Mid-East Dilemma & WW-3 by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Nuclear Weapons, One World Government, Holocaust, United Nations, Energy Beings Influence, Media Downfall, World Trade Organization.


 Q. Would nuclear nations be allowed to use nuclear weapons against other nations or would outside forces such as alien race(s) or spiritual energy from the unseen world intervene?

Intervention can take place after calculated assessment. It is not our view now that these events will transpire upon your plane. You must see that most political parties and the militaries they use as muscle are simply an older expression of children on the playground fueling egos and claiming the right to be king of the hill. Also, realize that much of this bravado is theater. For some other purpose, there is the camera's view and then the view unseen when leaders communicate by telephone. It is not as dire as some understand it to be. This point here should be again understood as maintenance of the mind. Do not let others fill your storage banks with their information. Receive after you properly assess; do not receive simply because the source expresses some stern level of consternation.

Q. Would a 'One World Government' be a positive/negative thing for mankind in general?

 It is not that government is good or evil it is that government is controlled by those who are not interested in true government. If any current government were spread across the nature of the earth in unification, any widespread or seemingly powerful government, know this would not benefit humanity. We often see that it is a case like this which may stir more to action, but it is often not necessary. Change has and is taking place. Again, it is not a question of one world government or three governments or 900,000 governments. It is the intention of government. Government has the capacity to dehumanize and make cruel each human. They have the capacity to amplify any emotion upon the earth. Currently each government can be said to represent a certain core emotion. When there is only one government what emotion or motivation will be the overt or covert ideology? Will there be bombs or will there be ambulances shared with those who stray from the herd?

Q. What was the main reason for the Jewish Holocaust in Germany?

The Jewish holocaust is a matter of financial prosperity for some. It was for selfish purposes that it manifested. The reason many have a difficult time reasoning this series of events is due to the enormous control and, seemingly, good that was carried out by these men. It is important to know that not all were lost but the mental state of the leadership was corrupted. Also, due to extraneous information whereby world leaderships were blind to the atrocities, these events were carried out. Now, it is not to be assumed that these could have been stopped, a level of this was agreed upon prior to entry here by those involved. It is important to know that many look at this as tragedy because life was lost. Is it not a tragedy that we confine our own thinking to the borders on our maps and worry not about our brothers and sisters no matter where they might reside? Many more became involved when their personal government became attacked or when an ally was under attack. Is one atrocity not enough? Why is there a line in your mind about how much evil must be done before your action is required? It is within the ships of the mind that good men drown at sea. We are not concerned specifically with these events and how they are presently interpreted. Meaning, there is a great deal of emotion stirred by many and that is the primary objective. It is this interrelation of existence that is important to see, to realize. In these events, there was not a sanctioned ‘cleansing’ that needed to take place. There was some effort to demonstrate interrelationships of all things, and this was realized for a short time, that there are always new distractions from it, new ways creep into the mind and interactions between humans that make them more likely to divide and isolate. Often these are not actual expressions by widespread groups of people. They are held by a few, and because there is not defiance of other minds and other thinking, these minority held beliefs come to be held by others. Many wander in their own mind. They are seeking something great, they are often not critical in what they join or what beliefs are associated with it. To be stronger in mind, this is important. It is not necessarily a muscle to exercise but it should be the goal of the mind's owner to be critical and mindful of what enters and dwells there. If these thoughts cannot be changed it is important to change the surroundings. The passive mentality, low level form acceptance without thought, that breeds such widespread hate. No matter any influence you wish to assign in any given scenario, it is important to see that with the general form of thinking this is what grows them and fuels them.

Q. How much influence or control can those on the spirit side be allowed to interject into this world of illusion?

How much is necessary? How much is needed? We ask these questions to engage you in conversation that often some other-sorely influence is to blame for the minds of humanity taking a secondary or back seat role in their own lives. The law of spirit does not change due to circumstance and your own predetermined circumstance is often what determines the level of influence from those who are assigned to help you. It is not a matter of necessarily changing world events, even the smallest ripple in the largest lake will impact all banks. Interference is often a world used term. It is not interference to ensure a sense of global and energetic homeostasis in terms of your guiding plan. Any intervention can be made but too often this can defeat the purpose or intention prescribed long ago in terms of your time measurement processes. There is not some great disruption when an intervention is made by non-physical means. There is the ability to correct action which do not permit the person or persons involved to carry on to some greater level of involvement. Not a higher task in the sense of moral order but in terms of what they came to do in comparison to what they are doing. There is a great sense of cruelty and unjust action often felt when there is inaction to suffering. As with all actions, an act in the physical can make a correction much faster with much less effort rather than seek a metaphysical interchange simply because one is too lazy or passive to expend their own energy. It is this reason that there are specific decisions among your plane. All is energy and physical can impact physical. You can seek divine intervention to lose weight but if you continue an unhealthy lifestyle no matter of intervention will correct it unless it is truly necessary for some predetermined level of understanding. In this case, you can term it coincidence that a person survives a heart attack and is seen to be given a ‘second chance’ at life. This may be happenstance or it was the involvement of spirit in life gone haywire according to predetermined general course for the individual. There are some who arrive here and move directly as planned. Your concern here might be that everything is orchestrated. Not true. As we have stated before there may be specific experiences that generate a specific expression of energy or experience for the user. These are not necessarily specific in terms of place, surroundings, socioeconomic status, or anything else. If you are meant to have this experience or this understanding of an emotion it will manifest in any path you are currently on, no matter what specific choices you have made. It must also be considered that there are many experiences by individual's own doing in and the playing out of cause and effect.

