Me and my friend President Obama by Peiman Ghasemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name Isaiah 45 (Holy Bible)


It was many years ago when I was watching violations against humanity and against women, during that moment of time, I was only a teenager; behind the desk of my computer, using Internet, during skimming some websites, I saw a few (rare) video clips about stoning18 women and I saw a few video clips about cutting parts of peoples’ bodies, because of what the other people named “sin”. I read some texts about how the government blinded their citizens (and takes the citizens eye’s out of their skull) at the beginning of the Iranian Islamic revolution in the 197919 which made me very depressed and nervous. When I contacted the White House and the Central Intelligence Agency (about 12 years ago), even I could not imagine the day when the United States president going to accept me as his authorized decision maker for his self (only as a free political adviser for him) and I could not imagine, this teenage boy, who one day had family and his mother told him not to stay out of home at the late night, going to accepted by the public affairs of the Central Intelligence Agency as one of their agents (First marine lieutenant) and I could not imagine while I was receiving money from people I was writing to CIA that while protecting US security, even if I died, I would die for freedom, for helping mankind and supporting humanity. Through increasing your wisdom and keeping up yourself by hard work you can achieve a good job and make good money. If you believe you can, you probably can. If you would, you could! It was so important for Mr. Obama that here I would add a few words. Its so important for him that inside of this book I note you: The September 11 attacks are a great disaster in US history and for him also! It causes, such a conspiracy theory, remaining untold for a long time. The US government is made up of many governmental and non- governmental/private organizations. The yellow and the big picture of his ear in front cover of the book was suicide for him! Its so strange for him why some of the personnel of the pentagon were not inside of their offices during the day of the disaster, when an air plane was flying to crash itself into one of the sides of the pentagon building also! There were many VIP members of the world trade center, those who died after the disaster! They had some kind of underground connections with US military! Some terrorists were talking with each other about the attack plan and it was suicide for him! We was responsible to maintain a satisfiable level of aerospace security above our lands before of the disaster happens! And finally what happened to you is another disaster of history! The planet is full of violations instead of peace, people must love to learn something new, they must like to fill the other mankind’s emotions but when somebody dies or when he is under torture or when he is imprisoned, then for a few minutes they are sad about this human situation at most but they don’t help him. The Middle East people was angry for waiting inside of the long rows of a dairy program subsidy such as the governmental milk subsidies, chicken white meat subsidies and meals subsidies, and in America, the 99% (It’s also the slogan of the Occupy Wall Street movement "We are the 99%", OWS what began with these two slogans by Adbusters “Are you ready for a Tahrir moment?” and “What is our one demand?” refers to income inequality and wealth distribution in the U.S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. The other slogans are “What is our one demand?” and “Are you ready for a Tahrir moment?” It was a protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial district, receiving global attention and spawning the Occupy movement against social and economic inequality worldwide.) Those people who are the heart, the soul, and the backbone of our society, auctioning their own homes! During the presidential elections hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in pursuit of being anointed the "winning" candidate. In the end, there will be no "winner" for the American people!


Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979 (Imam Khomeini on the right side)


Demonstrations in Tehran to support the Islamic Revolution - 1979

Some people who didn’t work as a political leader nor as a military agent of army, who have not confronted with the complaints which we are threatened by them, after watching some documentaries and movies, think of all the secret agents or of all who work for the government have tough and radical emotions or they are doing very radical activities, but here I must note that there is difference between these agents. If I tell you (because of the difference between the amount of violated activities what some radical agents doing all around the globe, inside or outside of our country), for example sometimes when US president is in the White House with his family, the big-brother looks at them inside of their house and listen to them, while for sure people don’t like somebody do a same thing with their own family but some people going to look at this fact and think about this fact as a fancy and as an interesting subject and even if we ask them it is bad, isn’t it? Some of them going to answer: “sometimes, these kinds of activities are necessary”. Even the highest ranked agents of our agencies would get tortured while they want to protect freedom!


