Steep Descent by Raul Limington - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine





In the Mexican state of Michoacan is a town named Cheran.

Cheran lies in the northwestern portion of Michoacan, about 360 km west of Mexico City. Cheran is a tropical area but, because of its rugged, high altitude, is cooler and more pleasant than the lower lying jungles and coast-lands nearby.


On the surface, Cheran seems no different from other towns in rural Mexico.

Food stands, set up in the colonial era central square sell foodstuffs, cheap clothing and other items.


Every afternoon, residents gather to enjoy an ice cream, sip a juice drink and share gossip and small talk, often about loved ones and neighbours, some of them now living in the United States.

But something is missing: There is no sign of the political slogans and emblems that cover much of the country.


Sickened by the destruction of their native forest, the indigenous people of Cheran became fed up with the corruption and violence from the 'people' ruling them and decided to take charge of their town themselves.


In 2011, led by local women, the population of 20,000 removed the bureaucrats, the police, the talamontes (the local mafia) and the rebels, and are now running their town themselves using volunteer citizens.


They're not professing to be libertarian and yet, just using common sense, they've established a form of rule that is remarkably libertarian.


The basic principle is that they make no laws. The citizens may do whatever they wish, as long as they don't aggressively harm other citizens or their property. Political parties and local government have been banned. A citizen council with no allegiance to corporations or government, oversee infrastructure.


Pedro Chavez, a teacher and community leader commented, "To defend ourselves, we had to change the whole system - out with the political parties, out with City Hall, out with the police and everything. We had to organise our own way of living to survive."


Some of the younger men in the community wanted to execute the captured police, bureaucrats and crime bosses immediately after the takeover, but the women who had led the uprising wisely insisted that the violence must end and the captors simply be expelled, never to be allowed to return.


Not surprisingly, the takeover became a national issue. There was massive political opposition in Mexico City. But, in 2014, Cheran's provisional self-government was declared legal. The town remains part of Mexico but is self-determining.


Of course, we're forever being told by the enclave of psychopaths in government that the end result of a libertarian system will be chaos, as there's no powerful government to constrain people from their natural lawless tendencies (mirroring).

So, what do we see in Cheran with no government?


Amazingly, crime and violence is down dramatically.


With organised crime removed, along with the police whom the gangsters paid off, capital crime in particular, has ceased to exist. (Most remaining crime has to do with alcohol abuse.)


Without an all-knowing government, police and endless legislation, why aren't the people of Cheran murdering, raping and looting each other?

The answer is surprisingly simple.

Think about what you are as a human being.


The vast majority of people you have met during your life, were not actively seeking people to murder, manipulate or loot.


There is an amazing moral governance in an authentic human being called a conscience.


It is hard wired in our DNA and prevents us from actively seeking harm to other humans. People don't have to spend years in university or seek guidance from obscure gurus and religions to discover the inherited power of moral conscience. It is a wonderful part of being an authentic human being. It has been with us since birth and will remain until our last breath. All we have to do is acknowledge the existence of conscience as a measuring stick of behaviour around us.


The psychopaths in government bureaucracies have no conscience. They do all in their power to disconnect us from our conscience and our true selves. These ASPD monsters know humans suffer ‘cognitive fracture’ during episodes of violence that temporarily overrides the amygdala’s ability to regulate emotion. Psychopaths are genetically damaged and have no physical access to the area of the brain responsible for empathy and caring. The societies they create are a reflection of their diabolical personality disorder.


Their lust for unreality, lies, power, war, control and theft is the legacy they leave their bewildered citizens and in modern society we see the venom of psychopathy spreading through the veins of society, poisoning our youth and workers with a toxic cocktail of lack of empathy for their fellow citizen.


No authentic human being seeks violence, war or control over other human beings. The ASPD people in power criminalise peace by attacking war protesters as subversive, unpatriotic and foreign conspirators. What the????


In our sophisticated, Pathocratic western world, we frequently debate the likelihood of the success of a libertarian community, that its simple principles are too idealistic to ever work.


However, many years after the takeover of their town, by the people of Cheran, we see that this is not only working, it can be accomplished by such an unlikely group as a handful of poor women, without any funding, with just the simple idea of liberty.


The town has the motto, "The People Give the Orders and the Government Obeys."


This is essentially the same story as the US in 1776.

Most revolutions (the Russian Revolution, the French Revolution, etc.) are led by those who simply wish to replace the previous psychopath autocrats with; you guessed it, new psychopath autocrats.


However, revolutions that are led by the people themselves, for the purpose of liberty, have the potential to flourish.


The US, in its infancy, was pseudo libertarian in nature and got off to a grand start. However, it quickly degenerated into a corporate Pathocracy.


Cheran stands as a reminder that the pursuit of liberty does not end, it simply moves around geographically.


