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Chapter Seven


Getting Real



Hopefully, the philosophical area of your mind is beating feebly again and its time to take another dive down the rabbit hole and see what we can find.


It’s important to find reality in the unreal world of the psychopath. Without a tiny glimpse of reality, you are a blind sailor on a stormy sea.


Reality is a perception in your mind and varies greatly from one individual to another. The way an artist views a tree is very different from the way a lumberjack views the same tree.


We create our perception of reality on the information we receive genetically and the information we receive through our senses in our environment. The perception of reality is the way we personally view and interact with our world, emotionally, socially and environmentally.


As a four-year-old child, our family lived in the foothills of a major city and I can remember steep mountain valleys with a fast flowing river at the southern boundary of our house. I left the area aged seven and never returned until I was a mature adult. When I returned, I was stunned to discover the rugged, steep area I remembered as a child was a gently sloping hill and the raging river at the bottom of the garden was a gently trickling creek. Both realities as a child and an adult were equally valid. The environment I witnessed had not changed. What had changed, was my perception of reality.


Imagine being born in a beautiful, isolated, equatorial tribal village where warm, crystal clear streams become your highways and gigantic forest trees from a bygone era stretch toward a distant sweating sky.


Your stunning village is so remote; you and your tribe are unaware of any other humans outside your rain forest area. You would accept the simple jungle existence as your way of life and your reality. Because of your isolation as you matured, you would have no idea of different civilisations, cultures and people beyond your forest territory.


You would have no comprehension of an advanced society's technology, how to use it or understanding of their social structure. You and your tribal friends would be blind to any other society's ideologies, culture and philosophies. You would accept the rituals and restrictions of your remote village society to the point you would allow the pain and disfigurement of having a boar tusk pushed through your nostril.


You would happily hunt; build shelters and mate in accordance to the traditions of the tribe. The village shaman would model your concept of spirituality and again, isolation would limit your choice of guidance. You would still be accessing your conscience and human feelings, but your perception of the reality of your world in a tribal society would be vastly different to your current modern reality.


If you were born into a Detroit ghetto, you would accept the first stages of your life as a ghetto reality.


If you were born disabled and blind into a wealthy Jewish family in Berlin in 1936, you would accept that reality for a portion of your life.


Your physical environment, your genetic make-up and your culture will play a role in the development of your perception of reality and groups in society construct a large portion of your perception of reality for you.


The psychopaths who govern us can easily distort our view of the world and perception of reality.


Just because we are born into a tribal society doesn't mean we are unable to discover and accept new realities and modify our perception of the world. Conversely, if we are born into a glitzy modern society, we have the ability to understand the perceptions of an isolated village society. Our ability to re-align our perception of reality, to get a different view, is an important element in breaking free of a Pathocracy.


In modern society, we find ourselves forced into a social contract with a government. This ‘government’ is a vague notion that no one has agreed to: that allows a minority group to steal, imprison and kill in order to benefit the 'greater good.' I don't remember agreeing nor signing any such contract, do you? The ruling regime contract allows one party to change the deal whenever they want and the other can’t. Ordinary citizens who represent the other party, never have the opportunity to negotiate the 'contract' or even approve it.

Hello, are you thinking about this? Government is a fictional entity, brutally thrust on the majority of humanity.


Ultimately, the created reality that surrounds people in complex societies by ‘governments’ will come crashing down around them and the question is not when, but how fast and how much pain individuals feel when they realise the system they sacrificed their lives for is a psychopathic mirage.


Aldous Huxley, an English philosopher, described our current societies subservience as, “A pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.”


It's time to stop snorting your Hopium and sniff a little Reality.


Nearly 2,500 years ago Plato, the Greek student of Socrates, gave us a story of personal perception of reality as well. Plato told the story where there were prisoners, chained and facing the back wall of a cave. The cave has a sloping exit that leads to the world above. The chained prisoners cannot move their heads or turn around, so they are always watching the wall. They have been there since childhood and only know the shadows on the wall and the other prisoners.