Likewise what I wrote in my twitter once: “I'm so clever, US president gave me the authority to decide about the Americans policy but I am in home and study, usually. I was a medic20 (Serial Number: 87040112809-2), who got tortured before. I live normally; I don't have lots of money. During bad situations while the weather was so cold I slept on the streets and used normal plastics to make a shelter for myself. I know lots of top secrets but my mouth is shut. I was under radiation (While one day I wrote to the government of the United States that after these 12 years of my cooperation with you, even if I worked in a supermarket then they would pay me money instead). I can use locked airport's touch screen computers instead of my personal laptop, to gain free access to the Internet, during the emergency situations. Computers like me! I talked with people who crowd can't even believe!”

Likewise what you’ve read inside of the preface of this book, they tortured me. I got tortured using EMP (electrical shock) and also through sending radiation to my chest and my neck and my backbone and my brain but during that moments of times even one person didn’t heard my name in the news nor asked the governments to help me; I didn’t know how to use some kind of tricks of some websites like and and the other kinds of mass-media for broadcasting to public. It’s so easy for people nowadays to send a request to one of the popular Facebook groups for joining it and then they post lots of information there, some of the groups what people join have only a few hundred members but there are millions of people those who are reading the posts of some of the other groups, they make a Username inside of a web forum and then they share their opinions with lots of the other members, they search inside of the Google website about the On-line petition sites and then they make it and then they share this petition with lots of their Facebook or Twitter friends to gain the political support! The brain of the layman can only apply a limited amount of their knowledge in their everyday life, for example people make a petition but they don’t understand that they can share it then inside of a forum or a Facebook group what millions of peoples read its contents to gain more supporters! Through using some kind of websites like they gain lots of signatures for their own petitions and using some kind of the other websites like except of making a petition they can support the other members politically also!

Today when I am writing this book lots of famous and genius people like agents of Pentagon21 and members of US army22, Israeli news and military23, and lots of magazines and journalists and Medias24 from many countries around the globe, etc., are following my twitter account25 and reading what I write there.

In Iran I had not access to wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet; I got connected to Internet using a dial-up modem! I had a short sleep behind the desk of my computer, usually, until downloading a small program gets done!

 DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency of the United States) is the main developer of its networks (Internet) idea, many years ago. Most of the times for me, what passed in Iran, Heydar Moslehi was the prime minister of MISIRI (Iranian Intelligence Service) when because of the amounts of the mental tortures (because of contacting CIA and The White House) for a few years, I became sick mentally; later I wrote to the White House: “if you don’t put me out of Iran, probably during the next few days I going to a psychological hospital to receive medical cares.” President impressed then I think it was one of the scientists in DARPA who when I sent the email to the White House, contacted me and told:

“Don’t go to House pi tall!”

But now I am a real political activist and work for The White House and The Central Intelligence Agency.

The most important things which are threatening US intelligence gathering power are derangement of the ideologies and also the agents with biased opinions; some American agents are doing covert-operations to cover their cooperators activities more than what it is necessary (even some times army officials are aware of what is happening around but a little they like to bother the other ones); the other agents are not aware of what they are doing; doing violated activities causes a shame on our country. While Israeli intelligence agencies are up to date and act for the current situation and also while England intelligence agency don’t do radical activities and when they act on intelligence and when they analysis information they open their eyes wide (there is no difference about the country which they are dealing with, also there is no difference about the peoples who they are cooperating with; no difference about the religion of the other people of the area, whom the agent is cooperating with them nor any difference about the culture of the people of that area); some American agents are doing some kind of covert-operations to cover their cooperators activities a lot which cause that out of US the others don’t kill them but then the other American agents attack the US cooperators and it continues in a loop cycle.

Intelligence cycle:

The traditional Intelligence cycle is the fundamental cycle of intelligence processing in a civilian or military intelligence agency or in law enforcement as a closed path consisting of repeating nodes. The stages of the intelligence cycle include the issuance of requirements by decision makers, collection, processing, analysis, and publication of intelligence. The circuit is completed when decision makers provide feedback and revised requirements. The intelligence cycle is also called the Intelligence Process by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the uniformed services.


Intelligence cycle (target-centric approach):

The target-centric approach to intelligence describes a method of intelligence analysis26 to offer an alternative methodology to the traditional intelligence cycle. Its goal is to redefine the intelligence process in such a way that all of the parts of the intelligence cycle come together as a network. It is a collaborative process where collectors, analysts and customers are integral, and information does not always flow linearly.