There is always liberty somewhere in the world. Liberty from the war-mongering, parasitic, psychopaths lurking at the heart of all forms of government.


Liberty does not require brute force, coercion, weapons and death. It requires awareness of the power of conscience and spirit contained in all authentic life forms and the enthusiasm to seek positive, non violent social change for all. Liberty requires the knowledge and courage that those in control are often seriously emotionally challenged and should be pitied and isolated.

"La Liberte pour tous."


Just how powerful are we?


If you don't think you're incredibly amazing, powerful or unique, just try manufacturing a human being from the atomic energy around you. That doesn’t mean bolting together a robot with a pretty face, artificial intelligence, banks of batteries and a 'made in China' sticker glued to its foot.


It means starting from nothing and using only the atoms and molecules surrounding you assemble a living, feeling human being with 100 trillion reproducing cells capable of repairing themselves.


Try constructing an organic, neuron network that has the maximum amount of high-dimensional structures, way beyond our known three-dimensional world. A memory system with a capacity in the petabyte range or as much as the entire World Wide Web.


Now combine this in an organic system, capable of powering itself with the organic material around it, with blood, muscles, mobility, sensitivity, vision, audio receptors, intelligence, emotions, spirituality and love. It is impossible!


Now can you catch a glimpse how amazing you are? Can you begin to see what an incredible creation you are? Can you feel, no matter how physically or mentally incapacitated you may be you are a stupendous marvel of biological endeavour? As a life form on this planet, you are the most amazingly powerful assemblage of physical and spiritual energy in the universe.


Everything is connected to allow us to experience the wonder of our existence at this point in time. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the people we love. Every vibrating atom around us is a vibrating part of the whole.


If you don’t think you’re connected to everything around you, just try holding your breath for thirty minutes or not eating and drinking for six months! We are all part of one and one is part of all. We are not in a state of thinking, but a state of spiritualistic being and this state of oneness transcends indoctrinated, psychopathic duality. We are able to get in touch with which we are; truly are, the part of us that's eternal, infinite and authentic and encompasses the whole.


Once recognised, the unlimited love we have inside us spreads out like a boundless ocean not constrained by space or time and envelops the whole world. We are all one and all part of the same whole. We are part of the blindingly colourful tapestry of life that is pure, unconditional love.


My physical presence on this planet is truly miraculous. I was not spontaneously created; I arrived here through a series of reproductive miracles. I have arrived at this point in linear time because thousands of years ago some hunter-gatherers had a child. All the countless generations before and after them are linked to me.


No one and no thing is insignificant. Everything is connected. The food my ancestors ate, the animals they sacrificed, the grass the animals ate, the rain that made the grass grow, the micro bacteria in the soil - the love - the hate - the passion – the spirituality - the survival - the good - the bad – the evil – the wars. Everything down to a molecular level is connected. Everything on the non-physical plane is connected. Everything connects to the past, the present and the future. There are no coincidences.


All of this was necessary to get me to this realisation in this point of time. Everything becomes an infinite plane through these connections. In this existence, with this knowledge, you and I are powerful beyond measure. I cannot, nor ever could have existed without love. It is and always will be the reason for my existence. It creatively weaves through every atom in the comprehensible universe. It has always been and always will, continue. We are all One. Everything is part of everyone. Every vibrating atom of our incredible being connects to every vibrating atom around us. We are a vibrant mass of atomic intricacy linked to a support system of unimaginable complexity, beauty and antiquity.


As if that isn't amazing enough, I am currently sitting at a desk, hurtling through the incredibly cold and hostile vacuum of space at 108,000 kilometres per hour or a staggering 30,000 metres every second. Combined with this velocity, my desk is spinning at 1,670 kilometres per hour around an incredibly violent and life obliterating hydrogen and helium fission reactor that consumes over 600 million tonnes of hydrogen every second. The reactor, our sun, is also travelling at 675,000 kilometres per hour as it plunges through our Milky Way galaxy, dragging our little planet along for the ride!


The Milky Way galaxy itself is tearing through space at 2.1 million kilometres per hour (630 km per second). Such speeds stagger the mind and squash any notions of moving fast in our humble, terrestrial frame of reference! I am oblivious to this incredible velocity, yet I am experiencing it. These seem crazy figures, until we see a shooting star streak across the night sky. We can witness the speed of the shooting star to be around 200,000 kilometres per hour as it plunges thousands of kilometres in fractions of a second. This is the object’s terminal velocity as it slows and burns in earth’s atmosphere. If a jet aircraft were to travel the same distance it would be a painfully slow journey to cover the same distance. We are aware, yet we are so unaware.


