Managing Fighting Forces: DDR in Peace Processes by Kelvin Ong - HTML preview

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Prepare to Engage


Mediators should be familiar with the concept and objectives of DDR.


The key contribution of a DDR program is its ability to open political and security space for other (unarmed) actors to participate in the postconflict political process. By doing so, a DDR program establishes an environment in which former conflict parties can make progress on more difficult political fronts, in particular power sharing and constitutional reform. Although a DDR program can make critical contributions to security and stability in postconflict situations, it focuses on achieving limited objectives and is imperfect in its implementation. Nevertheless, there is tremendous flexibility in DDR's terminology and application and, if it is managed properly, a DDR program can improve the prospects for a lasting peace. In this regard, six dimensions of DDR are particularly important for mediators to understand.


DDR Is Only One Security Instrument


DDR is only one security instrument for conflict parties to use to manage their fighting forces. Others include cease-fire arrangements, the early demobilization of child soldiers, priority release of abducted and forcibly recruited combatants, co-option of armed opposition groups, disbandment of fighting forces (sometimes without support packages), integration into existing security forces, and broader security sector reform (SSR). Depending on the conflict, some or all of these activities may be necessary, and many are undertaken within the political and security framework established at peace talks by the negotiating parties. Other related programs that address the collection of weapons at the community level and societal reconciliation may be established outside the framework of the peace agreement. The selection of activitie