Mid-East Dilemma & WW-3 by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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 Involved Nation’s & Leaders: Iran, USA, Israel, ISIS,

Russia, Palestine, China, Syria.


Q. How do you change a culture whose very foundations are so deeply rooted in opposing one another, such as those of Israel and Palestine?

There is an education. There are many who understand this now on your plane. There are many in Africa who are able to change the path of their people because they are providing an education. Many old ways, not ways that were fueling the purpose of the people in an upward direction, many of these ways can be removed from the society without drastic measures when education is introduced into the world. Their world. This must be very delicate, though, it is the exposure to new ideas, to things from outside the realm of normalcy for these beings. It must not be a sitting down and scolding. Slowly more and more will come to the idea of education because it is not threatening. Education and exposure to alternatives. Critical thinking is important. Many have learned that to be a critical thinker means to wholly and completely examine your own and opposing viewpoints with the same care and consideration, ethically, all of this must be done ethically. As new ideas are introduced there can be a gentle elimination of old ideas. This will not be by night's end. This is a very slow process, it can be aided by outside workers, working in the physical and nonphysical, but it is not a process, using your measurements of time, that will be quick by any means. The difficulty here, in this case, is that there is so much that is shielded from the outside world. They reach to the outside world, often receiving help from those who have some political cause they are serving themselves. They reach to the outside world without much understanding of what is taking place in the outside world. We all reach there, we all reach beyond our means, those who do so, we reach beyond our means without completely understanding yet what we are reaching into. It is the focus of the mind when we reach into the unknown that is important. To be able to measure the response and accurately apply it or judge it as for the benefit of those involved or to see it as something self-serving and not helpful to the people. Reaching into the unknown is how we grow, it is how we develop. It is in this way that all people seek higher forms of information no matter if they are aware or not. It is not with a great frequency that all retrieve this information successfully, this is what causes differences; but we all are not on the same path. There are many who are not fighting. There are many who are freeing themselves from the grip of their ancestor’s actions. They will slowly move beyond this age. It is important for you now to realize, once again, that the media and political ideas that are echoed, pushed, and promulgated are not necessarily accurate. All stories and information regarding these areas are told from one perspective. There are always more perspectives. All stories from the media will attempt to sway your thinking to one side or the other. To remove emotion to some degree will allow you to better understand these viewpoints. But only through exposure to outside ideas, without conflict, will new methods of understanding and a new way of life be able to flourish in these areas. At a point, very near on your timeline you will see that outside agencies and outside geopolitical influence will wane. The countries who secretly fund and aid these areas will lose interest as new arenas arise, so will those who are taking the unofficial aide. They will see that there is no positive means meant by any of these foreign helpers offering salvation, so to speak.

Israeli-Palestinian Dilemma:

