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 Bible Prophecy: Anti-Christ, WW-3 & ‘Jesus Christ’s’



According to some religious beliefs, the Mid-East will be the main area of focus when discussing the End-Time Prophecy; which refers to World War-III and the return of Jesus Christ.

Q. What is the main purpose of the bible?

The bible is a collection of stories. These stories were told in the form of fables or parables to bring forth a certain type of positive moral attitude that was missing in the people of that time- period. Too much negative influence was running rampant with the people, so this collection of parables and fables were assembled and placed in book form to help the people move into a more positive direction. Some of these stories were based on actual events, while others were simply handed down word of mouth as lessons for those who needed the symbolism.

The original information in the bible came from many different sources; parts were received from spirit communication from those in our true home world, from off world beings from other planets, and from light beings known to us as Angels.

Unfortunately, there have been many in powerful positions that have used this book for negative, selfish reasons. They have succeeded in altering the bible throughout the centuries in order to control and influence the mass of people who follow this book and take its meanings literally.

Q. Was the Bible meant to be symbolic or taken literally?

The original bible was meant to be a symbolic guidebook, a positive reference for the people of that specific time frame. But many powerful individuals did not accept what the original bible had to say, so they used their power and influence to make changes. Adding things, they wanted control over, and deleting things they themselves did not believe to be true for them. For example, reincarnation was deleted; those in power felt it was better if the people only believed in one lifetime, rather than many.

Jesus was added later due to the influence he was fostering with the people during the time he walked the planet. They elevated him to the false status of the one and only ‘Son of God’ and said he would return, therefore the mass of people should obey the religious authority or there would be dire consequences when he returned. Jesus came to be a teacher and prophet for the people of that time-period only. His true-life story was obliterated by those with religious authority so they could use their created story of him to foster their own gain and control over the people.

Many of the stories in the bible were true; healings, materialization of angels, spirit communication, levitation, positive affirmations, and many more such events occurred through the natural laws of nature put in place by God. The bible originally was to help those who needed greater instruction to know that there is a peace far greater than what they presently are experiencing in their life. The overall intention of this holy book was to unite the people. But throughout the ages, due in part to the many negative changes, it has become a tool used by the religious authority to divide the people and nations as a form of control.

Q. How should one interpret the Bible?

Those seeking guidance from the bible should simply read it as you would any other book. Much of the current bibles of today contain unimportant information that was added by those in authority throughout the last two thousand years. But the basic moral principles of the parables and fables can still be found in the overall text. Let the stories serve to teach the basic concepts of love, kindness and forgiveness.

There is no wrathful God to cower down before; this was added to the bible by religious authority figures who sought to control the people. The bible, who was written by men, seeks to portray women as subservient to men. They hold no equal status and are simply to take care of the children and household. That is not what our loving God wants for his female children. All of God’s souls are equal in his eyes. God did not give mankind the ‘Ten Commandments’ to live by, this was added by those in religious authority to help them control the people. Organized religion also added the “an eye for an eye’ concept which leads many to support capital punishment, we still murder in God’s name.

Q. Why was the Bible created?

The bible was formed to give direction to those who were lost and wandering aimlessly through their lives; to provide a positive path for finding peace and love in that part of the world, at that point in history. The bible was not meant or suited for the time-period we now occupy. The bible can still be useful if you simply ignore those sections which are glaringly untrue to you and have no justification in our current time. If you feel a specific phrase touches you as an individual, then that section is true for you. After reading the bible, you should feel the love of God, the love of self, and the love of your fellow man and woman in your heart. You should not feel anger, hatred, or persecution in any form against your fellow man. That is what the original bible intended to convey to all who read it.

It is important for each person to take the time to examine all that they know or understand, or wish to understand. You need to fully understand why you have certain beliefs about life. You need to believe certain things for your specific reason known to you, and not simply believe something because your parents, religious group, or community believes it to be so. You have the gift of free will from God, use it to decide what you believe, rather than simply following along with what is widely accepted and not fully understood by others. The original bible was meant to be used as a guide book to bring a person to foster in themselves independent thinking. Think deeper about what ‘you’ believe God to be, and how that affects your spiritual development. The bible’s original main theme was to convey the message of love, that when one person grows, we all grow through the love of God.


