Steep Descent by Raul Limington - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight


The Lore



It's worth taking a very quick look at law and the legal system as it is represented in our society.


As a child, I discovered a natural lore, where light followed dark, flood-followed drought and death followed birth. They were conditions of a natural world that sustained life in a rhythm of complex continuity. If I could not get breath and oxygen to my lungs, the natural lore suggested I might die. I couldn’t stop the sun from rising, the tides from flowing or the moon from waning.

If I jumped in the air from the ground, I would always land back on the ground.

I had no desire to harm or murder other humans, the natural lore within me authenticated my being.

This natural lore, not legislated by humans, was difficult to dispute.


As I started school, I discovered man-made laws and through continual floggings and punishment; I learned to accept authority and man-made law in a way that would last into adult life.


Later, I would discover I could wipe my nose with the paper that many of the fabricated laws were written on. Many of these laws, written to intimidate and relieve me of money and freedom, left me with a deep seated distrust of authority.

In the doubtful Australian constitution in particular, with their pompous kangaroo courts, these laws were invalid in every sense.


Hiding behind their ‘law’, ASPD Pathocracies have made slavery ‘legal’, crucifixion was ‘legal’, impaling was ‘legal’, burning witches was ‘legal’, the Spanish inquisition was ‘legal’, guillotines were ‘legal’, the holocaust was ‘legal’, segregation and apartheid were ‘legal’, fascism was ‘legal’, wars are ‘legal’, genocide is ‘legal’, torture is ‘legal’, infanticide is ‘legal’, tax evasion for the wealthy is ‘legal.’


Legality is a vagrancy of human lore that gives Pathocracies indemnity to maintain their rule by force, unreality and citizen ignorance.


The core psychopaths in control may tell us what we can and cannot do, but they cannot tell us what to feel. Our inner feelings are our own lore and no psychopath in power can ever understand, own them or steal them.


Albert Einstein noted, “I am convinced that vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and enoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment.”


Ultimately, I discovered no person is held by man-made 'law,' we are all free in the truest sense of the word and not bound by avaricious legal systems, borders or rabid patriotism. Our inbuilt lore of conscience and the desire to help one another in a true society is far stronger and more valid than all the volumes of law ever written.

Think about it, no typical, authentic, feeling human runs around looking for people to harm, defraud or control, our conscience prevents it. Any person who seeks power and dominance at any cost and imposes laws to protect their status is possibly not an authentic human and aberrant of nature.


The most vital element in any relationship is trust.


We have to trust our lover will not strangle us as we sleep. We have to trust the pilot of the aircraft we are about to fly in, has flown an aircraft before.

There is no way we can trust a government: they lie, break promises, loot, appoint wars and create retrospective legislation that bends their citizen’s inherent lore to their warped sense of entitlement.


We need guidance and assistance in resolving disputes and maintaining a safe, balanced social status, but it’s important to realise the legal system is as fictitious as the banking system. The 'law' protects the few at the to cost of many. There is little justice and a lot of 'just-us.' There is barely a justice system; there is only a legal system.


Authentic humans don’t require laws to tell them to act responsibly. However, a small percentage of ASPD corrupted people will always find a way to bend the laws to their advantage.


As Martin Luther King Jr. wrote in 1963, "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."