Me and my friend President Obama by Peiman Ghasemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

I always recommend to everybody to listen to every kind of opinions, it will increase your wisdom; so, will help you achieve your goals, then it’ll increase your chance of reaching the ideal victory Lt. Peiman Ghasemi

I remember, it was a few month before of the November 2011 attack44 on the British Embassy in Tehran45, I called them and asked the related personals to guide me about how to receive the citizenship of the Great Britain. One of my families46 lives there! The complaints are classified information. However the Iranian regime had some complaints with some lands and a garden which British government bought in Iran for them selves but the regime decided to take it back from them and they decided to keep it for them selves (while Britain paid the money for buying this garden. While I was under torture in Iran, don’t forget to read the very important and beautiful descriptions in pages 64, 65 and 66 about my situation near the US presidential election date; like many other countries, Britain found out about my problems but at first I loved they help me while they could but they didn’t, while later they (Britain) helped me a lot). Because of the Iranian regime decided to cause that Iranian people not only stop transmitting the classified information, but also stop transmitting their daily problems about their regime to the British embassy. It was in the year of 2011 that supporters of the right political wing (Conservatives) of Iran, decided to strengthen their possessions. Because of the British Broad Casting Corporation Persian Channel supported and still supporting the left political wing in Iran more than the others there, I don’t mean BBC don’t have any cooperation or communication with Iranian intelligence service currently and I don’t mean BBC is not supporting Iranian leader (Ali Khamenei) at all, anyway they support him also, but they support him fewer than the left side (the left political wing) and it’s not completely against our current benefits nor against America nor against England if I try to look at this problem while the way what I am looking to our information are not biased. Likewise what you read, the regime became angry with the Great Britain, I am forced to keep the secrecy but it’s necessary that I note you, some of the Iranian people was not safe, not only because of the regime but also because of the decisions of some other countries. Iranian members of the “Basije Danshjuiee” (Basij: The Iranian students who can work for militia through filling a form they submit their name as one of the cooperators of the Islamic military. (The founder of this organization is Imam Khomeini - The first leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution) - Basije Daneshjuiee means: the university students who are working for Basij) with approval of the Iranian Leader and Iranian intelligence service and the conservatives, made a plane to reach them selves to the embassy and then attack them. British intelligence service found-out that standing against them is not beneficial for the United Kingdom while during these critical moments of times not only the embassy personals was working there but also they liked to (emotionally) cooperate with Iranian people. When Basij was walking forward to reach the embassy the United Kingdom ordered to the remained personals to get out of there. They made the embassy empty, before of that people reach them selves to the embassy. Only a few cars remained there.


The attack on the British Embassy - Tehran

Diplomatic police asked the people (military-Basij) not to go inside of the embassy but they rushed inside into the building. Iranian government lost their diplomacy with western countries (Basij had attacked then reached so shouted down the American embassy at the beginning of the Islamic revolution, also.), there was no difference about the political possessions of the Iranian people. There was no difference about are they against the regime or not! There was no difference about are they supporting the west or not! They lost their political support what (a little or moderately) they had through the western countries.

I remember, it was one day before of when one of the Iranian scientists died during a terror plan. Who was working for Iranian regime’s nuclear agencies. He was one of the students (majoring physics) in Iran. He was studying in Sharif University. Few days before of the assassination, I was searching about some top- secrets using Internet; last night, during a communication with America while me and CIA was talking with each other then an unidentified agency joined the communication and between of our speeches told: I want to kill somebody what do you think so. I answered: I usually don’t like terror. he was kidding and answered: what if I kill you! I answered: “I don’t know! Kill whoever you want!”

Tomorrow, likewise what I remember, accidentally only about some minutes before/after the explosion of his car, I sent an SMS to my step-brother47. I wrote for him: I am sorry about that I had cooperation with some of the foreign agencies. I’m tiered now. I think it’s better for me that I make a new and a normal life for my self.

I came back to our home after a few hours. I started to eat the lunch. Our television was on and it was broadcasting the news, suddenly the anchor said “One of the Iranian students of nuclear science died. His car’s exploded near the Sharif University in Tehran. Who caused these explosions used some kind of electromagnetic bombs. The name of this martyr is Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan48” a few hours passed, sum unidentified powerful countries harassed me and started to attack me (I can’t name them, but I can guess they was including R , etc.), at the moment CIA contacted me through a satellite communication also and told me some thing like “OK nasty idiot, no problem, no problem”

I remember many years later, when I had a bad situation, a few month ago, Mercedes Benz was talking to me, once during a night briefly he told me “For who?! Killed who?!"