Above and behind them is a horizontal wall; and above and behind that is a fire. Between the fire and the horizontal wall, people walk back and forth carrying all sorts of vessels, and statues and figures of animals made of wood, stone and various materials, which appear over the wall. Some of them are talking, others silent. The prisoners can only see the shadows of the people behind them walking back and forth being cast by the fire on the wall in front of them. Therefore, the prisoners are watching the shadows of the people and particularly the objects they carry.


Imagine one of the prisoners is released and allowed to turn away from the shadows on the wall and see the fire behind him. The direct light of the fire would blind him and then, as his eyes painfully adjusted to the bright light he would see the people walking around the horizontal wall. He would recognise that the shadows he has been watching all his life are not what he thought and are a false reality. He would tell his fellow prisoners what he saw, but they could never believe him as they have are still seeing the shadows and can't possibly believe what he is telling them.


The now excited prisoner is able to climb up past the fire toward the sloping cave entrance. He would be blinded by the light of day shining in through the cave opening and not be able to go outside until his eyes adjusted to the painfully bright sunlight.


When he finally walks outside, he will first be able to view the reflections in the river below him and other shapes and shadows. Gradually he will be able to see the objects around him more clearly, and finally, he will be able to gaze upon the sun and stars in the sky and truly know the magnificence of the world.


He would remember his fellow prisoners in the darkness of their cave, still watching the shadows and the shadows to them are their reality. He would take pity on them and return to tell them of the real world he has seen. They would never believe him! How could they believe such an outrageous story! They would question how a pile of sticks could create flickering hot light, the shadows being cast by real people and the strange shapes they had witnessed all their life being real life 3D objects, not shadows.


Then, they would have to believe a world outside of the darkness of their cave. A world where a giant hot orb that casts bright white light in amidst a blue quilt of cloud. They could never believe such a story; and would surely kill him if he tried to free them from the comforting shadows they have grown accustomed.


Plato is trying to tell us the world, as we know it is merely a shadow of the truth as shown to us by those in control and cognitive dissonance (The emotion that results from considering two contradictory points of view at the same time) provides an inability to accept truth and prevents us from seeing reality.


In order to find the truth, we should look beyond the comforting obvious and reduce our focus on physical distractions of the society we live in and focus on using our incredible inner reasoning to discover reality. Just like the chained prisoner in Plato's cave, this can be a painful, but liberating experience for some people. He also notes that most people are incapable of change or awareness, no matter how large the pile of truth placed in front of them may be. To all intents and purposes, they are blind, their own ego structure and materialistic padding depends on always being right, and to admit an error of judgement would destroy their fragile, carefully constructed, self-righteous image of themselves and their world. If these people admit they are wrong about one thing, what else could they be wrong about?


Many people are like Plato's prisoners, chained to their rigid belief system and will probably never experience the exhilaration of freedom and truth.


As feeling human beings, we are all fundamentally 'wired' the same and the core feelings of love, nurturing and understanding are the same for the majority of us. It is truly staggering, that we can understand the feelings of other humans and other species and interact successfully and beneficially with them.


We don't have to be Einstein to grasp the fundamental concepts of human society. We don't have to spend years slaving over text books and lectures to learn these skills; they are part of being human. They are with us from birth. The full range of authentic human feelings is genetically inherent and enhanced with nurturing in the majority of the human population. We have an amazing capacity for learning, love, compassion, sharing, happiness, creativity, wisdom and change during our lives that allow us to move freely in different societies and understand their basic moral requirements. We may not agree with their philosophies or social structure, but we certainly understand the basic framework of alternate societies.


The psychopath knows it is incredibly easy to alter our perception of reality with misinformation and fear. A single psychopath can twist your reality to whatever they want in their effort to control and use you. With no true human feelings of conscience or guilt, they can tell you whatever they want to create your reality for you. For total control, they would prefer to start altering your perceptions of reality from birth. To achieve this, they will tell lies about you, what other people say or think about you and even lie about your environment. If they can't manipulate you from birth, it really doesn't matter, as they know you will happily swallow their lies and deceit for a very long period of time.