Some speak of the Anti-Christ, and we will use that term when referenced because it will answer the belief system that supports it. It is important to say that there is not some demonic figure who will come and rain hellfire and brimstone upon the land. It is important to say that there will be figures, key figures in the opposite of the truth-providers, witch trigger specific events which will at first appear to be an incredible upheaval. Tremendous turmoil, there will be many who shout that it is the second coming. This is not the case. An anti-Christ is part fear tactic but also part truth only in the sense that there will be a change in the way of living. Because there are many who see this change as a threat to their current way of living they will see him as the anti-Christ. It is important to say that there is not one single person termed this, President Obama has triggered many events out of the public's eye which will term him the anti-Christ. Though it is important to say that to many, currently on this day, he appears to be the most un-Christian; though this too is incredibly subjective. It is not terribly relevant now. Creative thinking. All of you should create. Stop living in fear as though some being will smite you. This is not a fear worth having. Stop worrying that you are not living to some erroneous standard or that you don't deserve something because the priest or religious leader tells you that you are not worthy. Move beyond these ways of thinking. When you engage in them you are giving up power, your power. Do not entertain these thoughts.

Q. What is a truer definition of the word 'Anti-Christ'?

An Anti-Christ is truly a definition of humankind's own doing. By our standard, the standard of the universe, the standard of existence there is no Anti-Christ. This is a view taken by those who were unaware of humankind's position in existence and they were unaware that all of existence is not limited to humankind's existence and any beliefs it may have. What you can say is an Anti-Christ, and what we will use is a being who provides a great undoing. This may be positive or negative. What is the average perception of change?

Depending on your perspective the same action is held, positive or negative, not often do you hold the possibility that it is both or neither. The Anti-Christ brings change but there is not a deep religious context any longer, truthfully there never was, it was a word used to describe threats and possible fear. We will not use it in that manner. Fear of an Anti-Christ is due to a being not knowing, being unaware, being blind. This label can be used now if you choose but it only represents change. The difficulty is that it is a label given by humanity to other humans. There is no clear process for this other than fear-born reactions or some ill-gotten knowledge that is perverted for selfishness or control. Keep mindful of the fact that there is not some greater being coming to unravel all of existence. Not in previous times, not currently, not moving forward. Moving forward fill yourself with the understanding of time, cyclic in nature, repetitive by perception. Be aware of your knowledge base and how it has grown through the ages. Humanity makes so many assumptions about the past, present, and future based on previous and current science, technology, and religious beliefs. Open your eyes to new possibilities! See how you have grown. It is not enough to welcome the ideas of others, generate your own ideas and bring them to the table. It is important that all ideas be discussed. The conversation among people, among nations, it is important. The mixing of all things, not separations.

These are questions that have been posed previously by many and they have asked them in many forms. What is important for many to understand is that there is not some anti-Christ that will overthrow the Christian religion. What must be understood is that there is a need to express energy. If you ignore a boiling pot of water, there will be reactions. And this is much the same way. Energy and the type of energy, the way it is charged, or the type of intention that has been used to charge it, it does not change simply because it is not grouped in such a large amount to make it entirely obvious to everyone no matter their belief system. Often this energy is ignored, globally, for centuries, and this is not an incorrect behavior to have towards this energy, it is simply what happens. Energy must be expressed. If many desire to reach a higher vibration, if many desire to explore and move beyond their current confines, to expand their horizons to say, this energy must be expressed and experienced. There is no physical method of dealing with the various forms of what you might call the nonphysical. There are no terms for dealing with it that are similar to physically sweeping the dust under the rug. Even in your physical world the rug will be moved at some point. You may never remove it. You may never look under the rug again. You may move and the next tenant will experience it. You may die and your children or family or the authorities will encounter it. In this way, the energy is expressed.

Keep those thoughts in mind during these topics. We hope that you will use them to illustrate various points. Though, all points are the manifestation of energy. Fill up one cup to pour it into another, occasionally it is spilled, often a larger or smaller cup is needed, occasionally there is more or less in the cup. But nothing goes unaccounted for. There is nothing that will completely disappear from existence. You may be working with energy that is eons in the making. Not necessarily in the making, the energy is always present, but for the energy to be present in the form that presents itself to you, this current manifestation, it may have been the culmination of trillions of tiny ‘energetic rain drops’ that have now manifested themselves in the current way. They may have been intentionally for you, they may not. Knowing the topic deeper and your relationship to it will entrench you further in the personal meaning of the energy and the expression and the ties you may have to it.

