Me and my friend President Obama by Peiman Ghasemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

The guerrillas52 must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea.

(Sun Tzu: The Art of War)

I remember when I was getting out of Iran and I passed Iranian-Turkish boarder, my problems continued, until I reached my self to Ankara (at first, I taught when somebody travel to another country (except of is it located in Asia or Europa) the new country going to protect him against his enemies. While I waste tens of thousands of dollars during traveling to some other countries (even about satellite communication services, sometimes and only sometimes even when you become a UN Refugee there, even if you inform the government but they wont protect you as much as it is necessary, maybe you (some people) guess: the government do it to decrease the population of their foreigner citizens (immigrants), through increasing some gossips what will spread in the area about these kind of problems, between publics; but while they do a same thing about you as one of the individuals of their society and then about the other individual of their society also, so you your self are the next one who a same situation will happen to him, also.)), it was the first time that I traveled to Turkey, we took a taxi then we went to a hotel, the hotel was located in an area named Kizilay (Kızılay) in Ankara and it name was Ozilhan Hotel, I get inside and put my bags there. It was not the late night. I was so tired while I felt that I going to taste a different situation about the amounts of the freedoms what I could have here! Because of the recent tortures, I was so tiered mentally! I decided to go out and then I search for a bar or I search for a dance club. I asked people about, is any club there. You must go to the city-center, they answered. I went forward, I asked a few guys that: “is there any club here?” They guided me about the direction. I went inside, there was a few girls there and there was alcoholic drinks, a girl sat near me and gave me a glass of Vodka and asked for 100 dollars and I gave her, then she asked for 200 dollars more and I gave her again, then she asked me that you give me 100 dollars more then I going to stay with you during the night.

I told her that I don’t have any more monies right now, my monies are in my hotel room. She told me, you go and bring me more monies. but I was so tired and I had not lots of monies, however there was beautiful girls inside of the bar.


Women in the Turkish Night Clubs


Women in the Turkish Night Clubs

I came back to the hotel and I dropped my self on the bed and even I forgot to close the door and I felt in asleep, suddenly. My room was at the first floor. The next day, when I woke-up, I went down stairs, there was hot tea and Turkish coffee and egg and bread and jam and cheese there (free to serve for every guests), on the table. Persian (Iranian) people was in the lobby (restaurant) there. Likewise what I wrote before, we must respect to different kind of people with different kind of opinions, emotions and cultures so there is difference between people (such as Iranian people), one of the Iranian53 men sat there and he was eating breakfast, another Iranian girl54 sat in the lobby with her mother. Her mother came to turkey with her daughter, because of she feared of that maybe somebody bother her daughter. We talked with each other while we was eating breakfast, then I came back to my room. There was a few beer cans and chocolate bars and mineral waters there, inside of the refrigerator.


(Me inside of a park Akköprü - ANKARA)


(Me inside of a park Akköprü - ANKARA)