Although I can see, I am blind; I can only 'see' 1/10 billionth of the electro-magnetic spectrum emitted from the sun. All the other radiated frequencies are invisible and many of these pass through my body. Just because I cannot see this radiation, does not mean it doesn't exist. Some of it I can 'feel' as infrared radiation, but I am unaware of the most of the radiation travelling through space, yet I may be experiencing it. I can increase my awareness through research and analysis and continually check the results for validity and accuracy. Similarly, just because I may be unaware of emotionally disturbed people and their colossal negative influence around me, doesn’t mean they don't exist. We need to pop our head out of our comfortable rabbit hole and look differently at our world. Look and actually see.


None of our experiences would be possible if our little planet was slightly closer or further away from our companion star. A fraction closer to the sun would sterilise our planet from the intense radiation. Being too far from the sun would freeze dry the surface of the planet; even the speed of our planet’s rotation and the moon’s orbit ensures our existence. Carbon based life, as we know it could not exist if not for an incredible cosmic balancing act. Everything, even on a cosmic scale connects to allow us to experience this existence. Like dropping a stone in a pond, every ripple, every oscillation connects infinitely. It is incredible beyond belief. We are part of a massive, multi-dimensional, universal matrix that stretches beyond our imagination.


So folks, here we are, dragged along by the Milky Way at over 2.1 million kilometres per hour through the chilling vacuum of space, orbiting a life obliterating fission reactor that gulps 600 million tons of hydrogen every second, dodging planet smashing asteroids and meteors and no one thinks this is amazing!!

It is amazing.

You are amazing.


As a life form on this planet you are the most exquisite collection of physical and emotional energy in the cosmos. No one and no thing in the universe has experienced exactly what you have experienced.

You are staggeringly unique, original and encoded with the physical and spiritual information required for being.

We are part of the intense vibrating energy that is life and a fundamental law of quantum mechanics states that no information from the universe can ever disappear. It may change state, but it will not disappear. Most of the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in our bodies exist by the complex reactions of the stars around us. By definition, we are part of an incredibly complex living cosmos, infinitely.


Life is so precious it defies logic.

I cannot count the number of people who told me how much better their life would be if they won the lottery. The truth is they have won the lottery! The chances of being a life form with intelligence and emotions in the universe are zillions to one against. Your existence is a miracle; you have the won the greatest cosmic lottery of all time, celebrate it; enjoy it, share it, live it, love it!


If you cannot grasp the significance of your incredibly powerful existence, your being, your potential, your creativity, your oneness, your infinite spirituality, your connection to an evolving universe, your amazing capacity for love, joy and beauty, your total human experience, your positive interaction with everything and everyone around you. You could well be a soulless psychopath, hell bent on disseminating duality, confusion, hatred and control or you are blinded by the current global psychopathic corporate indoctrination we call modern society.


The amazing thing is, the powerful human spirit can survive the abuse the psychopath delivers so freely. Our body may be broken and crippled from their abuse, but our spirit, our core self, remains powerfully ours. We may be chained, tortured and even murdered, but our spirit will never be imprisoned. We may be subjected to continual verbal and emotional abuse, but our beautiful authentic spirit is still with us. Our wounded spirit may retreat from abuse, but it cannot be surrendered or disappear. Riches, prestige, everything can be lost, but the happiness, love and beautiful memories in our own heart can only be dimmed, not stolen; it will always be there, as long as we live.


Our feelings of love, compassion and forgiveness are far greater than the crippled 'path can ever imagine and unlike the material possessions we collect, can never be taken from us.


When the Enola Gay crew dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima one of the survivors, Shinji Mikamo, despite horrific lifelong injuries and unimaginable personal loss said, “Americans are not to blame, the war is to blame. People's unwillingness to understand those with different values - that is to blame. The pilot of the Enola Gay had only been following orders,” he pointed out, “And risked his own life in the process."


Sadly, we have had endless wars, rape, pillage and slavery since we began recording human history.

Who do you think profits from warfare?

Who wanted slaves to pick cotton?

Who wants slaves to work from daylight to dark for their modern corporate masters?

Who wants to steal the bread from the mouths of their citizens?

I don’t: and I met many thousands of people during my life who have no intention of harming others.

Maybe you want to harm others.

One thing is certain, the ASPD individuals at the centre of society live only for hatred, lust, lies, looting, murder, control, unreality and feast on the pain and suffering they create.


Psychopaths see only evil, hear only evil, speak only evil, think only evil.


This is the mantra their blind followers follow. They have no other guidance. The psychopaths have cleverly infiltrated all religions and every corner of society, from school councils to governments. They now monitor everything you do and say. The level of monitoring and control in advanced societies is beyond insanity.


When you understand the rigid framework of psychopathic control, you can see the same ASPD Pathocratic patterns in the ancient Phoneticians, Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks, Romans, Etruscans, Macedonians, Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and the Tiahuanaco.


The psychopaths have controlled the Easter Islanders, Pacific Islanders, the Ramas of India and the Chinese. “To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace.” (Tacitus - senator and a historian of the Roman Empire).