Listening to yourself ramble on and on about topics you know nothing about is not doing any good for anyone. What is appropriate is that one must focus themselves. There is a great deal of ‘chit chat’ or idle conversation. This has always been the case but you are seeing that there is a great deal of words, words being energy, that mean nothing, that carry no weight, that offer no real purpose. These words only fill the space where insecurities of the person might otherwise be forced into the open.

 There are no single reasons for these conversations and there are no single groups of insecurities that cause them, but in a general way this is true. Many humans, at present, do not handle solitude or their own minds with any degree of comfort. They do not understand that ability that they hold nor do they necessarily want to think or understand. Many are frightened, many do not understand so it is much easier to view the television and other media. Some will open to deeper logic, even deeper understanding of simple physical word discussions, but they must see that they are not the only one. Many do not wish to be first. Many will follow. It is often spoke of as though it were a terrible act to carry out. Following, when you of your own volition choose to do so, is no different than choosing to lead or choosing to have studied the anatomy of the human body or the decision to drive a vehicle to retrieve food compared to making in your own kitchen.

All decisions should be made of sound mind, it is when these acts are trivialized, why they are blindly carried out, when they are entered into with no real concern, with no awareness, that is when they are detrimental.

This ‘awakening’ can begin with one person. A single molecule can start a landslide and many will explore once they see the possibilities. Now there are many things blocking their path. Now there are many things that they do not wish to see because they do not wish to understand. It is often because they are afraid and there is no teacher with which they can seek this information. For many of your popular schools of through do not address actions, feelings, emotions, or energies, or extra sensory skills. They do not acknowledge them. They do not acknowledge what cannot be felt. They acknowledge what can be touched, what can be measured with current tools. They measure only that which directly benefits their current way of thinking.

This world needs greater numbers of pioneers. They need someone to stand up and say that this is another possibility! You don't need to follow me but you may! You have this option! You have this option to follow me or segments of this information and I will not judge you!

If a person can do nothing else in this world it is to master the art of love and removing judgment, keeping judgment from entering your mind. Do not use judgment as you currently see it now. Judgment is judgment but human judgment is not fluid, it does not often change, it is not open to new information and it must be! You must allow new light in before old dark can be extinguished! Please grow beyond your current shells and move into the freedom of the limitless being that you are designed to be! Ensuring your survival is not a race between you and your neighbor. It is success when you AND your neighbor are at peace! When the neighbor is satisfied, it is then that you should fill your cup. Help those who need it and rise above the current state of things! Do not become trapped by comfort, by the familiar. Explore! If your life is perfect, then you have no excuse! If your life is not perfect, then you have no excuse! Challenge your perception. Do not be content to have mastered, by your own judgment, all the methods of the world and all of the world is now summed up in your being. Explode the walls that confine that thinking and seek to challenge your own thought patterns!

There is a great deal that attempts to explore the amount of brain power a human being uses. It is far greater than what many believe.


There was a judgment by many that this eloquent speaking man, Obama, was going to pass unreasonable judgment on too many. In many cases, he has done so, not because this is his wish. This is not his purpose; he did not assume power because he wished to receive all those things that come with it. He had the intentions at his heart to do many good things for the country and for our involvements worldwide. It is difficult to remove oneself while in the presidency, from the controlling powers and considerations of those who wish to pad their pockets and make their backroom deals. It is possible that he will be considered by many to be the Anti-Christ, because he has yet to enact the power of removing war, and he has the authority to take the country into war on a much broader scale. There is much he has done and there is much he has allowed to occur, turning a blind eye to the plight of others. Thus, causing great divides in humanity that are imprisoned as well as those who are living with assumed freedoms in relation to America. There is much that is done with the attempt to free his mind, he attempts to do good but there is much fighting between political parties when these are not entirely part of the political plan. There is much done, much that is seen or much that is given as public information that is meant to sway the opinion of many people. There is not an accurate depiction within the media of the President, his actions, or the actions taken by those in government.

 It is important to know that the Anti-Christ, the actions of that assumed title, will be the actions of many. These are not decisions of one single person or entity. There are many that pull strings; there are many who push buttons behind the curtains, though Mabus will be seen as the Anti-Christ because he is the figurehead leading the battle at the time. He is the person seen on the poster, the television, the person who is the spokesman for this ideal.

