Steep Descent by Raul Limington - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

Life Without Love



I have a cat.

He’s sitting on my lap watching me type.

I think he may have the IQ of Einstein.

He has travelled nationally and internationally.

He enjoys travelling by car and exploring new places (especially at night). He loves walking on a lead, exploring new territory and watching wild tropical thunderstorms. He understands over thirty verbal instructions, comes to a whistle and is a perfect gentleman. He has stayed in numerous strangers homes and has interacted with hundreds of strange dogs and people. He chases kangaroos and foxes and we have all had incredible adventures together. He is approaching old age and no longer has the exuberance of youth, yet his aura fills our house to overflowing.


My cat is equipped with all the inherent skills for survival and could easily live without me, so why does he stay? What is the bond that keeps him with me?


If you come from the modality of science, you would analyse the situation into a series of cold segments of observation and data and perhaps conclude the cat stays for the convenience of food. Maybe.


I say the reason my beautiful cat stays, is love. Pure and simple. He is treated with affection and respect and thoroughly enjoys the company of my wife and I. The mystical bond of love allows him to expand his total awareness and we all benefit from the experience. He is treated with kindness and understanding and in return he displays tenderness, trust and loyalty.


My cat is a different species to me, yet we understand each other rather well. Compared to him, I am a bumbling, blind and deaf oaf who cannot hunt for peanuts, yet he accepts my shortcomings and enjoys taking me for a walk through his very different world.


I have been on a mouse hunting expedition with my cat and seen the look of disbelief in his eyes as I clumsily stood on a twig and frightened his mouse. He studies the strange food I eat and I think he has come to the conclusion I am such a terrible hunter, he should catch a live mouse and bring it to me for breakfast – and he does!


I have absolutely no desire to harm my cat and he thrives in an environment of support and love.


Here is the second thing to get your head around.


The most abundant and important form of free energy in the universe is love.


I am constantly in awe of love; I feel it; I have always felt it. I know it exists in many of those around me and that it is an undeletable, incorruptible universal constant with infinite power. Love is not manufactured, distributed for sale or held in trust, it flows freely and infinitely around us and is available for any feeling person to access at any time.


Love is not restricted to race, social status, class, or gender; it exists for all to partake and cannot be owned or controlled. The distribution of love is not incorporated or measured; it is an infinite source of positive energy available to all feeling life forms to use for the benefit of all.


Love can only be given, not stolen.


Love is not weakness; it is the strength to stand up against those who are evil beyond comprehension: those who watch every word you write, listen to every word you say and control every aspect of your life.


Love is the language softly spoken and understood by all authentic life forms.


Love is the smile that radiates from the heart like a beacon. Love is the opulent feather quilt we trustingly lie on in loving relationships. Love is the wonder, devotion, protection and self-sacrifice of raising children. Love to another is not reserved for a single day or for a special event or occasion, it is the caring way you live each day with the one you love.


Love is the strength to help a stranger, knowing you will be rewarded spiritually, not financially. Love is a beautiful fruit, in season at all times and within reach of every hand. Love is understanding someone, caring for them, sharing their joys and sorrows. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being whole with your loved ones.


The love between mother and daughter, father and son is infinitely more powerful, real and exquisite than any written law a human society has ever created. Love is the flexible golden link that binds humanity in a sense of purpose. Ultimately, love is the only reflection of a person’s true worth.


The love I feel does not dilute from age and infirmary, it is the most valuable gift I have ever received and I wonder at its purity, beauty, simplicity and universal acceptance. Love and empathy is one of those rare gifts that bestow ecstasy on both the giver and the recipient. Love is the currency of the universe, carried in abundance by all authentic life forms (especially our cat).


I unashamedly love my life, every millisecond of it, the brilliant, the beautiful, the wonder, the adventure, the passion, the bad, the difficult, the painful, the deeply regrettable and the ugly and all the incredible experiences that led me to a realisation of staggering proportions. I love the ancient dance of life with its pulsating rhythms, whirlpools of emotions, waterfalls of ecstasy and placid lakes of serenity. I love the gift of wisdom that flows into my heart like an endless stream.


I love my wife and all the incredible years we shared together, all the wonderful, beautiful years and all the many very difficult years we experienced. I love my wonderful friends who have stuck by me through thick and thin. My love is something I would give to all, in a hall, with weeping lawyers ‘round the wall. I love our brilliant cat that has travelled half way around the world and given me a very different perspective on existence and purpose.


I love the warmth of the sun on my skin, the wind rustling the leaves of trees and the millions of truly beautiful things I experienced during my life. I love interacting with people every day and the incredible connections that expand with those exchanges. I have met so many thousands of wonderful, generous, kind and strong people who have reinforced my belief in humanity, universal consciousness and understanding. Caring people who go out of their way to assist without expectation of financial reward.


I love watching the sunrise, the sun set and the moon floating westward on an ocean of cloud and I love the incredibly powerful life force that surges, vibrates and dances around me. I love watching children play, parents laughing, the elderly holding hands, the pure melodies of feathered maestros and the wonder of simplicity.


My body becomes weak and frail with age; my mind slows, my eyes dim, I stumble and fall, yet the love I feel is as strong, in fact stronger than the day I was born. I am so fortunate that I can feel so much love from so many people and so many life forms around me. Life without love is poverty beyond measure.


The society you live in, does all in its power to disconnect you from your true self and love.


There are a small minority of genetically damaged individuals who have complete control over you and your society. They have no understanding of love and compassion and are about to unleash a tsunami of abuse unlike anything planet earth has ever seen.


It’s time to unmask the corrupted few who create the physical and emotional pain for many.