If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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Questions &  Answers


This book has been proofed read by my loving family, friends and pundits. They had many questions so I thought I would answer them in a question and answer format instead of trying to include their questions and my answers into the text of the book.


Q= In your section on Taxes, where you explains Flat Taxes, you said the tax is on income or the money you live on. I don't understand why you say "the money you live on"? What does this mean?

A= Some people own their own business and could say "I don't have a salary so I owe no taxes" or "I lost money this year thus I owe no taxes," when in fact this person lived on something. He or she bought groceries, paid rent or mortgage, car payments, utility bills, etc. To keep this person from not paying his or her fair share of taxes I added the “money you lived on" to the tax code. Everyone lives on something paid for with money (or other precious goods) so everyone has to figure out how much he or she spent each month to live on and pay his or her taxes. EVERY ONE!


Q= You say there will be no taxes on businesses. Does this mean CEO's will not have to pay taxes.

A= Everyone who has a income has to pay taxes. This income could be money or anything of value (stocks, bonds, gold, etc.) rendered for services or they have to pay taxes on the money they live on. The businesses (company, store, corporation, etc.) in the RNA will not be taxes for the privilege of doing business in the RNA as is done in the U.S. The CEO will definitely have to pay his/her 20% just as everyone else.


Q= Why aren't CAT I criminals incarcerated? You only talk about fines or community service for these folks.

A= Unlike in the U.S. I prefer not to lock these people up unless absolutely necessary. If I do, they will probably lose their job because they will miss work while incarcerated. It would cost the tax payers more (housing and food) plus be a large burden on law enforcement because some small towns might not have a jail (guarding and transporting them). These citizens function better when they keep their jobs and stay at home. No one should lose a job for a misdemeanor unless they force it upon themselves. I give them a choice, pay a fine or work or go to a CAT II prison.


Q= You say nothing about Political Parties in your section titled, Government.

A= I feel they could become evil, because the party in control will eventually see it's self as being more important than the Nation. Once a political party gets complete control they will rule like dictators, the National Socialist German Worker's Party (aka the Nazi Party) is a good example of this. Our founding father never wanted political parties. He knew things would come unraveled if one party got complete control. This may happen in the U.S.

As a free nation, political parties are allowed in the RNA but I hope the people are smart enough to be leary of them and avoid voting for any candidate belonging to a political party. Since all voting in the RNA starts locally it will be hard for any political party to have much power.

Here is what President George Washington said about political parties:

“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying after wards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”


Farewell Address, September 17, 1796


Q= Why don't you like Unions?

A= For the same reasons I don't like political parties. Once a union gets complete control of a company the union bosses will dictate how the company should be ran. They put the union before the workers and the company the workers are working for, soon, very soon the workers are not working at all. I realize there is some good unions. I realize that at one time the U.S. workers were treated terribly and unions saved many of them. I feel I have protected the worker adequately in this Right To Work Nation (RNA). However if someone wants to unionize there is no one stopping them.


Q= Who will run the CAT II and CAT III prisons.

A= They will be ran by the Federal Government. I can hear it now "But John, I thought you believed in State Rights?" I do! The State will have the right to decide who is a CAT II or CAT III criminal and how much time this person should serve, and then the Federal Government will deal out the Justice. I would like to see this contracted out to keep the federal work force as small as possible.

There will be one prison built in each State by the Federal Government and ran by the Federal Government. The reason for handling crime this way is that for every State, to have to pay for a prison would financially burden that State (less services for its law abiding citizens). Cities will still need jails to hold those awaiting trial or being held for misdemeanor but a large burden will be lifted off of the backs of its citizens. Yet another reason for this is that it simplifies recycling since the Federal Government will be handling recycling (remember the black trash bags) with prison labor. And still another reason is the fact that the Federal Government will be more financially able to do this because of the 5% Import fee, it will collect.


Q= What kind of work will prisoners in a CAT II and a CAT III prison do.

A= They will do everything that is needed to keep the prison running. (cook, clean, laundry, grow food, canning, raise livestock, build thing to sell, etc.). One of their primary duties will be trash recycling (remember the white and black trash bags). They will separate the white and black trash bags. They will then separate what is in the black bags by category (steel/tin cans, paper/cardboard, aluminum, Styrofoam/plastics) and place each into its dumpster. The white bags will be incinerated in a flash furnace (waste to energy furnace) (environmentally friendly). The heat produced will be used to make steam, to turn a turbine generator, which will produce electricity for the prison. We will not be burying our trash into the soil (landfills).