Socially Adept Psychopaths at the heart of society, use the same tactic of smoke and mirrors to create a fictitious society to benefit their selfish interests. They may promise this or promise that, but the only promise they keep, is the promise to benefit themselves


Now for a reality cruncher:

Let’s take a quick look at the corporate world and their insatiable lust for money.


We all know what money is, or do we?

Let’s dive off the deep end and look at corporations whose desire for money is unequalled in human history.


The 'corporation' is a brilliantly constructed, fabricated, legal entity that allows the psychopath freedom to deliver their abuse on a global scale with personal immunity. The corporation does not care; they cannot care, they are a fabricated legal entity, they are not 'real.'


The corporations have become so powerful, they control governments, in fact, they are governments. If you search through Dun & Bradstreet, ASIC, the SEC or any national company registry, you may find your political parties registered as corporations. You will also find your religions, police force and courts merrily registered as profit orientated corporations!


Amazingly, I found the 'Commonwealth of Australia' registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the U.S. with a filing date of 2010-12-09, file number 333-163307, CIK 0000805157, SEC Accession No. 0001341004-10-0002039, Film number, 101241152. Business address, 1601 Massachusetts Ave NW, c/o Australian Embassy, Washington DC, 20036. Through an intricate series of corporate chicanery, the 'Common Wealth' of Australia is moved overseas, resources stripped and citizens of the land known as Australia are enslaved to a fictitious, corporate debt structured society, The Commonwealth of Australia 'Ltd.'


The citizens of Australia never receive the full benefit of having trillions of dollars made from the sale of their infrastructure assets, coal, gas, iron ore and rare mineral deposits.

Large, foreign-based companies operating in Australia receive massive tax exemptions and publicly funded grants that force everyday people and small business into crippling tax scenarios to maintain government infrastructure and welfare.

Australian citizens are part of liberalised economics for large overseas businesses, but not social liberalism. The people of Australia had their freedom and rights stripped from them like the 'common wealth' of their nation.


I found the Queensland Treasury Corp (Australia), file number 333-147-600 and many other Australian government departments. What the FUQ? – Frequently Unanswered Questions of the Australian Government.


Not surprisingly, only a fraction of a tiny percentage of the population in Australia finds the fact their government is registered as a foreign corporation in another country, in any way disturbing. What is disturbing is the fact that no Australian government department will supply answers to the questions of SEC registration. If there were a simple explanation to the registration of their country in a foreign exchange, it would be an easy matter to clarify, but they do not supply answers! The ramifications of their silence are chilling.


The corporation is the perfect vehicle for ASPD control and they have attempted to create a soulless society, hell bent on materialism and hedonistic pursuits. Without any real love to commit them to co-operation, without any anxiety to prevent fear of abandonment, without guilt to inspire repentance, they are free to play for the short-term benefit and they do.


In a lawsuit, Lord Denning, in British Steel Corporation v Granada Television Ltd summed up the fabricated ASPD nature of many corporations when he stated, “That a corporation has no body to be kicked or soul to be damned.”


Like Lord Denning, I am a flesh and blood human being with intense feelings, not a cold, fabricated, Legalese Corporation. When confronted with the overbearing legislation a corporation hands me, I ask to see the flesh and blood ‘corporation.’ Not a representative of the ‘corporation’ or a piece of paper pertaining to a contrived company, I want to meet the real flesh and blood corporation. Of course, no such thing exists; a corporation is a fictional legal entity lending itself to indemnity for those with not a shred of humanity flowing through their veins.


The concept of a ‘Multinational Company' began in the early 1600's to protect Dutch traders from financial risk in their quest for East Asian spices and silk. The Dutch had stolen the trade routes to the 'Spice Islands' from the Portuguese, but needed a legal entity to protect them and their investors from the incredible risks associated with early sea voyages. In 1598, Jakob von Neck created a group of five companies to finance a daring trade expedition. He was personally unable to raise the huge amount of capital required to build a fleet of trading vessels and found a method for people to invest and ‘share’ in his venture, with a promise of returns on their investments at the completion of his expedition. He left with 22 ships, visited the Spice Islands, in what is now Indonesia and managed to negotiate and secure a cargo of pepper and other valuable spices. By the time he had returned to the Netherlands, von Neck had lost eight ships but still earned his investing partners a massive 400% return on their initial contribution and the concept of a ‘company’ was created.


