Steep Descent by Raul Limington - HTML preview

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Chapter One

Fence Posts


I am an elderly man and looking back on my life, I realise many of the people I met were smart asses, but in reality, nearly everyone of them was a dumb ass. Sure, many people were brilliant at what they did in their niche in society, but they were profoundly stupid philosophically. Many people could do extraordinary things in the stock market, retail, banking, medical, science, media, management, military, whatever their field of endeavour, but they were and still are, as thick as bricks.


When talking to these people, they seemed intelligent, competent and articulate humans, full of fun, ideas and bravado, but they were completely clueless holistically and prepared to defend their narrow point of view to the death. It was like talking to some pre-recorded machine. No matter how much common sense was fed into them, the programmed response never varied. They were stuck in an infinite feedback loop and could not process anything other than what they had been indoctrinated with. In many cases, it was more rewarding talking to a granite boulder or an autistic Armadillo.


No matter how many letters people had after their names, no matter how many university degrees they had collected, no matter how hysterically successful they had become, they all had one thing in common – they all listened to the same social narrative. They were as philosophically dead as a fence post.


These people could experience, lust, love, rage and joy, but something was missing. They were disconnected from the most vital reasoning part of themselves.


People I met, would hoist their doctrines on me in an attempt to show superiority, but all they showed me was how incredibly fixated and inflexible they were. These people were more than eager to saddle me with advice and religious beliefs and most of it was nonsensical, irrelevant and infantile.

However, some indoctrinated information as a child was vital to be able to function in society.


So, let’s have a quick example of irrelevant indoctrination from a learned narrative.

As a schoolboy, I learned history, lots of history, lots of history books, but the history I was taught was the narrative of the government of the day. The history books I read, were drenched with the blood from countless millions of ordinary citizens, murdered over the millennia. The heroes I was taught to respect were some of the greatest murderers the world has ever known, yet they were glorified. It was irrelevant, traumatic and immaterial to my life as an adult. Years and years of brutal lectures on history and I was never taught anything relevant about one of the oldest and most successful cultures in the world.


These were the Australian Aboriginals who had lived for 50,000 years in a very difficult environment. I knew nothing of their culture, their beliefs, their status as a nation. In fact I was taught little, other than they were black savages who stood in the way of white settlement. Here was a group of one of the most ancient cultures on the planet and I knew nothing about them, yet I lived on their land.


While most western civilisations collapse within a few hundred years, the aboriginal civilisation flourished for 50,000 years.


Their society met an abrupt end in 1788 with the landing of the first Brutish fleet in Botany Bay, New South Wales. Their land was confiscated, their women raped, their men murdered, their children stolen and their culture erased. This was the foundation of democracy in Australia.


What sort of human can routinely create untold cruelty and misery on their fellow human without just cause? How could the perpetrators of death to the natives have zero feeling for their victims and gloss over their genocide as if it never existed?

How could they erase 50,000 years of culture in just a few years?

Do you think the Australian indigenous society the early bureaucracy slaughtered were any less amazing than you or I?

Do you think they were incapable of feelings and love?


As you read on, I will show you how racial intolerance breeds contempt and those responsible for creating intolerance and hatred. If you have the guts to read on, you will discover exactly how these machinations occur. And you want to read on, because you are on track to go the way of the Australian Aboriginals and the dinosaurs if you can’t stop listening to your government’s subversive narrative.


Let’s get two things straight –

1) You are going to go through hell worse than any colonial Australian Aboriginal if you can’t think beyond what you have been taught. Many of you reading these words could be stone motherless dead within a very short time. Murdered by ‘people’ with the same type of personality disorder as those who murdered the Australian natives.


2) I am not a miracle worker, I am not very clever, I am not a Pulitzer Prize writer. I am made of flesh and blood like you and have all the faults and foibles associated with being human. I do have the amazing gift of human feelings that instinctively tell me something is catastrophically wrong with structured human society and I want to share with you the reason you are on a steep descent into oblivion and maybe, just maybe, we can put the brakes on the vehicle careering down the steep slope.


This book is short.

This book is going to sting.

You will call me patronising, demonising, naive, an idiot, a madman and the societal narrative you have learned, will do all in its power to prevent you from learning the truth. Ultimately, the truth is irrefutable. Hatred may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, the truth remains.


I am not asking for your money, your acceptance or your approval and I don’t want you to join oblique religions or extremist organisations.

I want you to re-connect with the the most important part of you that has been stolen.


I wish you luck!


Here’s the first big thing to get your head around.


You are amazing.


You are made of the same elements you see in the stars above. Most of the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in your body exists because of the cataclysmic reactions of the stars around you aeons ago.


You shine as brightly as any star has ever shone and are a beacon of universal love and decency.


As a life form on this planet, you are the most amazingly powerful assemblage of physical and spiritual energy in the universe.


No one or no thing in the universe has experienced exactly what you have experienced. You are totally unique and a sovereign being.


The chances of intelligent life existing in the universe are zillions to one against, yet you are here and the majority of emotionally aligned beings on planet earth are an exquisite, colourful thread in the glowing tapestry of life and love.


You have unlimited potential, with a mind capable of soaring self-analysis, feats of incredible ingenuity, creativity, breathtaking technological achievement and an ability to communicate on many levels, augmented with the ability to create expansive loving networks.


You are a complex organism; so complex and finely tuned to your environment, it is almost beyond comprehension. You have the wonder of emotion that billows into unbridled ecstasy or deep compassion. Endowed with a capacity for incredible deduction, understanding and wisdom, you are similar yet like no other life form. Every breath you take is a miracle of natural, biological engineering and a celebration of your cosmic uniqueness.


You are born rich, yet know only poverty.


You crave love and appreciation as much as you crave oxygen, yet your society has little love, but has infinite loathing and hatred.


Your life is the most valuable gift in the universe, live it, love it, share it, joyfully every day.