Q= You never say what will happen to Juveniles who commit crimes in the RNA?

A= They will be housed in the Federal Prison in the State they committed the crime in. The prison will have a section just for them (secured from the adults). Max age for a juvenile will be 17 years. If time still remains on the sentence when 18 years of age is reached this person will be moved to the adult section of the prison. Movement may be needed at a younger or older age, if the warden deems this necessary. This juvenile section of the prison will be ran as a Reform School. Here young offenders can get a second chance to fit in to society.

Reform School: Correctional institution for the treatment, training, and social rehabilitation of young offenders.


Q= Why do you insist on the States being so powerful?

A= I believe in State Rights just as our founding fathers. They knew that a centralized government usually ends in the loss of individual rights. Also, isn't it easier to get to your State Capital than to your Federal Capital? The people at your State Capital will be more likely to listen to you because you have more of an effect on his/her salary? With each State trying to be better (I Hope) than the other States you have competition between them. Competition makes a win win for the government and the people. The State that treats its people the best will have the most people thus the most tax revenue.


Q= You keep mentioning Polluting. You even tell private property owners what to do in regard to Polluting. In my view this is somewhat dictatorial.

A= I believe what I ask for regarding the environment, from the people of the RNA is a fair price to pay for the low taxes and other freedoms offered by the RNA. When just one person pollutes our air, water, or soil it affects all of us. Example: The air we breathe is shared by all of the citizens. One person (company, etc.) should not be and will not be allowed to affect the quality of life of others.


Q= In your section on utilities you never addressed street lights and traffic lights. Without power lines how will these be powered?

A= There is two ways this can be done. An underground electrical wire can be ran from the business/resident closes to the lights (with the owner’s permission) to power conventional street lights and traffic lights. The City could reimburse the owner for the electricity. The second way is to put up lights that are powered from solar panels. You would still need poles but no overhead wires. The home owners could also power their yard/street lights using one of these methods.


Q= Why is there no Property tax? I don't think you are collecting enough taxes and a Property tax will bring in a lot of money.

A= Yes it would. I feel this and the death taxes are the most unfair taxes of all. A Property tax is so unfair because when government wants more money they always go after increasing Property taxes. Once placed on the ballot every property owner (the few) will vote against it and every non property owner (the many) will vote for it. The many wins every time because they don't care how much these taxes go up, because they have no skin in the game, but it's no game, because these taxes continue to rise until the property owner loses everything. Property tax like the Death tax is wealth distribution (Communistic). Both are unjust and criminal and I will not allow criminal activity to exist in the RNA.

"Government is instituted to protect property of every sort .... This being the end of government, that is NOT a just government,... nor is property secure under it, where the property which a man has ... is violated by arbitrary seizures of one class of citizens for the service of the rest."

~James Madison


Q= Why aren't Leaders in the RNA not picked by an Electoral College System, like in the U.S.? The people don't have a direct vote in choosing their leaders in your system of Government.

A= It's a Representative Republic where the citizens elect the people that they feel are the most qualified to represent them. It is 1000 times more fair than a system where one candidate can get only one more vote than his/her opponent, yet get every Electoral Vote the State has - 49.99 % of the voters in that State, lost their vote. What a sham! Then the person casting the Electoral vote on behalf of this State can still vote as he or she pleases. Another Sham! My system doesn't require billions upon billions of dollars in campaigning, where the candidate who tells the most lies wins. My system does not divide a Nation. My system isn't prone to rigged elections or news media propaganda.


Q= You never mention unemployment benefits.

A= Because there isn't any. If you lose your job, go get another one. This may sound heartless but this country is set up so there will be too many employers wanting employees, thus competition for employees which equals jobs with better pay. You should have money saved back to get you by until you find a job (20% savings encouraged and they are tax free). Some insurance companies offer policies that pay when you are out of work but you have to purchase these when working.

Your family and friends or church could help you between jobs. (never burn bridges).


Q= You said the Constitution for the RNA will be written by the House of State Representatives from the original U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. Will all Amendments be kept? If not, which ones will go?