On many subjects, we have related how there is an expression of energy among people, among groups, even on a larger scale there are vibrational changes throughout creation because of the confrontation and actions carried out. In this case, the energy and turmoil has existed for such a long time on your plane that it will continue to attract those beings to it that are seeking a quicker pace of experience in these areas. Now, do not believe that all who are drawn to it only seek hate, and conflict, and victory for a particular side; though please also note that there are outside forces at work; not in a mystical way, only in the sense that your governments also fuel turmoil or illusions of peace for their own personal gain. There are also those who are attracted to this area in a lifetime to attempt to make amends, to bring a light into a darker time, to shine a beacon of hope, and to call to others to make the change in their vibrational path, to ascend, to evolve, to create anew. So much in this area is deeply rooted in the foundations of the culture that is perpetuated and even the land has a divide within it. For the energy to be balanced in this area will take the effort of more of your world's population. This is also the case with many of your world problems now. So many problems are seen as an issue for ‘that area of land’ or for ‘that government’ but these problems are not singular in nature, they are not isolated. It is the blind eye that causes these, no matter if they are in your backyard, in your home, across the globe, or in the far reaches of your unexplored space, it is important to see that there is no side that can be selected. Both groups will see a change as the next coming wave of births advance in age, there have been efforts here for some time, not as many as there could have, because literally, this is a training area. This is not because any being loves violence, but it is left this way as an area where lessons of peace can be expressed and the direct impact of unyielding love can be observed within the transition is made. But again, this is not left alone because there is kindness and uncaring. Remember, those that are in a particular life have elected that life and its purpose long before they arrived in this physical existence. Do not hope for peace because that is the only way. Hope for peace not simply to quiet your concerns and to lessen a burden on your consciousness. Hope for peace because it will evolve your populations. Instantaneously all things upon the earth can be improved if unconditional love is shared from one being to the next. Punishment as you have it in our various cultures, your industrialized cultures, for the most part, is not an improvement of this. It exacerbates the lack or loss of unconditional love in a person. A physical love and affection does not always need to be shared with a hug and a kiss, it can be a smile, it can be the thoughts of your mind. Silently well-wishing the stranger, you see. If you read the newspaper or watch the television you can change the ‘tragedies’ that you see by creating in your mind unconditional love and sharing it to the event, those circumstances, or all parties involved. Remember, there is no person who should be willingly passing a shameful judgment upon his brother or sister. See that what you worry over or what you hate is a deficit of love and you can inject the missing piece into the situation. This can be done after the event, this can be done now. Healing can take place in all directions upon the concept of time, through all densities, through all expanses of knowing and yet to be known. The galaxy is a far-reaching place with many more possibilities of life that you can experience, there are many more possibilities of life and lessons to be explored. Each generational evolution can be seen as adding another combination to your code. For every possible digit, there are 10 possible outcomes, each possible digit space multiplies the outcome. You will all ascend, minds will be open. It is slowly happening where more will unplug themselves from that which does not matter. There are too many outlets for blind eyes to be turned to. These are not positive or negative, we are only stating that it is incredibly easy to focus on things and events and people that are not beamed to you through some device. These stories and happenings can be helpful information, but as we have said, these can be manipulated. Many would not believe that there have been several conflicts reported and broadcasted across your media, many life-changing events, but the events never took place. Your media is controlled to such an extent that this is happening. Your belief that a one-world government is negative is not new, the cause for this is that there are many in control now who would use this only for their gain. Many see this time, or any time in which they case their perspective from the first person, they see that time as the most advanced and all that came before as somewhat dim or less advanced or narrower in thinking. All must acknowledge that you are in no different a situation than those who lived several hundred or several thousand years before you. There are still kings, there are still armies and police that carry out the laws of the land. Taxes are still paid to a king. What many see as civility and advances are merely tactful terms and gentle handshakes for the same circumstances that have been present throughout time. The plan of action should be this: develop an awareness and critically evaluate all that you see and do. The second step is to love your neighbor unconditional, without judgement, without hate, without exception. This is all you need. Gaps can be closed between cultures and greater unity in the human populations can come from this. There are many who spout words similar to this but there is a great deal of empty action or words said only for word's sake, do not live only to pass the time between work and play. Life is passing right before your eyes!

This nation, the United States of America, in the beginning forged itself into a country the world could look up to as a positive role model. It stood for freedom and democracy. Many outsiders dreamed to one day become a citizen of this great nation, where freedom and liberty were given to all. Yet, as time has passed, this great nation has fallen into great decline; the very soul of this nation has become spiritually, morally and ethically bankrupt. Greed and corruption are common place in your government of today, and many no longer question it; they simply accept it as a way of life. Powerful groups who stay hidden in the dark shadows control your media and your government. Your elected officials no longer represent the interests of the people and seek to serve their own self-serving agendas; and this you allow without question.

America has become a nation of ‘sheep’ so to speak, who have allowed themselves to be governed by ‘wolves.’ How easily and quietly you so-called patriots are led to the slaughterhouse. This once great nation has many signs and placards today which adorn your homes and buildings saying, ‘Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.’ Yet this slogan which once carried truth now could easily be replaced today with,

‘Land of the Enslaved, Home of the Fearful.’ America has become the true exporter of terrorism around the world, and you, its so-called ‘good’ citizens ignore this. It has even used terrorist’s acts within its own borders to gain control over its citizenry; through these fear tactics it has enacted laws to restrict the very freedoms that were once the hallmark of this great nation. Yet you ignore the truth and look the other way. Your coinage says, ‘In God We Trust’ but that is no longer true. You do not trust in God, in your country, nor in yourselves for you have replaced that trust with fear, and allow those who create this fear to govern you.

