Mid-East Dilemma & WW-3 by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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 Nostradamus Prophecies concerning WW-3,

 Anti-Christs, ‘666’ Mark of the Beast.


Q. Nostradamus: was he to be a prophet? Where did his information come from?

Nostradamus was a communicator with beings other than himself on separate planes. What the confusion is for is not a purposeful move. There is a great deal used in his lifetime to demonstrate the inconsistencies of leadership, the self-preservation of religion, and to illustrate the changing manner of human existence. There were large populations performing or attempting to perform work as Nostradamus. Many of his inconsistencies were due to missing language or understanding. Much of this doomsday speak is by those who are misinterpreting his misunderstanding. It is also true that if no information is received, the mind may blank the initiator in an attempt to provide some level of higher information. This does not create false or fabricated information from thin air but may lead to misrepresentation by blending of ideas rather than physical manifestation of single thought streams. What can be seen here, and what we often experience depending on the channel, is information being shared through a voice that does not yet have the vocabulary to distribute to others what it is seeing. This is not the spreading of falsehoods. Alexander has seen this in his own work. Typically, it is thought in his mind that it is coincidence that he has read an article in popular media that may be from a specific niche in terms of culture or technology. These things add an understanding and a vocabulary. We do not speak directly in words with him and having the ability to facilitate new language for his reception is much better than receiving information with which there are no words within the mind. This is not a relationship of speaker and recorder, there is a deeper level of facilitation and understanding that must take place. What Nostradamus prophecies lack is the ability to change as different energies arrive and depart from timelines. There are many who would assign the term Deja-vu to his prophecies and this could be considered correct. You experience many thoughts and visions in the mind, Deja-vu manifests when it is one that was expressed and is now the reminder that the direction is correct based on last and current events. It does not necessarily indicate that it is cast in stone or that it is or isn't changeable.

Q. What was his guided purpose in writing the quatrains?

This was a very specific time for him. He was directed to do so because the format that was used at the time was not one of formality but one of chronological listing. In his time this text created somewhat simpler format, similar to a grocery list of items, easy to read. The nature of the language is what is often misinterpreted. It is his likeness that many find disturbing or even untrustworthy. If we were to re-label this information in a dissimilar package, human container, the medium which he used, the writing and format would not seem so incorrect or foreign. It is this distance you perceive through time that creates an oddity where he is concerned. The great many works he created were to be of benefit to many. Though there are at times when he was swayed in message by outside elements which he believed assisted his work. He was not of the full understanding of the text at the time of creation. It is left stated now that there is nothing cryptic within the message. Much of the message had been tampered, though the original intention has not been lost; the content of the message was not the specific information, it was the possibility that it's delivery revealed to a new generation that allowed it to enter and be of relevance.

Q. Nostradamus spoke of 3 antichrists, Napoleon, Hitler and Mabus. Does the 'law-of-three' actually work in this plane of existence?

There is no critical rule of three regarding dramatic beings of change. Bear in mind that there is a great deal of calamity that can be and has been avoided due to the type and number of beings entering lifetimes and coming into knowledge and awareness at this time. This is not to say that world wars have been prevented, only to say that any prediction is capable of change when the right action is put to it. Set in stone is nothing. Fear not these horrific versions of old communications. Many others put such tone to his messages.

Q. In Nostradamus quatrains, the he speaks of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast 666, what is he referring to?

Dramatic change. A giving up of the self for irreverent ideology. This is not necessarily a label though this implant technology that has been predicted and rumored is an idea that could be said to identify this fall of the self. So, caught in riches, so caught in the ego. The ego is the beast. The mark is that which prevails over one's self, hiding your true nature and removing yourself and isolating yourself even deeper into that which is not the true self.

Q. Nostradamus prediction of WW3, was it just a symbolic warning of what could be or was it meant to be taken seriously?

There is a deeper message in the original text which has been altered. There was a deepening of enlightenment possible. This is what should have been gathered from his work. There was not some ill intent on the part of researchers but there are many errors in the original text due to miscommunication, poor spelling and grammar, and damage to the text itself. Many times, the first interpretation is regurgitated without actual study and that incorrect message is spread far and wide before the legitimate message is recast.

The accuracy is in the nature of those who resist change. This does not mean they fear giving up vices or the nature of there being such as what exists in the physical or non-physical, what will occur is a great deal of change, molds will be broken, you can see this now on your plane on many levels. This too is true. It has the potential to be cataclysmic and those who do not see change as growth will see the world as a decimated rampant with wrong ideas, an ill world. This will not be the case! It will never be the case! Though it is a matter of perspective until the awareness and education of the individual brings the true nature of things into the light. Using daily observances, you can see that many struggle with minor changes to routine, as the quickening occurs there will be a higher level of change and alteration to bring about a deeper sense of compassion on the part of humanity. You will be making a true ascension while in the physical. You will feel this shift though many may not describe it with accurate words or know precisely what is taking place.