John Edwards comprise the wealthiest presidential ticket in American History. The former acquired his fortune chasing skirts, the latter, chasing ambulances.

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As America‘s political landscape continues its leftward lunge, Republicans are gradually transforming themselves into Democrats and Democrats into Socialists. Our European ―Allies,‖ conditioned by decades of Euro-Communism, however, have beaten both (parties) to the finish line.

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Abstract Art conveys neither Reality nor Truth. It is a meaningless hodgepodge of (disconnected) images that courts subconscious impressions and private interpretations of what an observer believes he or she sees or tries to see or believes is seen that is oftentimes something other than what is actually seen; that is to say, it indulges an uncertain mood at an uncertain moment of consciousness that produces an uncertain effect on the mind. Representational Art has its own, although not quite as conspicuous, shortcomings, as well.

It merely imitates life in a manner that, however vague, is predicated on pictorial observations combined with (subjective) serial impressions formed by an individual over the course of his or her lifetime; that is to say, based on that individual‘s pre-conceived ideas. The Truth behind what is ―seen‖ or actually ―felt‖ lies somewhere beyond.


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An individual may shape the Future but not the Past. On the other hand, the latter provides instruction for the Present that establishes the guidelines for uncertain (Future) events.

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I would like to propose a hypothetical question to the progressive reader: If given a choice, which of the following options would you choose: having been created in God‘s (own) Image or having descended from the apes? Should you choose the former, how come so many of you are willing to embrace evolutionary arguments that have been widely discredited rather than entertain the Divine Wisdom of scriptural teachings that offer a more plausible explanation for our existence? Why restrict your beliefs to worldly perceptions or ideas encumbered by the limits of your (finite) senses rather than explore the wondrous miracle of the human imagination, both moral and intellectual, or ―a capacity for self-transcendence‖ (Reinhold Niebuhr) uncommon among the Beast?

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Whether a cup is perceived as half full or half empty depends on one‘s point of view…or perhaps on some (undefined) starting point.

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Entitlements are conditioned by the requirements of Diverse Assumption!

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A reliable measure of individual character is a willingness to become ―less‖ of an individual in the service of others. This is correctly understood as addition by subtraction.

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Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society.

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What sets our Nickelodeon Generation apart (in some manner) from prior generations is a troubling disregard for parental authenticity; a legacy passed down to them by their emotionally and morally stunted Boomer Parents whose puerile adolescence and (the) mixed messages conveyed to their offsprings have all but erased the traditional boundaries that formerly defined the (proper) role(s) of parent and child. Their indifferent attitude (at times) has given force to indulgently ―tolerant‖ children, on the one hand, who have grown complacent in their (own) self-assuredness and distracted, fumbling parents who, however well-intentioned, don‘t seem to ‖get it‖.

What goes around comes around, I suppose. Not that such obnoxious attitudes necessarily constitute an open form of rebellion, (although they may), but rather ―good-natured‖ razzing that remains cordial in whatever manner lacking proper respect. Conflicting viewpoints and differences of opinion are perennial rites of passages that typically define traditional parental/child relationships. I am not implying parental infallibility. (Parents can oftentimes learn a lot about themselves by observing their own children.) It‘s the perceived lack of respect or grudging regard for the parent that troubles me the most. Such attitudes can be traced to an ill-conceived leveling of parent/child relationships precipitated by childlike (parental) idiosyncrasies that have (predictably) produced unintended results.

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Specious arguments advanced by women affirming their (legal) right to have an abortion on the (plausible) assumption that it is their body to do with as they please is arguable from the standpoint that a woman, or a man for that matter, is at liberty to jump off a bridge if she or he is so inclined (laws prohibiting suicide notwithstanding) provided that such quizzical decisions are of consequence to themselves, only. Once a woman conceives a child, however, self-rationalization that seeks its (own) moral comfort level is (necessarily) nullified inasmuch as another human life (fetus) is equally entitled to the same legal rights and privileges that that woman claims for herself. Men and women are free to engage in intimate (sex) as it relates to Choice. Either may choose to (mutually) enter into a relationship with another man or woman or partner of choice. Each is at liberty to marry the other provided both parties consent to the marriage. They are (otherwise) free to choose single or (promiscuous) lifestyles or employ precautionary measures against pregnancy…although conservative theologians would properly disagree. Once a child has been conceived as a result of that women‘s private decisions, however, all bets are off. These women are (now) duty bound to uphold the (legal) rights of the child, at whatever stage of his or her development, that that woman otherwise feels entitled to.

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An individual of questionable character, whether conditioned by environmental factors or informed by natural impulses, who commits 124

a crime, must be held accountable for that crime whatever the (underlying) reason, considered apart, as it relates to the commission of a crime. Although causal factors may properly explain the reasons or motives behind some wanton or criminal action, they do not exonerate the consequences of that action, however. It may be correctly argued that although unusual circumstances often give vent to (our) latent tendencies, Reason must necessarily assert itself as the final authority that correctly informs our (potential) actions. Many of us have, at one time or another, faced critical crossroads in our lives; moments of indecision or doubt that challenges the good or the bad in all of us. These defining moments are what ultimately determine our character…..or ability to rise above ourselves!

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Although I remain a staunch proponent of the Rule of law, I hold fast to my belief that the Sanctity of Life is more precious than our legal system has properly envisioned. I find it quite troubling whenever an (activist) judge eagerly concedes the legal ―rights‖ of a terrorist (at the risk of endangering the lives of law-abiding citizens) who would otherwise nullify, without pause, the very laws that he or she conveniently utilizes for his or her own (legal) advantage.

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Christ admonished ―judge not lest ye be judged.‖ He meant that we must not condemn the perceived failings of other people because we too are flawed in our own manner. Therefore, we should never set ourselves up as the final arbiters of other people‘s actions for there is one Judge (only) who will ultimately judge us all! Although I am generally regarded as ―opinionated‖, (Who, Me?) unless otherwise called upon to defend my position on some ―important‖ matter, I am generally inclined to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself; especially as they relate to character assumptions that I may otherwise find (morally) objectionable or indecorous. I would never publicly ridicule or disparage a person‘s character or reputation regardless of my own private opinions about that person. I would not even go so far as to consider that person ―sinful‖ because I too am a sinner! I confess this with ―qualified‖ humility.

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An increasing number of college graduates are gradually filling entry level (corporate) positions traditionally reserved for high school graduates. This is the inevitable outcome of expanding global economies and the pursuit of ch