Each voyage they undertook was a stand-alone business endeavour. Piracy, disease, weather and simple navigation error made these trips highly risky. In addition, the commodities traded were subject to huge swings in profitability. A successful voyage could generate staggering profits, but losses were common and could be devastating. The Dutch saw an opportunity to create a cartel. The result was the Dutch East India Company formed in 1602. This was the world's first recorded multinational company. The enterprise was the world's first corporation owned by investors through the issuance of stock equity. Von Neck's financial ingenuity was the road to individuals being able to fund large-scale endeavours and it became the model for corporations to minimise personal risk until the present day.


The modern Pathocratic Company has no loyalty to its employees, only to top management and major shareholders and is always playing for short-term, parasitic profit. Originally, company hierarchy had a group called ‘Personnel’ because companies hired persons to work for them. Modern companies have a group called ‘Human Resources.’ The humans working for today's companies are merely another resource like a desks, chairs or computers. The chairperson of the board probably believes that every daylight moment is dedicated to serving human needs. Noam Chomsky noted that if the CEO were to act on these delusions instead of pursuing profit and market share, they would no longer be chairperson of the board. It's a sober reminder of the nature of many multinational companies and their fixation on money.


The truth is, the corporation is the dominant force in our modern western society. Like the power of the church before it, corporations carefully determine what we eat, what we wear, where we work, what we read, what we listen to, what we say, what we watch, what car we drive, what we look like, what we do and what we think. It controls our every aspect of our lives and crushes our beautiful, vibrant spirit.


As Noam Chomsky points out, there is a serious flaw with the modern corporation. Its legally defined mandate is to pursue its self-interest regardless of whom or what suffers because of its actions. With this callous approach, Joel Bakan, a University of British Columbia law professor and author of the 'Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power,' shows the corporation, already considered in law as a “person” can therefore be diagnosed, like a person as a cold, reptilian psychopath.


To understand psychopathic control through deceitfulness in society, we have to step back further in time to grasp the ancient concept of money. It is only a concept; 'money' or currency, as you understand it, is not what your society would have you believe. You may hold a one hundred dollar note in your hot little hand and it may look real, but it's not what you imagine. It is a representation of a trading concept, where early civilisations created a system of replacing barter and exchange with objects or coins. Ultimately, money came to represent precious metals held in safety for investors. In modern society, you effectively trade your precious, finite time on this planet for a 'promissory' note that you can exchange for items you require.


The one hundred dollar note you hold in your hand is made of plastic or paper and is real, but the concept of the value of the paper you hold is a fabrication of someone's imagination, someone’s indoctrination. Its only genuine worth is the value of the paper or plastic and the ink it is created with. Therefore, a hundred dollar note's genuine value is a tiny, tiny fraction of its perceived value. The power of money is only a concept in your perceived reality. It is only an IDEA; it has no reality. It is not, nor ever has been 'real.' It is a belief implanted by a fictitious, fraudulent and avaricious section of society.


If you could take your precious one hundred dollar bill to an inhabited alien planet, the occupants will have no idea of its 'value', they will only see it for what it is – a piece of coloured paper. They would have no idea why it means so much to you! Fortunately, you don't have to strap on a space suit and wave money in front of aliens to test this theory. Just head for a remote area of planet earth and try convincing the local natives your piece of paper is worth anything to them. For a real stretch, you could try selling them stocks and bonds, keeping in mind their currency of seashells! I lived with the indigenous societies in the Pacific Islands and I can assure you, they have no need of your 'money.' Money is only useful to light fires in a remote village society, the importance and emotional attachment you place on money is incomprehensible to a native culture.


Money, as you are taught, is not real; it is an accepted concept through integrated social indoctrination. It has no morality, no conscience and no sense of right or wrong and no perceivable beauty. It is an illusion.