A= Since I will not be writing it (I will leave this to smarter men and women than me) I can only tell you what I would like to see. I want our constitution to come from the best parts of each document. I want special attention paid to the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments of the Constitution). The first, second and fourth Amendments are absolute keepers. Some of the others will need their wording changes to apply to the RNA. There are many Amendments I want gone, for instance: The 17th (we will have no Senators) the 20th (election of a president) the 22nd (terms of presidents) the 23rd (Electors, not needed) the 24th (right to vote for president, etc.) We have no president only Leaders, the 25th (Removal of the president from office. This does not apply). There are more of them but I think you get the point.

The Constitution of the RNA will include this very important part of the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men (women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” If these words were in the U.S. Constitution and if they were believed and lived, then just maybe, there would have been no Slavery, no Hate, and no Discrimination. Read it again, see the first part it says (self-evident that all men and women are created equally). With this added to the Constitution of the RNA no equal rights amendment will be needed.


Q= What will happen to the mental impaired? How will they be treated?

A= This may sound cruel but the ones who are criminally insane will not be accepted as citizens. To accept these folks will put a real big burden on a new country. The first thing that would happen is that other countries would dump their criminally insane on us; we would be inheriting another countries problem. This is what happened in the U.S. when President Carter told Castro he would accept his political prisoners. Instead of political prisoners Castro dumped his mentally criminally insane on the U.S.

Now to answer your question: If a citizen of the RNA is mentally and/or physically impaired with no danger to society they will be treated as other citizens. They could attend special classes in schools just for them. They could live with their families. Special training will be available to them. Special Olympics will be available for them to participate in. These are special people. I have seen the unique skills they possess in action.

Now for citizens of the RNA who are mentally challenged but turn criminally insane (for whatever reason) these folks will be housed in either the CAT II or CAT III section of the prison depending on the crime they are convicted of. There will be a special section of the prison (secured from the rest) for these folks. Those in a CAT II prison who can be rehabilitated will be released under supervision back into society, once their term is served. Those in a CAT III prison will never be released back on the people. In the U.S., because of bleeding heart liberals and the ACLU suing those wanting to keep these people locked-up, they are set free to do as they please. I remember a time when the criminal insane was incarcerated for life in the U.S. and the people were safe from this evil. For you Progressives who doubt it, EVIL does EXIST!


Q= What if one of the States go rogue and starts governing against the wishes of its people?

A= I would hope the people of this State would be so involved in their government (not get lazy) to never let it get this far. If this did happen the 5 Federal leaders with the House of Representatives would have to decide on a plan of action (majority rule) to stop this. What action they take will depend on the situation.


Q= How will you finance the RNA? Will you use U.S. dollars.

A= I hope good people around the world (after reading this book) who want true freedom and liberty for themselves, their family, their children and their grandchildren would contribute money. No favors would be given for this money.

We will gladly accept contributions from citizens of any country. These funds will be used to buy gold. This gold will be stored in RNA's Capital City (Liberty City) in a very highly secured vault.

We will print money according to the *gold on hand. Yes our money, unlike most money around the world, will be backed by *gold. We will not be printing money out of thin air as is done in the U.S. This practice will eventually make the dollar there worthless.

There will be no coins minted, just the printing of paper money (coins are too expensive to mint). The money will be called Liberty Dollars. They will be printed in 1/4, 1/2, 1, 5, 10, 20, 100, and 1000 dollar denominations (a different color for each denomination).

Some of the money that comes into the RNA will also be used for the purchase of Land (our country), Infer-structure (Interstates, roads and bridges, and other structures needed to build a country). Private Citizens and industry will build the rest, at no cost to the citizens of the RNA.

Every dollar that comes in, for the creation of the Republic of New America, will be accounted for. (I need some very honest bookkeepers). Note: Don't send money until instructed to do so.

*Gold or precious metals or stones.


Q= I see you said that there will be no taxes on hunting or fishing licenses. Does this mean that no licenses will be needed to hunt or fish in the RNA?

A= Only on private property (this is up to the property owner). The RNA is a States Rights Nation so the State will decide if a license to hunt or fish (or whatever) will be needed on State Property and that State may or may not require a fee for this. The no federal taxes on these licenses stand.

It is up to the people, through their Statesmen, to decide how they want their State ran (not mob rule). Personally I am somewhat a libertarian on what's allowed under the law. But I am very much in favor of personal responsibility. Here is an example: You use a mind altering substance (legal or illegal) and hurt or kill someone who was not trying to harm you...THEIR DEATH IS YOUR FAULT!. Don't blame the substance, society, the devil or God. You are totally responsible for your actions.

