Me and my friend President Obama by Peiman Ghasemi - HTML preview

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Espionage doesn’t have any meaning for those who are not clever nor trained, but it’s a beauty dirty play and going to make a scream like the scream of a pregnant mother behind micro monitor for who is clever and who is a professional hunted medic like you. Bestowment bet betide betrayal better betting shop (Bill Gates note for this book)

My life is full of espionage and political memories because of when I started my political activities and when I started to fight for freedom of people, I was only 14, a teenager boy. During that moment of time I was listening to radio news and music which western governments were broadcasting to public in Middle East against the dictator regimes but I gained a little knowledge about the policy of these regimes; I had not read some books like The Prince9, Intelligence Analysis: A Target-Centric Approach10, The Road to Serfdom11, I had not skimmed the texts of Sun Tzu12, etc. I was not an agent and I was a young boy who was not even investigative like the journalisms at first but a naughty American patriot who tied a headband with American eagle which was painted on US flag on my head to satisfy my passion to our American dream; then I became more clever naughty and investigative university student which caused that I got tortured extremely hard. They sent EMP (electrical shock) on my testis13, I got radiation to my chest and some kind of other secret harmful radiations to my neck and my backbone and my brain14 but people are not aware of that the United States has some kind of cooperation with some Islamic regimes.

Likewise what you read at the first paragraph of this introduction, my life is full of espionage and political memos but I going to write a book which a variety of audience enjoy to read, not a heavy book which dulls your brain. I got born and grown-up in Iran, traveled to Philippines and Russia then I became a UN refugee in Turkey. I could write a fiction book15, but I decided to write a nonfiction book and I describe the realities to researchers who like to learn more about parts of my life and the president Obama’s life, for those who heard my name but like to gain more knowledge about me and also about what happened recently in Iran, Israel, England, Turkey, France, Russia, and the relations and the affections of their policy on Americans’ policy and the relations and affections of Americans’ policy on their policy and diplomacy; a limited but a concise part of our private communications and what we did behind the closed doors to change the course of the world.

When I was out of money and food and my muscles were shaking during the night because of the cold weather, like what I wrote to many organizations and also to many governmental agencies “when I ask for job, people laugh to me.” But during these moments of times US president Barack Obama gave me an honor! CIA Public Affairs (through a secret and coded conversation) had approved me as an E-5 secret agent (Sergeant) of US Marine Corps to continue my cooperation (which I started many years ago) with them (with CIA) but it was for free still. Suddenly (a few month later) they approved me as an O-1 and then an O-2 secret agent (First-Lieutenant US Marine Corps). It was exactly when some others decided to kill me for what I did before! Many months passed and I completed writing this book but I was with no home still, my citizenship is delaying yet and there is a month that I could not take a shower yet! And if the big-brother took care of me not to let someone torture me using the classified methods of exposure what the governments will describe more about them during the next decades and during the next centuries, the weaponry systems what a very few nations began to use them about the 1966 (about 1960-1970 until now), and it facilitated by the UK-USA Security Agreement and specially the Great Britain and America by foundations what Winston Churchill made inside of a scientific and technological agreement with our country for us, so I could have a fine situation without stress and free of fear about the tortures! The big brother is an idiom which at first George Orwell used in his book “1984”16 to describe top-ranked intelligence commanders and agents who work behind the scenes.


Me (before) and me in Turkey (now)


President Obama is handshaking with a child (in the Middle East)

My birth place is somewhere in the Middle East. There is not such a wise government available for the people who are living there. They are threatening by terrorism. Children born there while the parents of the children didn’t learn how to live. From when they are young until the death or until they become so weak and old, some of this families work hard to gain money they receive the money then the family waste the money and it continues in a loop cycle so they never reach the wealth. Governmental pressure on people to act on Islam causes a negative effect on the teens’ sexual passion to the opposite sex, not only it causes violation against women but even against men. The mullah is so devoted not to let anybody see his wife’s hairs! They go to mosque and tell the audience when you see men talk with stranger women or if any parts of their body contact the other race at first you warn them, then you become angry with them so it will cause they stop it but if they continued you must attack them and if you don’t do it after the death god going to put you in hell. The people those who are living in the Middle East have a long time history, beautiful and old buildings which wise architectures designed. When the children are growing-up the situation of these 3rd world countries make a violated person of the child who he not only is threatening by the dictator regime but also by the other countries who are not aware of the culture of the citizen but inside of the breaking news which we broadcast to public in America and which the other countries around the globe broadcast to their people, nobody described yet to this people some of this countries, which I can’t name, even have access to satellite surveillance system (above their land, above the neighbor countries of their area). Somehow they can do a same thing what we can do (but today when I am behind my desk and I am typing these words, it is 2014, even whom don’t have direct access to this facilities can pay for this providable service), they gained access to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) and Nuclear technology.