Imagine placing a one hundred dollar bill on a table, it is inert and will stay there indefinitely doing nothing. Your hundred dollar bill won't suddenly stand up and perform the famous Parisian 'Can Can.' It is only the indoctrinated belief by your society in the coloured piece of paper on the table that gives it any perceived power. The piece of paper lying on the table requires YOU to activate its perceived power. Without YOUR indoctrinated belief, the piece of paper has no power or value. It will always remain a coloured piece of paper until YOU and your BELIEF SYSTEM enter the room. The ‘value’ you attach to Money is not real.


In pursuit of money, people sell the hours and the days of their life, which are the only true wealth they have. They sell the beauty, the sunshine, the dawn and the dusk, the moon and the stars, the wind and the rain, the green fields and the flowers, the rivers and the sweet fresh air. They sell their health, joy, freedom, precious time with their children and hand their life to others without thinking.


Equally, those who lust for money excessively, have no conscience, no sense of right or wrong and no concept of love for human kind or their environment. Everything bankers attach to money is a total fabrication and the greatest lie ever told, but believed by all. Although people laugh at some island cultures currency of shells, the islanders shell will still be a shell tomorrow, your dollar probably will not.


Socially Adept Psychopaths and their lust for money are the root of all evil and those few pursuing money above all else are corrupted beyond comprehension.


The religion of money will fail because of its unreality, the huge number of sociopaths attracted to its concept and their desire to manipulate the system to their advantage. Ordinary exploitables will painfully discover their high priests of currency are nothing more than snake oil salespeople.


The current status quo has ventured into the shallow sea of unreality just to keep the global socio-economic system afloat. Those in control are able to hide behind authority and academic vocabulary which if put in plain terms for the layperson is theft, Ponzi, tyrannical and moronic.


When economies fail and banks collapse taking people's life savings with them, people suddenly realise the huge investment of time and effort they have spent chasing an illusion. This is when people discover their money is at best an I.O.U. They have spent their lives trapped in an absurd belief that money is real. The 'value' of money fluctuates without social consent. What your dollar is worth today may not be what it is worth tomorrow, it can increase or decrease on an hourly basis. Individuals trading in the currency market receive staggering profits on the volatility of countries currency fluctuations.


Imagine if the world’s system of weights and measures changed on a daily basis. What was one metre in length today, could be 90 centimetres tomorrow. That would open the doors of manipulation, theft and corruption, wouldn’t it?

That’s exactly what happens with the value of money on a daily basis. What a dollar is worth today, is probably not what is worth tomorrow.


People live in an economic system that is complicated by design. It is created so most people don’t even try to understand it.


With the advent of computers, money becomes a series of bits and bytes in a mythical digital ocean and is far less real than the one hundred dollar note we hold in our hands. Credit cards, ATM cards, Pay Wave cards, Crypto currencies and cashless societies add another dimension of unreality. Banks have long ago lost sight of their original gold and silver standard for currency allocation and are desperate to complete the illusion by introducing total control through a ‘cashless society.’


Even ancient kings and emperors who clipped and diluted coins knew they could never get away with something as airy fairy as Crypto Currency. The pitch forks would have been brought out in force. But look, our brainwashed masses swarm to the idea of digital money with no connection to a store of value. It's enough to make a rational person's head explode!


A cashless monetary system is a psychopath’s wet dream; it is the ultimate in surveillance, control, theft and unreality. ASPD Pathocracies have systematically devalued the purchasing power of money to the point it is nearly worthless.


It's fascinating to follow the money trail when outrageous laws and abuse are enacted and it usually leads to a Pathocratic government and a multinational overlord reaping monetary rewards from ill-informed exploitable humanthings. If you cannot understand outrageous government decisions, just look for the money trail. It is always about the money! The more you explore money and those who distribute it, the less real it becomes; it is only an indoctrinated concept, maintained by a corrupt, broken and heartless system.


In our current ASPD Pathocratic society, the base of the Ponzi pyramid scheme consists of exploitable human workers. That's you and I, blindly slaving away at honest endeavours to 'pay our way' in society.


The next pyramid level is the government, with their mandate from the exploitable humanthings to us