Q. Will President Trump complete his first 4-year term? If not, why not (assassination, impeachment)?

As we see it now he will complete four years in office. There is a great deal of effort exerted to maintain the media frenzy surrounding him. This effort also spans an organic frenzy by those who are outside the immediate realm of influence, but are concerned with the information coming from his office. Your television programmers and marketers are not only working to interest you in the latest late night television show, these same principles, for some time, have been infiltrating areas of life that were before without opinion. That is to say that there was no interpretation needed, only that a camera be present to report the facts or to report and record the words of others. You will see these things if you remove yourself from the emotional phrases and even the entire subjects that are being used. This has been well choreographed by the leadership in Trump's campaign and then independently by those who have majority control of world and local media outlets. It is no longer the sitcom that people look forward to discussing around the office water cooler. Politics has entered into a new realm where it is spoken about freely. Watch your words and your discussions because in this current falsehood paradigm these repeated words, phrases, and topics further divide and erode cohesion of the people where there would otherwise be none. Everyday television may provide entertainment to a captive audience for an hour in the evening and then some discussion the next day with other fans. View now how much of the day's conversation becomes centered upon this ‘new reality television.’

Q. How will President Trump deal with the Mid-East dilemma? ISIS? Israel?

There is information here that will be forthcoming publicly in a very short time. Understand that it is likely the he will not cater to the establishment where possible. However, there is a great deal that he cannot undo or eliminate the bonds from. A great deal of story fabrication effort is working to determine how long-term ideas will unfold within the region. It is not to say that this too is a television program but many aspects of public opinion, perception, and the decision process are evaluated in much the same way as entertainment ratings and the weight they carry. It is obvious at this time that there is divide but he will attempt to discontinue the status quo here. The difficulty in doing so is that other partners and allies will not wish to continue equal support in future endeavors because what Trump purports to be citizen approval is not truly citizen approval, nor is it in line with the ideas of our allies or marginal supporters. Often what is lost in discussion is that there is a great deal of conspiracy worthy topics and motivations in global topics, but a large part of these episodes and the moves and the decisions behind them involve many other global political powers. Each turn is like a chess game where the current state of play is based upon the unique 30move exchange that happened up to this point. Also, realize that a large part of the problem is the momentum with which these events march forward. While change or maintenance is planned or expected, the number of ‘players’ makes any change to the rules of the chess game very slow, tedious, arduous. There are many components and there are many who use the pace of the clock to their advantage, many who waste the time on the clock, and many who argue that the rate of speed on the clock is changing; lacking the focus at times to remain centered on central issues because they do not wish to see change, or they believe someone has slighted them and eliminated an issue that is central to their cause.

Q. Will President Trump help America overall, or will he simply do as the others did, maintain the status quo?

In specific areas, there will be change. These are areas where change is permitted so that the illusion of power is presented and maintained when citizens view the position of president in your country. Those things which seem wildly drastic and different at this time are only painted in that light by those who dispense and re-dispatch the messages. There is a great deal that is precisely in-step with previous administrators but that information is only broadcast and used to implement the process of separation and division among people. The true nature is repressed and where not depressed it is ignored. The true nature is that there is no difference between one presidential term or another. The differences are not obvious, they are minor, there are areas where some elected officials excel but again, these are permitted. These are authorized, often extensively pre-meditated. There will be appearance of change but no true change. The polar-opposites that are appearing now, some are fabricated, many were in existence and have been in existence for generations, only now are they being broadcast to extend the reach of the given message. Many more in existence at present have access to microphones where they did not previously. Previously it was often perceived as the person in the chair reading the news was trustworthy because in order to achieve that position you had to possess a level of behavior which earned the respect of citizens, but also conveyed the same, a two-way street. Now, there are many outlets giving voices, you can no longer passively accept reports. Importantly, examine though that there has truly been no change between one source or many sources of information. Something resonates with the receiver and they believe the message. Effort should be exerted by the individual to ensure this resonance is of a higher frequency and not simply a superficial bias based only on clues from this lifetime.

