If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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Public education works best when all control is at the local level (state, county and town/city). Because this is true there will be no Federal control of education in the RNA unlike in the U.S. where the NEA, the teachers Unions places demands on schools through the Department of Education to push their left leaning liberal agendas. Schools that do not go along usually loose Federal funding.

There will be no teacher *union interference in what is taught. What is taught will be decided by the state/local governments, the school board, the parents and teachers. (PTA).

*There will be no need for unions. The State government, where the school is located, will represent the teacher if a dispute should arise. The teacher will also have a right to a court hearing if need be, plus the teacher can elevate the case to the Federal Government if necessary. If teachers wish to form a union, it's their right to do so.

Here in the Republic of New America we want our children to be Educated Not Indoctrinated.

All types of schools are welcomed in the RNA: Public (funded by the state, county and city), home school (funded by the parent), private (you pay) or religious (you or the church pay).

Higher education (Collages, Universities, and Vocational Technical) can be public, private, or religious ran without interference from the Federal Government.

Let's start by talking about Vocational/Technical education. I feel this form of education is neglected and sometime look down upon by the government of the U.S. Leaders there say everyone should get a college education. It's about money and power. They know a mechanic, factory worker, etc. doesn't need an education that places the student and parents in financial debt for a lifetime. An education that doesn't teach the skills needed by these workers, but what it does teach (in most cases) is liberalism because most of the professors are liberals who will shape young minds into their own image.

Vocational education is a must and will be encouraged in the RNA. The students graduating from these vo-techs will repair and build our cars, airplanes, houses, roads, etc. In other words “they build a nation". Some of these students will become care givers, nurses, cooks, chefs, accounts, bookkeepers, truck drivers, electricians, etc.

Colleges and Universities are also a must. This is where most of our leaders will come from. The problem with most colleges and universities in the U.S. is that they spend more time indoctrinating the student instead of educating them. This is because most professors are liberals. Many of these liberal professors are so far left that they teach and preach how Socialism/Marxism is superior to Capitalism (I'm not talking about crony government capitalism) and how this should be the path these students (the future leaders) should take the U.S. down. Students that believe this crap are idiots. They should stop and think "here is a professor making a large 6 figure income under Capitalism yet he/she tells me Socialism is better". I wonder how much he/she would make in Socialist Cuba". Students/Parents wise-up. If you are attending a Collage or University with a professor who is indoctrinating instead of educating LEAVE find a better place where there is real education.

In the RNA our teachers will be very well paid. With good pay should come good results so there will be testing (Done by the State) to ensure that teachers are teaching and students are learning according to State standards. These State standards will also apply to private, religious and home schooled students.

I cannot give you more detail in regard to the education system of the RNA because this will be decided locally by the people of each State. I do wish for a very high standard of education so that the people of the RNA will be the best educated people in the world. I believe, to achieve this, all of this liberal bull, such as political correctness (a system to control speech, designed to shut up those that liberals don't agree with) must go. I believe teachers should have equal rights to a teaching job and that this should be decided on merit, not politics. I believe teachers should educate not indoctrinate (to the left or right). No parent wants their child brain washed. In the public schools (grades 1-12) I would like to see a 11 month school year. One month is plenty of vacation time when combined with holidays. In the U.S. where there is only a 9 month school year. Students are falling far behind the rest of the industrialized world and I don't wish for this to happen in the RNA. Another reason students in the U.S. are falling behind is the lack of discipline in their schools. Students are beating up teachers. How can a teacher that fears for his or her life teach? How can the other students learn? Why have they let bullies take over their schools? This will not be tolerated in the RNA. These bullies will be sent to a Reform School.