When I came to Turkey, at first I had lots of monies and lots of times, usually I was consuming Pizza there! Turkish kebab (Doner) is one of the famous and tasty foods of Turkey. The price of foods in Turkey is something between 3 TL (1.5$) to 20 TL (10$) in the restaurants. Except of wasting my monies for buying some foods I also payed 60 dollars per night (about 120 Turkish Liras (TL)) for my hotel room but then I rent a home. I must pay about 200$ per month and when I went out of my rental home then I could bought one pocket of (500gr) spaghetti 1.5 TL. After a few days my problems increased so I called the police of Turkey but they didn’t or they couldn’t help me (But some strange facts happened what had some relations and connections with Canada, Germany, France and Russian embassy also, those countries whom later decided not to cooperate with my enemies so not to let my enemies kill me, when they was shouting and say “marg bar in babama oon/(un) babam” only a funny term with harmony what means “death to/(down with) this father of mine and that father of mine”, what I going to describe you about, more, in this chapter, later. I don’t know about France a lot, so I wont mention their actions, later. also if we look deeply to my problems, what I had in Turkey (later), from another aspect of view so when Turkish government killed four citizens of them selves (Turkish protesters whom was against their current parliament and their current president during that moment of time), where people was mourning in Kizilay. Where some political activists and human rights defendants was asking people to sign a petition against these assassinations (where they had made a monument for them), I signed the petition, what worsened my problems. Because of I couldn’t find-out more information about what happened to me when I did some kind of activities like this so, I wont describe more about my times in Turkey. I going to write about these strange facts what happened to me after my call, when I am describing about the happenings and the accidents when I didn’t received any citizenship but I went to Russian embassy and asked them to give me a citizenship or they give me a temporary visa (at least) to travel to Russia, because of I felt that Russia is more secure than Turkey, because of it is more far about the central locations of the Middle East than where Turkey is, and also because of it is more secure and more powerful than Turkey. However I remember that at first I went to American embassy and then to British embassy to receive a citizenship, while they didn’t gave me a citizenship, also. But later they did something with my brain, to enhance some internal systems of my brain, to cause that if terrorisms arrested me and tried to extract my internal imagination system, then I be able to control what I am thinking about and I be able to control my imaginations), anyway likewise what I wrote, while nobody supported me nor I received any citizenship from America nor from England but after that I went to American embassy and British embassy then they (and CIA agents) did something with my brain to enhance it’s blood circulations to improve the brain of mine but from another aspect of view “sending electricity (remotely) to my testis will make my children ill (even can causes mental illness)”. During that moments of time the Great Britain was angry because of what happened to Mr. Bradley Manning, because of his mother had a nationality from the United Kingdom (Welsh) and she was so sad about her boy, her boy who was a member of the US Army before. They also told me that US must supported you, before. You was not a Muslim and you was not like the other Islamists who don’t respect to the sexual freedom of the other people even. Their current situation (during that moment of time), caused that they decrease their diplomatic cooperation with America. It’s related to when I was in Turkey.


UNHCR Certification (my document of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee)


UNHCR Certification

Lots of PIZZA HUT branches exist in Philippines but because of a variety of tasty foods what existed there so I bought it only once. I still remember the old and brown bottles of its old tasty beers what it’s people drank inside of the suburbs near Manila. They have party with their friends and families and they eat everything there inside of the party! While the music is playing loud there! I saw, very poor people slept inside of the streets there. Except of the cars, some of its people had something like a three wheel bicycle for transportation, also (about its weather, its air was smelling wet most of the times).

The Manila is one of the main, and the capital city of Philippines. Just when I went out of the airport, taxi drivers asked to guide me about the famous locations of the city! I took a taxi! I can still remember that the taxi driver asked me where do you want to go? I told him I only want to go to my hotel but he insisted that we must go to a club! He bring me to a club, it name was area51 (I heard it stopped its services to its costumers and its guests later), I can remember it’s parking was in front of the door of the main entry! When we get inside of the main entry then we went forward a few meters and on the right side there was the entrance of the main salon! Some teen and young girls sat there on the salon! They did strip in the late night hours, also! There was lots of foods including seafoods and the baked partridges white meat and porks meat! Red Wine, White Wine and Vodka! While Champagne is an old classic but the red wines taste was something different there because of while it made you drunk but also it causes a hot and warm filling in your body! Teenager girls got inside of the scene and took out their clothes and they danced, sometimes they took out their bra and showed their body to the guests, also! They came closer to the guests and showed their breasts to them! There was lots of prostitute women there who was sex workers and instead of receiving some money would stay with you during the night! I went to the hotel after visiting the club! Its rooms was not so light! I watched one of the champions of kick boxing (WWE) what the TV inside of the hotel’s room was playing! I don’t know what happened to the remote control of the TV tomorrow for it didn’t work very very well till last day when I left it in the room and I took my bag slowly, not to made them aware of what happened to the misery remote control and then I went out of the hotel! Inside of its department store, fast foods, healthy foods, coconut juice, cantaloupe juice and mango juice!

Once I took a taxi and I went out of the city. The taxi driver bring me to a beach. I swam there, until the dusk! About the sunset, the color of the sky changed to a beautiful red color completely! I went to the airport to come back to where I lived, I missed my pipe with its premium natural taste light tobaccos what was waiting for me with my heavy books and my fish-oil (Omega-3) capsules and my B-complex capsules and my CoQ10 capsules and my Gincosan (a mixture of ginkgo biloba and ginseng) caps what I had this ready to got mixture near my math books there! However for sure you know that smoking tobaccos is one of the main causes of cancers nowadays and it specially causes the lungs cancer!