It is more abundantly popular in thinking that there is reason for mistrust of the government; these beliefs are not spread through public media because dissent will have those ostracized from information. There is much done to lean on those, as it were, to obtain the desired result. Those who subvert the desired ideal that those in power wish you to hold, they will punish those who seek to obfuscate this information. It is important to realize that much work can be done to prevent this. Major uprisings will stop the masses from readily submitting to those in power, but there will be many clashes between those in power and their mercenaries, those who are hired or volunteered to maintain order. It is important to know that this information will take place, has taken place, and will take place on greater scales; once more people become involved in the future. There will be fracturing reports; incidents will be isolated through public information or there will be attempts at first to not report these incidents across the country so that there is not fuel added to the flames of dissent. Control, in their eyes, must be maintained. A great upheaval will come when more will take their efforts to the streets, and see that when there are greater numbers there is safety, and there are accomplishments. It is important to know that all who are in these positions, the controlling government positions, the president, they are not all evil. They are only being manipulated by those who seek power or those with intentions for only their personal interest. They too are good; they too will see the problematic system that is in place.

Unfortunately, some will not make that judgment until they have crossed over from your physical lifetime. Many will feel powerless when there are uprisings because they feel that their voice cannot change the machine that has been created and called government, they too can join the streets. Many shakings, rumblings, and giant acts will take place to cause further fracturing of the society so that no one person maintains large control. Those who are not ready for this information will follow the widest held belief, but those who are dissenting will soon grow in numbers and become the widest held belief. Their attacks on these that stand for true freedom and peace will be attacked though these will not be permanent ways because the tyrants will fall. There is no need to worry at this time because of the ability of many to seek out truth on their own. There will be change, many will come to it, some by force, some by having their world, as they see it, turned upside-down. It is when they are fearful and their sense of reasoning and the basis for it has been shattered that they will begin to work in harmony. There is no reason to fear, protection will be with those who need it, changing the ways of the militant leaders is not a simple process but there will be an uplifting time of peace and tranquility once this shift takes place. It, in comparison, will be much different than what you know today. There is reason to believe that you are going to involve yourself in these actions directly. Peace will come to you by doing this. Strength on many levels is needed by you to do this. There is no reason to fear the president directly, he is not the one who is directly responsible for the decisions, and he only appears to hold the keys to unlock these devastating beginnings from taking place. He is only the figurehead and there will be blame placed on him for his actions, which are only the true actions of ‘many’ for their own selfish reasons.


Q. Did he commit suicide in his bunker or did he escape to South America?

Yes, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. This would be one of the many times that a being was in favor of exiting this plane in order to save the ego-driven mind, or the ego-driven world it had created. Much of the information about history is not being distorted, it is intentionally being misrepresented to bring doubt into minds and entertain masses. Hitler did not escape.

Q. Energy Beings like Hitler and Napoleon; are they aware before incarnating of what impact they may bring into the world? How are such beings chosen to live such lifetime's?

In some cases, there are specific instances that are defined for individuals but there are also, as you would explain them, ‘generalities.’ An example would be that you will be the leader of a government. Something specific in that sense is quite frequent but also there are those that are more prevalent and are not based on specific positions. We mean to say that your goal is not always tied to specifics because your free will may take you in a path completely different from leadership. Even if that was your plan it may be altered. A general objective or experience would be that you would wish to experience life as one who caused great suffering. There may be greater depth of specificity or there may be none. This type of goal is one that can be met no matter where your free will may lead you and this, quite often, is the type of path or plan that is set forth. This type of experience can be brought into your existence no matter the path and twists and turns your life takes. In any event, you are very present in the decision-making process. Often what can be unexpected is a being's reaction in the physical or upon their return to your true home.

Q. What is an alternative to Hitler's reign?

An active populace that is completely engaged in thought and action without passive acceptance of any doctrine or ideal. Critical of all things, not negative and angry towards possibilities, but critical in terms of what purpose it serves and its implications. No longer can one turn a blind eye to a claim that the political world has no impact on their life. If it is not something you find interesting because of corruption then it is something your spirit finds interesting because you can create change, create a new system. Currently there is no progress, you have the perpetuation of a variation of one theme on a large scale.