If the substance was also illegal in your State, then you have another problem on top of the one you already have. Stay out of trouble by being responsible. (Well, I got off of the subject again)


Q= Why are finger prints and DNA required for Citizenship? This bothers me.

A: I thought long and hard on this but finally decided that if everyone in the country was finger printed and a DNA profile was done, citizens with hate in their heart might think twice before committing a crime. Crimes could be solved easier, whereas in the U.S., too many crimes go unsolved because the criminal's DNA or finger prints are not on file. Also DNA could be used to head off some diseases thus saving lives. I want no one to be wrongly  accused of murder so I believe that the more evidence available the less likely this will happen. DNA could just as easily prove innocent, as it can prove guilt.

Protecting DNA and finger prints will be the responsibility of the Federal Government with States oversight. This has to be done in a very secure building at the National Capital. The Forensic experts that work in this building have to be trustworthy and very well trained. No DNA will ever be allowed to leave this building. When a crime (murder, etc.) is committed DNA samples, Finger prints, or any other evident the State wishes examined will be sent to the Federal DNA Lab. Results will be sent back to the State. In a murder trial the defendant has the right to always have a independent lab (second opinion) do a DNA work-up. The government will not pay for this work-up.


Q= I see that you approve of the death penalty for hideous crimes.

Don't you know that the death penalty doesn't deter crime?

A= Yes it does! The person put to death for a hideous crime will never kill again, and again, and again. The death penalty stops repeat offenders which accounts for over 60% of crimes in the U.S. You can't fix evil, only eliminate it.


Q= I own a grocery store. If I live on the food in my store won't this be one item I will not have to pay taxes on?

A= You bought the food for resale but now you are using it for your own existence. This makes it "money you are living on" because you paid money for the food. Technically this should be included in your monthly taxes. By not including it you will probably never get caught. A Representative Republic can only exist when its citizens are moral and honest.

Tax in the RNA is low. The tax system relies on honesty. It's not worth a charge of tax evasion and years of hard labor in a CAT II prison if convicted.


Q= I don't like the way you handle health care. Some people really cannot afford health care Why not have something similar to Obama Care (the Affordable Health Care Act) ?

A= I tell you, Obama Care will destroy health care in the U.S. It is UN-affordable plus it was never about health care anyway, only about control (to force the U.S. Into single payer health care). The fact that no Republicans (even the liberal ones) voted for it should be enough proof. Not convinced! Here is more proof. There are over 2000 pages to hide its real agenda and over 41 new taxes hidden in those pages. There are over 16,000 new regulations hidden in those pages. The cost is over one Trillion Dollars per year and still climbing. I could give you even more proof that this is about Government (democrat) control of your health thus your life but I will not because if you aren't convinced by now then you are a Zombie and beyond my ability to help you.

It would have been less expensive (way less expensive) to give each family needing health care in the U.S. a $5000 voucher and let them buy (with tax payers money) their own health care from a list of approved providers. The reason this wasn't done is no 2000 pages, no hidden taxes, no hidden regulations, no trillion dollars spent, less Government control.


Q= You say the RNA is a Christian Nation, yet you let all in, why?

A= I am sure there is a lot of good people who aren't Christian, that yearn for freedom from excessive oppressive government. I believe these people would make good citizens. Who knows, by example (not coercion) they might (their decision) also make good Christians. Where Religion is concerned you first have to change a person's heart before you can change that person's mind.


Q= I like your idea about each resident having 1/2 acre and their own electric power unit, water well, and septic system but how will the home owner pay for all of this.

A= They could finance these things with the purchase of the home.

To keep the cost down a less expensive home could be built. I for one don't care how much home someone has as long as they can pay for it (not the tax payers). Face it - many homes in the U.S. are over built. For instance the roof systems on these homes are so large, with so much wood used that another house could be framed from the wood saved if a truss roof system was used. I know of a way to build a home using papercrete (a mixture of paper and cement) for around fifty thousand dollars that would be equivalent to a one hundred thousand dollar home in the U.S. This type of home built on a concrete slap will use a 6 inch outer wall. A trussed roof system (the strongest and least expensive) covered with metal. The outside walls are stucco. I would like to see alternative homes built in the RNA. This is not allowed in most places in the U.S. I want innovation for my country. However each State will be required to have a building code, one open to new ideas with logical engineering standards. Without a building code you end up with slums.


Q= How long will the electric power units you speak of work?