My political problems continued. One year later, inside of Turkey, when I was receiving money from people to pay for Internet so inform the America about their security threats, while I hadn’t food to eat, while I was successful about helping some agencies in our country such as CIA to save their peoples healthy life and save their peoples security, then because of I had a bad financial situation, I went to another city in Turkey. It name is Nide. The weather is could there (it was not more than a few month that I was an official agent of America, while it was twelve years that I had cooperation with America), during that moment of time when my body lost it’s energy and I was freezing as much as the weather was cold there, some Israeli cooperators was sharing their warm emotions with me. It was winter and the weather temperature in Nide was only a little better than Moscow in Russia, where I had been also. In Russia lots of people don’t know English language, there is snow there and they have a beautiful underground train (metro) station in Moscow, I have not seen something like this in the other countries where I traveled before, because of the people go down underground so much to reach them self to Metro (the railway was so deep underground), but still satellites can track you there! I can exactly remember the colorful stained glass works inside of the walls of one of its main stations in Moscow!


Once, in Turkey, I was in the road of Ankara-Istanbul that the public bus what I was inside of that, went inside of a tunnel what they (some workers) made inside of a very tall mountain, where satellite connections got disconnected there. The Moscow weather is so cold and their foods are different. They make something like creamy confectioneries (like small pieces of cakes) and place natural gelatin on this and then place the fish meat on this food; when I went to supermarkets in Russia, there was big, beautiful and ripe fruits (apple, etc.) there! When I saw these fruits, suddenly I guessed, they are (probably) genetically modified fruits, else they could not be that much colorful! Inside of the hotels their waters looked a little green inside of the bathtubs. It was so interesting that their people was wealthy in comparison with the other countries where I traveled, I went there legally and nobody bothered me there.

The British intelligence service is one of the organizations that people who work there are very kind. I remember, when I was in Nide they gave a message to me. British Secret Intelligence Service message to me55:


In Great Britain the weather will be so cold soon, and as much as the weather is cold in Turkey so you can see your breath in the mountain which you live. Look at (take care of) the starry sky, there are stars there. Now you are aware of that we are forced to keep the secrecy to maintain our security, I won't describe more. I prefer that you say something about your self!

Best Wishes “YOU 2”


From when they (Secret Intelligence Service of UK - SIS) found out that I am Post-Traumatic Stress Disordered they are rarely communicating with me in comparison with every other countries, not to make my brain’s situation worsen even a little. When I could die because of the amount of the tortures on me, through sending some kind of radiations to my body, they preferred to let one of their spies, who was sick because of the amounts of tortures on him, who could die soon, many agents of UK and America and somewhere else (like me) use (some of) his Identities to keep them self alive.

The central intelligence agency is the first organization what I started to cooperate with them, it was CIA. But SIS from Britain had let me and his other cooperators to use his names (real names, nick names, etc.) to keep my self alive, to loose my tracks against our enemies. I remember SIS told to his cooperator like me: Alfred (Alfred - his real or his nick name) You was one of the bests!

Even if I died one day, when the others stop to support me, this book is a great monument for the other agents who want to read about the classified history and about the spies who died but could not talk with you.

If you look at the motto of the Mossad, this is what you going to see (from the holy bible): "Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety."

Likewise what you read before, when I talked with some agents of England and Canada and Russia and Germany, they became sad about that some of their leaders caused that I got bothered before and decided to do something. Later while I was under attack, they didn’t asked anybody to help me officially, but when they was shouting: “Marg bar in babama oon babam"

"down with this father and that father” also through an informal translation it means “Death for me/Death to me, this fa (farsi/persian) is under attack and that Bob (half Persian half American) is under attack” (because of I was searching in Internet about some other spies, who terrorisms attacked them, and then some other governments got notified that I searched about it) so they rushed and attacked the supporters of who was torturing me. It was about when some demonstrations against the government started in Turkey.