Q. How should Hitler have been dispatched?

If a military conflict is the answer to your resolution, there must be a method for establishing limits. Your military does not establish limits to death and destruction. This mentality will be the beginning of engagement through alternative means. Though eventually it is possible for you to prevent conflict by living a life whereby the military response is never needed. A removal from power. This is another opportunity in the case for Hitler. We must, however, reiterate that the military response is due to willful ignorance for so long that there appeared to be no other option or solution. There is a path where leaders can provide assistance to other countries who are being violated in such a way though at present there are too many self-interests to permit this on a large scale. A paradigm shift is required. Too many hopes and dreams of peace or progress are dashed because they are introduced in a broken system. Currently, involvement in the world by many governments is to collect information on other governments. This is a reaction driven by fear, not of sound reason-based motives. There are different actions that can be taken by this information gathering process but governments and people are fearful of that which is outside their own borders. Now too often is the fear within their borders. There is no assistance on any level, there is the establishment of ‘us and them’ and lines on maps. This may appear as language that divides given the current state of humanity in North America but this is prevalent throughout the majority of human existence. When Adolf Hitler returned to the world of spirit, he was not judged by God. He was not forced to punish himself but was to undergo a form of counseling. Many of the actions, developments, and forms of review he underwent upon his return were self-imposed.

It is possible, for any being, to accomplish such acts as were carried out in his lifetime and be unaware of the severity of their actions. He was able to return, if he chose, and not fully become aware of the direct involvement and severity of his acts. This being has made progress through counseling, through reviews, through reflection of the actions that were taken during that specific lifetime. It is in this process now that he currently finds himself though there is much progress being made. There were many things that were not reported through historical records or through media, or through the controlled outlets. There were many things that were taking place within this lifetime that lead to this series of events for many to undergo. It was not necessarily an evil act, but an attempt to display the atrocities of the relating actions and ideals that brought forth this mentality into the world. Which lead to the violent death and actions taken in the name of the government who sanctioned and made right, true, or correct the actions of the people for the sake of power. It should be evidenced by historical document that there were no lasting positive outcomes that could have been brought about by acting in this manner, developing hatred, annihilation, these are not useful, but the men and women of this planet regularly engage in them on some scale. This was the goal of the lifetime known as Hitler to involve him in these actions in this manner though there was a great deal of external motivation and influence by those with whom he surrounded himself. For, it was not entirely his motivation alone that lead to the final outcome. It is often the understanding of many that there was a need to intervene and therefore you find it acceptable to allow an ‘eye for an eye’ mentality. While this may appear true, there are other means that would have allowed for the removal of such a force. Though it would have been much longer and more hatred spread into the world, and even more violence on earth than what was experienced by those living through and in this period. This was a grand attempt to teach the world the meaning of understanding, peace, compassion, and to be aware of this understanding involved in the motivations pushing these actions. There are many who experienced this time on many sides of the war and many sides of the morals held by many. There are many who will not have relinquished these ideals and those who have crossed over from the physical existence who will not immediately understand and will not be granted the ability to return to it so that greater peace may be held. There are few who have returned to complete some small task or influence but none to such a capacity that there would be great atrocity. There are many who have returned to a military capacity but were not in a position to accomplish the same level of injustice as they accomplished in the height of Nazi Germany. Many of them who returned to military interests have experienced the role reversal in order to experience the bloodshed and emotion that are accompanying those actions. An ‘eye for an eye’ will leave the world blind, but even the practice of ‘choosing your battles’ on dealing with individuals you may encounter on a personal level, this too is to be put into practice on a much larger scale. Should the actions of Nazi Germany been less extreme there would have been no need to bring the world into a catastrophic war for removal of these beings. Though, it is also the possibility in any war to remove those committing these actions and return them to a state of peace, that is, they should be seized and then death also placed upon them. If the power considered evil can be removed it is important to remove the individuals and place them in a prison where they may receive counseling. Counseling and peace is the priority, there are many who may have the ability to consider the actions and motivations of their life to that period, but there are many who will not, though it is not by the hand of another that should offer death to another entity. When there is a path of nonviolence for those who have achieved it, this should be the way. The progression of all will come to this and through these actions the purpose of mankind is elevated and raised. For it is quite different to stop the ‘eye for an eye’ mentality and prevent it from being perpetuated.

World War Three:

The time is upon us that we must share with you that there will be no great future battle, as you know. Is it too much to ask that a great number of holy texts were altered by humans? There shall be no great return of some prophet, there may be future prophets, there are many on your plane now that will begin working in small regions, a few will become widely popular and influential. They will have a key impact on the nature of many incarnations. We do not wish to sound modestly of these individuals, only t