"And I taught!”, he meant they sold their agent who at first started to cooperate with America, Benz company told it when the Iranian regime had arrested a person in Iran, who sentenced to aiding Israel and spying for this country; while one of the British spies was dieing under torture also. He also meant that Iranian government don’t respect to their citizens rights, and who starting to act for someone then they don’t respect to the values of his soul and sell him later.

Likewise what I wrote before, CIA Public Affairs reached them selves to me. About the opposition forces, I don’t know who they was, but some unidentified persons was showing me a drawing (a pentagon, the borderlines was red and it was like fire and inside of the pentagon was a big white mouse, moving toward outside) they was shouting loud near my ears. I didn’t heard what CIA told me because of they was speaking quietly. I don’t know why am I felt CIA can’t help me and I must ask the Iranian Intelligence (I was in Iran and Iranian intelligence sentenced me to aiding their enemy (America), before.) to help me. I was coughing when I phoned them, I insulted on all of whom they had complaints with them.

America decided to bother me (to protect our security I can’t describe more but it was something worsen than bothering), however I got sold to our enemies, I was forced to vomit a few times as one of the torturing methods, I got tortured by some kind of classified methods of exposure also but because of their kindness to me, leaking more information about that moments of times are not beneficial during the current moments of times and there was an agent (the names what he used for his self was T Matthiew Tom Raz Phillips) one of the Americans (likewise the information what I received by my friends, the information what I received about his name and his nationality and his simulated picture) who while he was shouting, tortured me also (he have a long jaw and a long chin, his eyes is a little more circular than what you see inside of the simulated picture bellow). I don’t know anything more!


T Matthiew Tom Raz Phillips

During that moments of time I was driving car and listening to some kind of political musics or some musics of Michael Jackson (but some kind of other musics that was including bad ideologies what Muslims sang also, but during that moments of times while I was cooperating with America I was not a politician nor an army member so I hadn’t any responsibility about public or about protecting people and I was so young, but also I was listening to some musics against the Islamic revolution while the volume was so loud in my car and public could listen it, what Iranian Intelligence didn’t like), likewise what you see, I describe you these memoirs what happened to me like a nightmare, while I am so calm. It’s so important for every critical personals, not to let their brain during a vulnerable moment, because of the pain or because of their environmental situation, act against the logic. I saw that while I am getting torture the other boys going to party with their girl friends while some others are getting shoot and are dieing! When the people got terror in another country then I became confused and I lost my concentration to be able to communicated with the other public people who was around me and it caused that they laugh to me and tell me: don’t you have any mental problem? (I remember from when I left my mother in Iran and I came to Turkey49 to travel to the United States as much as I just had stress and because of I have lots of problems so after many month that I was silent and calm even if somebody insulted on me then I could talk clear and my voice became base a little when I was shouting to the owner of an Internet Coffee who came and turned the computer off while I had not completed my work yet!

The other Internet Coffee what was closer was not good, some times when I was sitting there and working with the computer one of the young boys shoot the other ones towards the glass of it’s long windows and it could crash on my head! A situation like the poor crowd!) I could not describe my knowledges to people in a conference, people never asked me about any reciprocative help, they didn’t gave me a moment to help them! If you look to the works of F. A. Hayek one of the important scientists of the last century who had some meetings with Darwin and many other scientists, who was one of the genius brains in economy, then you will find out that he hardy could publish his own book to public! People will loose their chance when they don’t listen to the others to learn something new and its so beauty if they always be full of kindness! I told you, during that moment of time I was not an army member, I did what was necessary to help people but I was so investigative, I told what I liked and I wrote my opinions in Internet whether my opinions was good or bad, liberalism or conservative or Anarchical! You can find some people who like to attack the animals. You see lots of African and Asian children die because of contaminated waters, who nobody taught them how to have a respectful beauty life to gain more support even! You see lots of children inside of the developing countries who have lots of potentials but we didn’t helped them to reach what they could! You see innocent and weak African black women got raped, slaughtered and die because of sickness and fatal infections! You see the violations against women all around the globe, the women who naturally love to respect to the needs of their men! It’s not necessary that we only look to America and our allies such as Israeli government who it’s really strange for me that their current presidents don’t like segregation at all and they don’t believe in forejudge even about the civilians of the Islamic countries and our possessions who fight for delivering a better security around the glob. When I describe you a fact about high-tech technologies even one of the small or far countries around the globe (such as North Korea such a famous example) could have lots of high-tech secret technologies what people are not aware of that yet! Likewise what you read before, I was not an army member inside of its fearful world what crowd can not believe it, the unimaginable underground bases what you can not imagine! The hard and formal decisions what we must obey! Death and causalities! Like what you read before, near my family in my town I was driving car and I was listening to some kind of political musics or some musics of Michael Jackson.