The United States National Security Agency (NSA) analysis the information basically; they are not up to date and when they decide about the actions they don’t care about the current situation but think about what happened before and tough actions are like a habit there (also sometimes they even like to take a revenge) but there is no difference about what is the problem however in comparison with the other intelligence agencies in America or out of America, relatively they can provide a good security and privacy about the information which the agents are transferring or what they already transferred to them. While it’s not such a very important threat for NSA to be so update and to be dynamic, because of US internal complaints are their usual complaints but Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is more dynamic (while cold and unemotional, also) about decision making (in comparison with some other agencies) but NSA respect to privacy and Independence more than DIA.

When I was a teenager student in Iran, I saw an interesting term in a book which they had written for public school students to read, that: “there are a few types of people who exist on the planet. Your lifetime is like a football game and people are inside of the stadium. Some people prefer not to play the game; they don’t like the pleasure of playing the game. Some others play: Some of them loose, the others win!” I remember when I was so young inside of the high school I didn’t received any good rank in math what even caused that I stop studying pure science and I continued my education about computer graphical design.

I was trying to learn more about the computer software’s and computer programing languages but inside of our country the learning methods were so easy and basic and it was not such an advanced learning method available for me to buy it and then use it to increase my knowledge about computer programs. I decided to do something, I taught that inside of the great Windows operating system many hardware drivers are identifiable and the operating system install them automatically using a plug&play method and also I could install and use lots of software there. I bought a package of the Visual Studio programing languages but I had some kind of problems to learn it so advanced. Using Linux I could have access to more program templates, I could open the programs inside of its internal programing languages software and read them line by line. I could learn more about that how an OS (an Operating System) works. I was opening the Linux kernel using C and C++ programing languages and I was searching inside it, I was doing a same thing about the internal applications of Linux also, I liked to make a same program in Windows me myself. Windows is a classic and it is a great operating system with a prefect graphical system.

Likewise what you read, I stopped studying pure science and I continued my education about computer graphical design but my communications with the US president and the Central Intelligence Agency and Human Rights Watch increased my self-confidence as much as I started to study about mathematical science again. Every day I was thinking and telling myself, now I can do whatever I want and I can reach my goals. It’s unimaginable after a few months I completed reading all of the standard books what were necessary for the math students, what they were teaching them inside of high schools to the students to completely read and finish to be able to go to university. I could receive the required rank in pure science and I went to university but I was not getting good scores in math usually. Do you know the major of pure science what I was studying in university? Because of the regime falsified my educational examination to decrease my ranks and scores, It was mathematics! If they didn’t falsified the exam then I could study aerospace!

Inside of the university, I asked an easy question about probability from our professor, during the first year, what he couldn’t solve but because of respecting to him I won’t mention the name of him nor my question! There was another subject what made my brain busy for a few days that international designers used 0 and 1 to show bits inside of their graphical designs, I was laughing to it because of everybody think computers know zeroes and ones only but later when the designers of the graphical arts (like what a social engineer does for people) change the themes and patterns then people will find out that current computers (in 21th century) can understand off(s) and on(s) from another aspect of view when we made them they used vacuum tubes for digital computation including binary math and Boolean logic, they had no CPU. Then they relied on a series of switches for inputting data and output data by turning on and off a series of lights. From another aspect of view they can receive data through reading the differentiations between the holes what they have created on a surface (see the punch card picture below) so they only know physical holes or magnetic waves but when somebody want to show people that he knows a lot then he says the smallest parts of a data, bits, created from 1(s) and 0(s)! I was thinking about some of the problems in mathematical logic, also! I was so happy about that I can study mathematics now inside of the university while I was not getting good scores in math but my political problems caused that I don’t go to the university no more! But no problem, when I stay calm US will think about some supports, they told me I am a lieutenant now! Regarding to receiving these honors, there is a question about that while I have some problems about my US citizenship, when I decided to write my book, won’t cause that the Iranian regime bother me, even the public people can give a satisfiable answer to me!


One of the old IBM Punch Cards


ENIAC - The First and the world’s oldest computer


Classified picture of the recent computers inside of a secret underground base - underground lair like Bond Villians


Graphical arts - Digital bits and bytes designed by ones and zeros


Graphical arts - Digital bits and bytes designed by ones and zeros


Graphical arts - Digital bits and bytes designed by ones and zeros