 Q. Those who run the government from the dark shadows, how will they try to control the new President?

There is a greater separation here between puppet and puppet master but it is control just the same. It is not as though you have this leader by chance. It was not as well orchestrated as they would have perhaps enjoyed, but this is a choreographed event. The methods and ways about which any controller will exert force is with the carrot. The carrot may be any number of things and is as varied as there are life forms in existence. Personally, controlling the leader is simple because it is not necessarily control in this case. He wishes for the agenda to be carried out. It is not to be considered mysterious and even at this point, it is simply the acquisition of additional power and personal prosperity for the few while the masses are controlled or brainwashed with deception on many levels. There is a process attempting to be implanted now which merely amplifies current distractions. As you may recognize there are not necessarily new methods of control. Any extreme tactic such as rounding up individuals and housing them in temporary prison will not be implemented on a wide scale. All that shall occur is an attempt to strengthen current distraction and you can see this over the course of several previous years. Many things are simply bombarding you much more frequently than years previous. There are new methods which are truly old methods, meaning the same tactics are implanted, attempting to keep you whipped into a frenzy of fearful consumerism forever dependent on the system. As we have stated before the reason for the amplification is due to the waning influence this system possesses. This system is full of information and touches many lives, but many question the validity which is the first step to realizing your true potential and that there is truly an alternative existence which you can live in this lifetime. It is not what you see in media, it not what you are told by well-intended peers with misplaced socially-constructed alignments. Your life is yours, not the things and possessions and the cluttering of ideas within a muddled mind full of that which would not exist without the framework of the social and political structures that humans have developed and devised or even brought on or passively permitted into existence.

Question everything. You are not a ‘conspiracy nut,’ you are allowing yourself to realize the potential in all things. It is not one path to the finish line. When you realize, there is no finish line, and even if there were it would not be the same for each unique individual, you can now see that there is no predetermined path or route that each person should follow in order to provide uniformity. Your existence is not about veiled uniformity and conformity or even passive rebellion. Even your rebellion is cloaked and is truly another construct permitted within your system when you follow these predetermined rules that are arbitrarily created by mankind and accepted in order to corral your peers and prevent chaos.

Chaos should not be feared. Do not fear. Have no fear. Embrace this chaos.

Q. What is the USA's hidden agenda concerning the Middle East?

There is no hidden agenda. The agenda is very often exposed and out in the open. There are no affairs here which truly concern the security or any other nation for a true purpose. The true concern here should be to aid those countries and those peoples here. None of that is happening, that which does occur is with some debt then owed to a stronger nation. The underlying cause of involvement by the USA and any other country is control. To exert power and to extend its control of a greater number of people. There is not some deeper conspiracy other than to cause turmoil to cause destruction then to be seen as the heroes who rebuild. Though, much to their surprise, this has not been incredibly successful as of late.

The cause for many problems is that those who seek to gain power and control here make many assumptions that the people of these areas are simple-minded or that they are uneducated. While many may not have some higher world view there are many who do. There are many who are aware of the manipulation. While ‘terrorism’ is often funded by governments there is a portion of terrorism which occurs as retaliation for the manipulation that occurs. It is not right. It is not acceptable.

To be clear, understand that it is simply not a military presence that is sought for control. Many leaders may be installed which are connected with manipulating governments. Also, know that there are many who wish for this to happen because they will gain financially or be given some powerful position within the country.

Also, know that often turmoil is continued, destabilization in an area allows for other resources to be exploited or for other operations to take place which would otherwise be noticed in a stable environment. There are drug trades, there are human trafficking rings, there is a great deal of weaponry, all of these things occur here because the environment is not stable, there is no solid infrastructure or system. There is no normalcy in daily life so nothing that is irregular can be noticed. These too are for the benefit of the manipulating governments.

Q. Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister) is he planning a military raid designed to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities?

An attack at any point in the future would not result in positive gains, it would not be fruitful. There have been advances made in communication of civil parties and discussion are proving more tiresome, though beneficial. Not at this time, there will be no attack. If an attack were carried out there would be a radical destabilization. It will not take place at this time. There will always be military force here in this conflict, though it is not directly evident that the initiating action will take place. There is not outside force often, at least not by force that will reduce the tumultuous energy here. It has become so ingrained. It will take a genuine release before those beings, present now, can make a dramatic change to a new reaction method and new ideas enacted.

Q. If Israel attacks their nuclear facilities, will Iran retaliate militarily?

There will always be retaliation. There is a great deal here that is superficial in nature. This is not said to dismiss the countless deaths that have been tallied by either party. There is a great deal more of civility that is possible in the coming generation. Though some talks will begin now there is no clear purpose and no creation of new pacts. What is created is not removing the ancient ideals in these two camps. There will be retaliation should something occur.

Q. Does Netanyahu truly want a peaceful settlement with Palestine?

There is no true peace under current regimes. Even those who may be well-intended are not operating under a framework which permits peace, because there is so much controlling influence which seeks out pain and discomfort on some level in order to gain financial or physical power. Violence begets violence. Harm begets harm. There is no peace in any outcome here in the minds of the leading parties until they drive out the other. In its entirety, there is no medium outcome until a later time. As we see now, the opportunities for advancing one's own cause has taken priority over means and methods that would fallow, what you would call, a higher pursuit. It is expected that there will be some mild party temperance but it is not until a new regime is in place that topples ancient beliefs.

