High-Level Corruption, Cynthia Gabriel's Reception of Death Threats, the Enforced Disappearance & Gruesome Murder of Al by Hakimi Abdul Jabar - HTML preview

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SUARAM released another press statement dated 23 April 2013 :



On 19 April 2013, 2 SUARAM secretariat, and key spokespersons of the Ops Scorpene campaign, Ms Cynthia Gabriel and Ms Fadiah Nadwa, went on an urgent mission to PARIS at the request of SUARAM's French lawyers, William Bourdon and Apoline Cagnat.

The two judges in charge of the case Roger LeLoire and Serge Tournaire, have been following recent new information offered by various persons on the death of Altantuya Shaaribuu.

The brief mission discussed the following details:

1. Important revelations on the deepening role of Najib Razak in the SCORPENE Scandal and the brutal murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.

2. New and damning revelations surrounding the SD1 and SD2, the testimonies of the late PI Bala shortly before his death, on Najib's and his family members direct hand in the controversy and the further revelation of lawyer Americk Sidhu at the Malaysian BAR AGM 16th March 2013.

3. The lead judge in the ongoing inquiry Roger Le Loire has requested further information on how the recent testimonies will impact upon the ongoing investigations. The French courts have now extended its investigations into circumstances that led to her death, and especially if Najib had abused his powers as then Deputy Prime Minister to cover the truth behind the brutal death of Altantuya.

4. Ongoing investigations some of which are completely confidential and are awaiting the green light from the judge before it gets to the public domain hopefully in the coming days.


1. Our lawyers have submitted to the judge, the latest developments, suggesting strong elements of acts of criminality under the Penal Code including criminal intimidation and obstruction of justice by Najib in instructing for the SD2 to be formulated, for the fabrication of lies and untruths without the consent of PI Bala.

1. 2 new witnesses will be subpoenaed urgently. The first is senior lawyer Americk Sidhu (PI Bala's lawyer) followed by Cecil Abraham. We note that the Bar Council has just a few days ago reported that they have referred Cecil Abraham to the Advocates & Solicitors Disciplinary Board for misconduct.

2. At least two other fresh exposes will be made in the coming weeks, pending approval from the judge.



French prosecutors found prima facie evidence to investigate alleged improprieties against French naval shipbuilder DCNS over its sale of two Scorpene submarines to the Malaysia in 2002. Judges Roger Le Loire and Serge Tournaire have been entrusted to oversee the case at the Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance.

SUARAM has been made a civil party to the ongoing inquiry, which commenced on 16 March 2012. The two judges are designated to investigate the (alleged) misuse and mismanagement of funds amounting to more than 114.9 million Euros or RM 540 million ringgit.

We thank our lawyers and judge Le Loire for their diligence in pushing open the ongoing inquiry onto new levels, where the investigations will now focus on Najib as a key personality in trying to cover up the death of Altantuya Shaaribuu, and his deepening role in the Scorpene Scandal.

Thank You

Cynthia Gabriel

Fadiah Nadwa

Released by,



In an ensuing SUARAM PRESS RELEASE dated 3 May 2012 : http://www.suaram.net/?p=3276



In the continuing saga of the Ops Scorpene campaign, SUARAM is here today to reveal to you further findings of the ongoing investigations of the French inquiry.

As was reported, the SUARAM delegation comprising Kua Kia Soong, Cynthia Gabriel and Fadiah Nadwa, returned after a successful trip to Paris, and a hearing before judge Roger Le Loire, one of the two Instruction Judges assigned to oversee the French inquiry