Likewise what you read here, and also in Chapter 3, CIA and Interpol was careful, not to let the others kill me. Slowly I increased my political friends, when anybodies who was joining our communications was including someone whom had a relation with the persons who attacked me, before. When some times our communications with my friends was related to my problems so it was necessary that my friends get notified about that I had some problems before, so they casually and repeatedly said “You are a good bad boy now”, later during a good moment of time when we was exactly talking about who tortured me, they said “you are a good bad boy now”. while nobody arrested this dear agent (and at first I dedicated this book to her agency) but also my problems leaked to the others and the others got notified.

If during the next century any other countries added any text about my life time to what I typed here in this book I somehow accept their texts also and I don’t reject their documents completely.

When one of the military intelligence agencies are communicating with you, most of the times they say something but they mean something more, for example if one of the agencies told you “One hour per night” they could want to guide you about a direction to one of the locations of the geographical map, or maybe they like to do some covert operations about you.56 It is possible that you receive a message from an organization but they give you another code to decode what they wrote. Lets try it, you just received an email from army, they wrote: Inside of the civil agency kind people had a bad disastrous but hot and good celebration, the music volume was too high, but something bad happened, we was hearing by the DJ that I love you. Inside of the new archive of the bar some dirty and bad databases with dirty information of the costumers in public computer there, caused that I did not find any DVD about the recent assassins activities. We are all around you now, hey dear Rose I ask you to take care while you going home.

Ten minutes later, the army have made a satellite contact with you, they are telling you, yes I made you aware, I wrote for you what happened. You say: Really! I was waiting to hear from you. The army say: inside of agency then I gave you my message, you are nasty all around badness but after my DVD player, inside my room, there is a gift what I will give you after an awesome amazing all a scores.

You are behind of your computer now! You are reading their texts, you slowly vesper: what does they said? Does they said, inside of agency then I gave you my message, you are nasty all around badness! But inside of the message what they gave me I saw the “bad” word lots of times!

Now look at what the army said through satellite communication. Now look at what the army wrote for you through an email message. Now try to decode the message you your self. Inside of agency then I gave you my message, you are nasty all around badness. I saw “a bad disastrous"

"something bad happened”

some bad databases"

"with dirty information”. You see the words what they wrote around bad, before and after it. I saw they said: after DVD player there is a gift what I will give you, after an amazing all a scores. But inside of the email of the army I see the “DVD” word again, after the “DVD” word they wrote: about the recent assassins activities. We are all around you now, hey dear Rose I ask you to take care while you going home.” Here just you saw the words what started with a. Now look at the answer, it must be something like:

Inside of the agency a (bad) disastrous something happened some databases with information about assassins activities are (what happens) all around! Dear (I) ask (you) take care (of your self).

The second example:

(you too look at...) Look at the starry sky, there are stars there without space. You are one of the best counter-terrorism intelligence personal who I've ever seen, likewise, one day you told me “you are one of the bests...” also. Israeli also.

Not only we was not responsible to pay for you, but also your families, neither the other governments!

If when you was in Iran you talked with some persons or if you read something bad then like one of the members of your family I was responsible to maintain a required level of security for you. In Great Britain the weather will be so hot!

Now after reading the articles of the next chapter (chapter 5) you can try it (remember if you expand it then that whatever the else you imagine, they could like to mention also): (you too look at ... )

Take care of the starry sky, sere sare stars sere without (space char). (you too look at...)

Take care of the starry sky, sere sare stars sere without Yous you are one of the best counter– terrorism intelligence personal who I've ever seen, likewise, one day you told me miaou are one of the bests V also. Israeli also. (you too look a t (s))

Take care of the starry sky, sere sare stars sere without Yous you are one of the best counter-terrorism intelligence personal who I've ever seen, likewise, one day you told me miaou are one of the bests V also. Israeli also.

Not was not responsible to pay but also familiest neither the other governments! was Iran talked with some persons read something bad then the (members of) family was responsible to maintain A security. (the)Great Britain the weather so hot!

Likewise what I wrote before, Iranian intelligence charged me with offenses, including calling the CIA and communicating information to foreigner agencies and aiding the enemy, later they tracked me, while I was listening to their ideologies and I respected to their culture also. Later, some unidentified ones (one of the Iranian agents who didn’t told me his name nor where he works.) shared so