Q. Does the United Nations serve any true purpose?

They provide peacekeeping efforts on a very small scale. To what extent do you consider them successful? When I was a younger soul I observed militaries of the world. I observed how they impacted various regions, cultures, how their purpose was often touted as peacekeeping. Look at the many military powers of the world. Do they engage in support or troops with the UN? Do they adhere to the sanctions or guidelines of the UN? What makes any organization powerful, and therefore merit granted on your plane, is the willful compliance or adherence to a set of rules. This group attempted to provide security and peace through discussion, but even at this time there is a great deal of corruption within negotiations and the implantation of its forces. No military can bring peace on a global scale. Maintaining a military will not maintain peace. These are maintained now and there is still discord. No skewed sanction can provide peace and security. Many of these opportunities or obligations created by the UN are very one-sided or self-serving for a specific group of specific countries or powers. It is in your mind the various conflicts that have occurred where a military engagement brought violent ruler to the end of their reign. Please consider this a physical manifestation. What is left at the end of this conflict are not two parties who now agree on one method of thought and idea. In the end of this conflict opposing views still remain. It is not by violent force that any lasting change will prevail.


It is important to know that the last word on truth is settled with the person receiving the information. Perspective may play a role in judgment, but know that perspective and understanding can be changed and opened. It is the attempt of many to share this information without bias.

Speaking words without certain motivation is difficult on this planet, and there has been much to cause mistrust, therefore not a good deal of information is accepted by the large populations of people. This is because of their previous mistrust of untruths told by the controlled mass media worldwide.

There is much being done at this time to fool you, to dissuade you from taking action, to entrench the masses further into a casket of misinformation. There is nothing being done to legitimately stop wars, end hunger; these things are not at the focus of the controlling group. They seek greater control and they obtain it in these acts, by perpetuating them and further allowing them to exist. The government controlled media offers up untruths to maintain its authority over the fearful people. Such false information as Osama Bin Laden being dead, the truth will be revealed at a later time that he was not killed by US forces and that he was simply a pawn used by the government to further their control over the American people. Also, it will come to light how the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were not from outside forces as reported by the government controlled news media. There is a great warning that should be heeded by those who wish to pursue corrupt power and corrupt control, but that message is being ignored. There is only so much push before others will realize that false information has entered the governments mind as an acceptable form of controlling or ‘informing’ the people; those that the government should have been elected by in hopes of improving the nation. There are those in power who seek power and control at any cost. Just as there are wars with bullets, there are wars with words. There is a time for preparing and it should be enacted now; preparation in mind, body, and soul for a change in humankind. Though, it is not enough to sit idly and wait for a change, it is important to choose to contribute to the mass change that is currently underway. Son the talking heads on televisions, radio, newspapers and other media will be a quiet whisper in society, there downfall is imminent.

Currently they flex their grip over you by holding a select group of views and using only specific ideology. It is important to know that these are not the beliefs of most people on the planet. It simply takes time to break the masses out of information that has been given to them repeatedly in many forms of conveyance. This is wrong information. It is all about control. There will be change, but there must be more done to convey the importance of change. There is no outside menace that will involve itself directly and cause the overthrow of hostile governments.

There will be a string, an action within the people who are experiencing this punishment, this negative role of an exalted dictator and the controlled masses. Speaking out to others, even in a passive manner will plant seeds and share information. Soon it will be unavoidable, the negative thoughts of humankind and how wrong they truly are, and they will come to know the true meaning of life.

Q. What influence does the World Trade Organization have on the Middle East area?

There is no free spending and investment in the area. Things relating to investment from outside influence are not tolerated. What appears as regulation is actually self-limiting and reducing the financial prosperity of the area on a much larger scale. The people there are very few in riches, we are indicating they are destitute but this organization, because there are such strong selfish personal interests, has a choke hold on larger projects and growth and development. Though this is not the only factor to impact the area. Much of this land could be viewed as an isolated land which has no walls. There are many moving towards a higher objective, but as with many parts of all countries, there is a lack of development of awareness of the world beyond the immediate area of lives lived by routine. A higher concentration, not of selfish education or education tainted by a perspective of fear, would create a wider opportunity for a thriving populace without control of organizations which seek to extend their reach into the controlling power of other countries. There are very few who genuinely benefit from this organization. An analogy to consider is the process of taking a loan from a bank. You see the benefit for your goal, but the bank or ‘house’ always wins because they expect more in return. This is seen as an exaggeration but when you amplify this process to the size and scope of global economies it becomes increasingly difficult to advance your own county when you then become indebted to a power that expects more in return, often not in the way of finances alone.