Q. Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, does he truly seek peace with Israel or does he harbor other intentions?

If peace were capable at this immediate juncture it would be had. There are always slow roads and there are always fast roads. Historically, there has not been a great deal of change, even by your measurement of time there has not, over such a great period, been a tremendous amount of time. The consideration here, and we do not infer by any means, that this is a lost cause, but we do not see that current leaders in these confrontations - from political to military, or any other leadership and powerful position - they frown upon peace though they are not aware that they do so. It is frowned upon subconsciously because there must be a bartering of power. To narrow the scope of power and then make it unilaterally available, and in a sense, controlled or monitored. There is such fierce opposition that this is not currently possible. While there are many on both sides who eagerly push for resolutions, there are many in the controlling positions who are relentless. There must be a larger unification from the citizenry to cross the aisle, and if this is the path which they truly choose, make demands, forceful, confrontational demands, though nonviolent, to bring about change in the current state. As it is now there are primarily with each respective population, that which seeks to repeat irrelevant dogma, and those who passively accept ancient teachings and immovable object that are unwavering no matter the length of time that shall pass. Relevancy to humankind is infrequently considered to such divisive rhetoric.

Q. Does Israel hold power/sway over the US Government in some hidden way?

There is not a physical power in some way, what is present is a geopolitical climate where it is more about how countries and governments are viewed, their public image, more than their actions upon their own people are important. The concern here on either side is fueled by fundamental religion. Extreme orthodox and primitive views have infiltrated many governments and it is this type of view that sways their decision. It is often asked what their higher authority or their preferred creator would do. Many are less dogmatic but it is difficult to break this bond. Control over politicians and governments are not only financial and commercially driven, some truly believe in archaic principles that serve to divide. There is another segment that believes in nothing but power and only serves to extend its reach. Each catering to its followers; working to extend its own followers or fan base as you might call it.

Q. Those who truly control the US government from the shadows, what is their connection to ISIS? To Israel? To Iran?

It is often not a global sinister plot in terms of labels and patterns. What they are controlling for is more power and more financial gain. More of the same. The label that is applied to any specific group is not necessary because the names and faces are not important. The U.S. is not isolated in this backstage meddling. It is simply a matter of finding groups that are easily manipulated, infiltrated, and influenced with the idea of some smaller bread crumb. Those at the helm of this cloaked power will dangle carrots in front of these rabbits even though the success of the rabbit nets these dark leaders untold fortunes. The absolute horror at times is that this power is only perceived, it is not actual. The riches attained are perceived, they are not genuine. As the individual mind is susceptible so are its leadership who are in no higher realm and afford no differing or stronger view or clarity. The connections you speak of are not necessarily direct. There are many branches to the tree of power and many of these connections or branches change affiliation with the breeze. These are all a matter of self-interest and personal advancement. The connections exist because of what they can provide the other. Each party believes they are the dominant party in the relationship and that they are benefiting to a higher degree. This is not true. Arguing over sand still leaves all parties thirsty; this is not a reference to the location of any of these connections. It is important to disconnect from any leadership that is not connected with you. There is a great loss that happens when leadership is not on a much smaller level. No voices are heard, and even now, similar or majority voices are not heard. You must understand that leadership is not necessary when you rise above daily view and circumstance to improve the lives of others. The energy here impacts the energy there. Training or not this energy radiates throughout existence.

Q. Do powerful Jews (in Government and/or Corporate positions) within the US have behind the scenes control of the USA?

Yes, this is true, but do not focus on their worldly classification. It is often only a matter of a power seeking a power that happens to be a specific faith or race in this case. There exists in this context a favoritism. It is not driven by their class or faith only that they seek to give preference to those who are near them in some similar way. It is not only scientific principles and other philosophical matters where ‘like attracts like.’ In ways, which should be non-detrimental the nature of one seeks to attract the nature of those similar to it. Often this is classified as racism or some form of exclusion, in a very simple manner this is one friend choosing another friend for an open position or opportunity. In this case though it is often one power and financially hungry person offering more of the same to their mirror image. Do not dwell too much on the earth given definitions of people and their history as it has been currently created, defined, and manipulated by man, not some truer higher authority; that is to say, it does not speak to the true