A= Similar units that run on diesel (costly and dirty) runs 24 hours per day for 10 years with only oil and filter changes. Such a unit running on Natural Gas will run quieter, cooler, cleaner, and longer without expensive filters needed. The technology to do this exists now but powerful forces in the U.S. don't want this done.


Q= Who will pay the salary of the State Representatives (SR's)?

A= They will be paid by the State they represent. I do not want Representative's salary paid by the Federal Government because I don't want the Federal Government having leverage over them and I definitely don't want them deciding their own salaries, benefits, and pay increases as is done in the U.S.

While we are on the subject of pay I believe the Statesmen should be paid by the county that elected him or her.


Q= I looked up Progressives on the internet and can't find much wrong with how they Governed when they came to power in the early 20th century.

A= If you look in the right places (places that haven't been white washed) you will find that Progressive Leaders were anti-individual rights, anti-property rights, anti-Constitution, anti-States rights but pro big government control. They also gave us the Federal Reserve because they knew if they could control the money they could control the people. Woodrow Wilson once said “Give me control of the people's money and I will control the people”. They have tried with great success to belittle the founding fathers time and time again. They are elitist who believe they know what is best (to hell with the Constitution). These leaders will do anything to stay in power!

"One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them".

~Thomas Sowell


Q= The Creed of the RNA or at least some of it comes from a Liberal. How can you use it as the creed for a Conservative country?

A= Yes, parts of the Creed was written by Dean Alfange who was a 1920's Liberal. At least that is what is said on the internet about him. After reading some of his writings, he sounds more Libertarian than Liberal. Modern day Liberals would never have written such a creed. It is totally opposite of what most Liberals, Progressives, Socialist and Marxist believe.

According to Wikipedia, the Honorable Dean Alfange was an American statesman born December 2, 1899, in Constantinople (now Istanbul Turkey). He was raised in upstate New York. He served in the U.S. Army during World War I and attended Hamilton College, graduating in the class of 1922.


Q= You call the Government a Federal Government why not call it a National Government like it is often called in the U.S.?

A= You find liberals and the like calling the U.S. Government a National Government, this is in opposition to the U.S. Constitution, just as they call the U.S. a Democracy, when it is actually a Republic. It's an effort to make the Constitution less relevant. For the most part it has worked because the difference is not taught in U.S. schools.

Nationalism: is the National government knows best and should supersede the states laws and regulations.

Federalism: is the Federal government has their set of responsibilities and rights, but the States should have their own sovereignty to define their own laws for those things not addressed by the Constitution specifically.


Q= Will the Federal Government run the mail system?

A= I would rather see this done by a private company such as FedEx, UPS, etc. For the Federal Government to get involved in this would tax a new Nation to the max. What happens with mail and package delivery will be up to the people.


Q= How do you feel about the citizens owning guns?

A= I am pro Second Amendment, thus I am for law abiding sane citizens owning guns. I do believe that for a citizen to carry a gun in public (conceal or open carry) some type of training and a permit should be required. I hope the NRA (National Rifle Association) would be very active in the RNA. They have some of the best gun safety classes on the planet. It all boils down to Safety and Personal Responsibility. With freedom comes responsibility.

"Weapons are the tools of power. In the hands of the state, they can be the tools of decency or the tools of oppression, depending on the righteousness of that state. In the hands of criminals, they are the tools of evil. In the hands of the free and decent citizen, they should be the tools of liberty. Weapons compound man's power to achieve whatever purpose he may have. They amplify the capabilities of both the good man and the bad man, and to exactly the same degree, having no will of their own. Thus, we must regard them as servants, not masters and good servants of good men. Without them, man is diminished, and his opportunities to fulfill his destiny are lessened. An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it."

~ Col. Jeff Cooper


Q= Will there be an IRS or Federal Reserve in the RNA.

A= No need for either. Since there will be no tax deductions allowed and since there will be no payroll withholdings I see no need for an IRS. Just think of it, no harassment of some, no rewards to others. WOW a fair tax system plus millions of dollars saved by the taxpayers. However some State agency might be needed to keep tax cheats in-line. As far as the Federal Reserve (private bank) is concerned I don't know what they do for the U.S. anyway, except manipulate the money supply to favor some and punish others. Why would we want this?

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

~Thomas Jefferson in The Debate Over

the Recharter of the Bank Bill (1809)


Q= Under Health care you mentioned competition between pharmaceutical. How would you get these companies to compete?

A= In the U.S. Pharmaceutical companies are granted 20