Unclassified answer of the US embassy

Even if you read the current newspapers or search through Internet, you already going to find out, for example in Iran scientists in the governmental research centers and the scientists in the nuclear facilities are enriching Uranium, as we know they have not made a nuclear bomb or lots of nuclear bombs yet but the percentage of their enriched uranium is more than what they declassified to public yet17. Secret Intelligence Service of England (SIS) and Israeli intelligence agencies (Mossad and Shin Bet) are very clever intelligence agencies what I know for a while.


Even if it causes anybody attack me but like what I wrote to CIA few days ago, I am responsible now to inform agents and people who read this book about, doing racial activities going to destroy our nation’s intelligence gathering power.

If you ask from the army members or talk with them or search the tweets in twitter or search about accounts of the members of the US-Army in twitter then you going to find out many members of US-Army are PTSDs (Post-Traumatic stress disordered) but lots of them are young agents. The civil people have not seen (except of Vietnam's war, a symbol of a catastrophic nightmare in history for our armies; Afghanistan and Iraq the recent ones but not the only ones) every agents, human rights defendants or spies who work out of US, not only in Middle East but everywhere around the globe, don’t have a good and secure and healthy and wealthy situation under the storm of heavy communications with a variety of roles and responsibilities which they must do them and they must complete this responsibilities and actions and roles successfully. While it’s somehow impossible for America to gain the position and the technological speed what it reached after the second world war and our position and technological speed and specially our public face and our public figure what we gained after the cold war until the eleventh of the September of two thousand and one, but if I decide to describe lots of our failures, so am I really respected to The Audacity of Hope, and The Change We Can Believe In? After the problems what happened to me, I ask me my self, am I a useless piece in the glob for the United States or does they have any plan about me? If they don’t increase their supports and if they stay silent so does the future generations going to understand some of the realities what I didn’t discussed a lot about them? Does the United States ignore who work for the government for lots of years and then drift them away or not? (I haven’t received my salary yet! Working with CIA for free makes me to remember the US Dirty War and US investigations for WMDs out of our nation what will remain classified for a long while, the war what Jeremy Scahill talked about it in his book: “Dirty Wars: The world is a battlefield”) Years later we going to find-out an answer about this question (does they going to help me or not?) Inside of the next chapters you will read about some kind of classified methods of torture by exposure now just imagine that the British Broadcasting Corporation targeted me (in Iran) when I was a teenager but why only a few weeks before of writing this book, again, and for the second time (in Turkey), BBC tortured me using this kind of classified methods of torture by exposure! look to the email of the US embassy again, when I was in Iran the Iranian intelligence service asked me to go there to answer their questions once, now while I have some kind of problems about my visa proposals so receiving this honorary medals before of starting to write this book and then publication of this book all around the globe if I travel back to Iran the country who set an initial trial on the US cooperators, wont causes that they kill me? There are some challenges what I am dealing with them, we must increase our gathered intelligence for the agency, I need to continue my educations and we need to change and improve and enhance our diplomacy!

Always we are responsible for maintaining balance and delivering hope to our people.

Stephen Hawking: Stay Stayer Stead Steadfast Steady Steal Stealthily Steamboat Steeple Steering Stellar Stench Stencil Stenography  stepbrother stepdaughter stepfather step-ladder stepmother stepping-stone  stereo stereotype sterile sterility

Sterling Stern Steroid Stevedore Stew Stiffen (Pimon V Stephen)

Stewardship Stick

Sticker Sticking-Point Stickler Sticky Stiff Stiffen

Stifle Stifling Stigma Stigmatize Stile Stiletto Still Stillborn Still-Life Stilt Stilted Stimulant

Stimulate Stimulation Stimuli Stimulus Sting Stinger Stingy Stint Stipendiary Stipple Stipulation

Stir not to stir an eyelid Not to stir a finger - Stir Up, Stir Up, Someone’s Zeal

Stir Stir-fry Stirring Stirrup

(Stirrup-Cup) stirrup (Hydrogen) stirring (293Uus) stirring (black holes) stirring

(Humanity of unknown space) U (Stay Happy Stirrup Spurn Sparm Spasm)


(The World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, Copenhagen July 1980)



Neda Aghasoltan (One of the Iranian women) who the Iranian government terror her. The attacker shouted a bullet to her chest.