Top-secret military base - Zone 51 Base Souterraine


Top-secret military base - Zone 51 Base Souterraine


Soviet (old) nuclear submarine base, Balaklava


Sweden's Underground Naval Base at Muskö


Underground military base


Helix SyFy - The fiction movie combines elements of Michael Crichton's Andromeda Strain (about a secret underground military facility dealing with an Ebola-like virus brought back on a satellite from space)

A Real Plant - activated Veggie plant growth system and Veg-01 experiment May 8 in the Columbus module on one of the real International Space Stations!img38.png

Expedition 39 flight engineer and NASAastronaut Steve Swanson activates the Veggie plant growth system and Veg-01 experiment May 8 in the Columbus module on the International Space Station.


Classified picture of a modern secret underground base - underground lair like Bond Villians


Underground nuclear base

While I rarely cry but the emotional potentials what the musics of Michael Jackson caused for me, made me cry! “Heal the world make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race” I screamed where are you now Michael! Who caused that you die now! It was only a few days remained before of you travel to the United Kingdom from the United States! It’s all what gone bad dead head!

When Iranian Intelligence service of Esfahan "Setade Khabari" on 2009 (a few years before of these complaints, what happened to me) asked me to go there, they charged me with offenses, including Calling the Central Intelligence Agency and transmitting some information to foreigner agencies and aiding the enemy. The place is located on Hashtbehesht st. There was an officer outdoor and we must ring the doorbell; another officer opens the door; there was a few rooms there; we went inside, there was a phone there. The phone rang and somebody talked with me then he asked me to wait for a while. After a while three agents arrived and asked me to go to another bigger room. They gave me a cup of tea, my hands was shaking. They asked me, why your hand is shaking? Anyway it is the first time that I personally come inside of an Intelligence agency, I answered. They asked me some questions and they forced me to fill a form and then I left the place. Because of they didn’t arrested me so I decided to discuss about their ideologies more and I decided to learn about their personalities. However while the Iranian regime was angry because of my activities about liberty and freedom but the other countries made them more suspected to me and social engineered them against me50 also. I wont describe a lot about decisions what Israel made nor about the members of the United Nations Security Council but between of these countries, the France was the only supporter of Barack Obama. It was necessary that I get out of Iran soon, It was near the 2013 US presidential election, some people decided to act against president Obama, I wont directly mention the name of these peoples, but president Obama was black and he was a democrat and they liked to choose a republic and a white president! But what’s the difference! While my skin color is white at most but I have lots of white and black friends, anyway who completely respect to the people who got born in middle east, they decided to use me against Obama; because of when the others want to attack you, they going to sue you in front of your supporters at first, so you going to loose your power, and your supporters going to stop their supports and you going to act against each other. I was not wise during that moments of times so they decided to bother me. I was thinking about that what if Iranian regime arrest me if I stay there more, they arrest and sometimes they kill who are communicating with the foreigner agencies. There was a few weeks that because of my problems I didn’t go to university (The major of my studies was mathematics. Except of maintaining security is necessary for me, but even right now I don’t know what America going to do about my educations, what I couldn’t complete because of America51), I went to Kaveh Terminal in Esfahan, I took a bus then I went to Tehran (It’s the Capital city of Iran) I went to “Argentine” Terminal near “Saware Beyhaghi” Park. Likewise what I wrote, even the most powerful agencies can’t independently protect peoples life, lots of times before of that lots of peoples die, our agents was aware of that the others inside or outside of America want to attack them but while people think through broadcasting these information to civilians the problems going to solve (completely) but they are wrong (While many times for my journalizing activities, many agencies attacked me, and I don’t mean American agencies was an exception), there was a while that CIA was telling (between my communications) that “You are a good bad boy now” if they acted independently against the other militia, they would imprisoned them inside of America (While their activity caused that I am still alive and leaked some kind of secret information to them to protect millions of American peoples life later). During the travel Esfahan intelligence service of Iran didn’t accept that I get attack but their minister of intelligence headquarter in Tehran (Heidar Moslehi, born in Esfahan, was the minister of intelligence in Tehran-Iran) ordered they attack me, the last message what he gave was:


“I must kill you by hanging, it’s our law. You acted against our security. A little you cum and go but I wont kill you but if you act against me then I can kill you out of Iran or rap— your fami————,etc. DARI AZ HOZEYE EKHTIYARATAM KHAREJ MISHI” (because of respecting to my medal and also not to make more complaints about who didn’t kill me, I prefer not to declassify nor describe any more information) but somebody sent Electrical Shock to my testis, for torture. I remember Saman Bank of Iran (in 2008) sometimes tried to bother me, they could put the ATMs out of network coverage so I could not receive money using my credit card (even in Tehran their voice-president did some kind of other activities against/for some other figures of the regime, what I am not completely aware of that yet) I remember that one of the other Iranian mullahs “Mehdi Karubi” was so happy and he was laughing to this bad situation of me, and likewise what I heard, he was insulting to me (when they was torturing me in 2012, a few month before of The US Presidential Election)


Mehdi Karubi

His intelligence sources was not powerful as much as the other mullah “Heidar Moslehi” intelligence sources was powerful anyway. They didn’t like each other and they have acted against each other! My mother called the main branch of the related tourism company and asked them: Is my boy there? Is he alright? Later when I saw the officer of the tourism company then he told me that why you didn’t call your mother for a while?

She is so sad! You must call her! I have a phone here I will call her now! However it was on the day of the accident and it was during the night and I was hearing that somebody was shouting “Shoot. Don’t Shoot. Shoot. Don’t Shoot. Shoot. Don’t Shoot.” Then they sent electricity to my testis for a while.


Barack Obama hugged a child

Now look at the chapter 6, in the second paragraph where I wrote “Just I Rock” there was a while that Iranian leader had threatened US security and CIA must use some Iranians to find-out what he wanted to do, I must note that It was near The 2013 US Presidential Election and now it was more beneficial for dear president Obama that we stay in touch with each other so when somebody was angry with him and contacted me he could find him so during this bad situation, he was responsible to let the others do what they wanted to do about me but he don’t talk with them about our friendship relation. Likewise what I wrote in this chapter some people decided to act against the president, now look at the Chapter 1 where I wrote “American agents doing covert-operations to cover their cooperators activities” while my mouth is shut usually but through looking at these texts and if you imagine that a satellite was locked on me (and you don’t imagine that only one country have access to these kind of technologies) then you can find-out what happened to me exactly.


Likewise what I wrote in this book many political activists, who I am aware of what they do, trying to use the people as their own tool, engineer every societies as much as they can, but does the US president who gave me lots of honors when the terrorisms made a catastrophic nightmare in my life, so who delivered the hope to my life, a leader who when people die then he really cries for a few days for them. Is this president like the others or not? (I let you to answer this question, you your self!) Near the Iranian-Turkish border after “Khoy” we could do an exchange about our money and convert our Rials/Tomans to Liras. This time I had real cash in my pocket, because of Iranian regime could shout down the ATMs, when I tried to receive money from my bank accounts, in Iran. They did it about me a few times before, many years ago. This caused that they didn’t tracked my location successfully also. The regime let me to left Iran. From when I left Iran, and arrived to Ankara (when I talked with agents around the globe, when I communicated with a figure, etc.) between of our communications CIA told “you are a good bad boy now” because of what it girls said was a funny term for me then I remembered it many times.


HAARP (Some new semi-international technologies what people made some strange documentaries and mysteries about that: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - HAARP)



A picture about some mysteries what could be related to weather modification



Slowly except of Human Rights Watch and Interpol and IFRC, etc., I increased my communications with other peoples and I gained more friends. An important thing what I like to note here is that if you work for somebody who you don’t believe in their ideologies or if you work for somebody who you don’t believe in their activities, not only you going to loose your self confidence and you going to get depression but also your leader going to sell you to the others and he stops his support of you, because of he think that you are acting against the law, so their freedom and their habits must get limited to what their leaders prefer. Maybe a leader likes to use tar-gas against people, the other likes to arrest them and the other one likes that his people don’t listen to some kind of musics. The leader through applying his authorities on mass-medias, controls the public opinions; we name these activities propagandas. This Propaganda could happen against another country or against the citizens of the country where the leader live. It complementary action is Social Engineering, what not only most of the leaders do it but also many private companies use this tool to reach their own goals, t