High-Level Corruption, Cynthia Gabriel's Reception of Death Threats, the Enforced Disappearance & Gruesome Murder of Al by Hakimi Abdul Jabar - HTML preview

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SUARAM & Cynthia Gabriel have been vindicated for their vigorous endeavours.

Lastly, the facts based on the above articles are lucidly clear and simple :

1) Altantuya Sharibuu was Razak Baginda's lover/mistress,

2) Razak Baginda was the close confidante & adviser to Najib Razak, the then Defence Minister in the procurement of the Scorpene submarines,

3) According to reports by the French newspaper Liberation, Altantuya found out that one of the parties involved in negotiations, a Spanish company Armaris, had paid out the commissions of 114 million euros for the deal (reportedly one billion euros or RM4.7 billion for the purchase of three submarines). The commission was credited into the accounts of a company controlled by Razak, Perimekar.

4) The ABDUCTION & GRUESOME MURDER/KILLING of Altantuya Sharibuu, was committed by TWO (2) Convicted Killers, Police Bodyguards to the then Deputy Prime Minister & Defence Minister, the present Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak.

5) THE ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCE & GRUESOME MURDER/KILLING OF ALTANTUYA SHARIBUU, was committed by TWO (2) Convicted Killers, Police Bodyguards to the then Deputy Prime Minister & Defence Minister, the present Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak.

Thus, the indictment of the arms maker shows that Suaram’s suspicion of commissions paid to Malaysian officials in the Scorpene deal is well founded and vindicates SUARAM.

The Scorpene submarines scandal involving suspected commissions paid to Malaysian defence officials in the French submarines sale in 2002 has finally surfaced in the French court with a first indictment issued against the former boss of an international subsidiary of Thales, suspected of having corrupted then defence minister and the present Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak.

Bernard Baiocco, the former president of Thales International Asia (Thint Asia) was indicted before magistrate Roger Le Loire on 15 December or “active bribery of foreign public officials” including Najib Razak, then minister of defense, and one of his advisers, Abdul Razak Baginda, according to the news agency AFP.

The former boss of Thint Asia, together with the Directorate of Naval Construction (DCN) who made the submarines, was also indicted for complicity in misuse of corporate assets.