Malignant transactional empathy is the tool they use for social integration. It is always the few harnessing the many for the benefit of very few. This is the first time in history we can break their cycle of abuse and actually medically identify ASPD psychopaths with incredible scientific accuracy as the vile perpetrators of abuse on humanity.


One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different outcome, like continually electing governments chained to the ruling elite. If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done. It doesn’t mean you have to walk over broken glass to achieve a major goal or result. Quite often, it’s as simple as looking at things from a different perspective to achieve a spectacular result. One thing is certain, inertia ensures you, your political, social and financial situation will never change, only deteriorate. The Pathocracy that governs you relies on your inertia to survive.


People may be asking the government for help in their current predicament, but as Ronald Reagan famously put it: "Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem."


We desperately need is a government so small and ransparent we can hardly see it.


Modern politics is the crowning glory of all preceding Pathocracies. Never, have so few, manipulated so many, for so much personal gain and power. The grand theatre of politics amuses and confuses the masses while the core psychopaths do what they have always done on a scale that would make ancient rulers’ heads spin.

Voting for a modern political party is like choosing between a firing squad and an electric chair.

If voting mattered, they would never let us do it.


Since the creation of modern communications, the psychopath elite have been able to harness exploitable humanthings into fabricated conflict and enslavement on a scale unimaginable to their predecessors. As a result, they have accumulated wealth and power way beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.


They may call themselves Democracies, Monarchies, Oligarchies, Theocracies, Socialists, Communists, Fundamentalists, Social Democracies, Aristocracies, Autocracies, Plutocracies, Theocracies, Diarchies, Emirates, Peoples Republics or Independent States. They may be left wing or right wing, Democrat or Republican, Whigs or Tories, Liberal, Labor or Independent, but they are all ruled by Pathocratic bureaucracies controlled by seriously mentally ill people, exhibiting severe ASPD symptoms, capable of extraordinary abuse, violence and disregard for normal human feelings. They are broken and society will always be broken as long as they have control. We will always hear the sickening crunch of the Schutzstaffel boots over the cobblestones of history as long as ASPD Pathocracies rule.


Amazingly, despite their unimaginable wealth and power, psychopaths can never love or experience the incredible panorama of true, human feelings. They cannot hold a newborn baby in their arms and feel that incredible power of love, devotion and nurturing. They cannot feel the beautiful bond of love and pride as that child matures and grows into a beautiful, loving human being, capable of positive contributions to society.


They cannot support that child with love and understanding and give loving guidance on the child's incredible journey through its early stages of life.


They cannot look at a beautiful woman and see anything but lust.


They cannot walk on a beach in the moonlight with a loved one and share the magnificence of being.


They cannot hold a lover in an everlasting embrace and truly say, “I love you.”


They cannot sit in an auditorium, listening to the emotional power of a symphony orchestra and feel their spirit lifted.


They cannot look at a magnificent painting and feel what the artist felt or captured.


They cannot pick up a phone and share the feelings of their adult children or take an interest in their siblings' achievements or adversities.


They cannot take pleasure from sharing precious, happy times with close friends.


They cannot help those in need.


They cannot feel the joy of sharing and love when taking a faithful pet for a walk.


They cannot be part of the world of decency and truth.


Psychopaths are empty shells, visibly solid, but void of 'normal' feeling and the full spectrum of true, authentic human emotions and these are the creatures that control you.


These are the vile, empty vessels that must take from others who are full.


These vampires feast opulently on your pain and suffering.


These are the ‘people’ who dream up the policies and laws that bind you to their strange and twisted world vision and their contempt for you is almost unimaginable.


No matter how important you feel in society, no matter how clever you think you are, no matter how many university degrees and letters you have after your name, no matter how grammatically correct you are, no matter how many scientific papers you have published, no matter how glib you are at reciting indoctrinated propaganda, no matter how comfortable and secure you think you are, no matter how much money you think you have, you are only useful as monetised serfs, slaves and cannon fodder in the world of a sociably adept psychopath.


You mean less than nothing to them and you, your money, your retirement benefits and your assets are totally disposable for their acquisition and enjoyment.


For the first time in human history, we now have the knowledge and the medical tools for accurate analysis of psychopathy and an ability to reduce the power of the institutions in which psychopaths congregate: the military, multinational corporations, central banks, intelligence agencies, DARPA, corporation of London, police forces, governments, religious movements and secret societies.


Do not become part of the psychopath’s reality; it is so far removed from normal human authenticity, it’s hard to believe psychopaths are the same species!


Government is a fictional entity, forced on people globally. At birth, no person has willingly signed a contract between themselves and a Pathocratic government institution. The true root of the problem is the BELIEF in government and authority. Just because someone wears a uniform or performs so