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Chapter Three


The Pathocracy



Hidden in the controlling heart of every society on planet earth is a minority group of men and women who are colder than early dawn on planet Neptune. They are so far emotionally removed from the general population, it’s hard to believe they are the same species. Collectively, they control the masses and are known as a Pathocracy.


These ‘people’ always have and always will perform the most hideous atrocities on their fellow human beings and feel no guilt. They are the complete reverse of authentic humans where -


Hate replaces Love.

Lies replace Truth.

Control replaces Freedom.

Abuse replaces Respect.


They haven’t landed from outer space during the last few years, they have been around since before recorded history and for the first time in human chronicles, we have the scientific knowledge and tools to shine the spotlight on their diabolical personality disorder.


These core abusers of humanity suffer from Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) and to the general population a portion of ASPD sufferers are known as Psychopaths.


So what is a psychopath?


They are often -

1) Charming and generous.

2) Intelligent.

3) Charismatic and confident.

4) Impressive.

5) Inspiring.

6) Incredibly attractive.

7) Alert.

8) Able to tell great stories.

9) Love public speaking.

10) The 'life of the party.'


But, hang on! Haven't I been saying how dangerous these people are?


And that's the problem – these are the magnetic, hypnotic, superficially cultivated traits of a psychopath. That is why they are so difficult to discover at first. That is how they hide so invisibly in the society they manipulate. They use these deviously copied emotions during the 'interview.'


The interview is the process they use to find people on a first meeting to get what they want. It may be sex, power or money, but rest assured they are after something to benefit them – not benefit you or society. In the world of the psychopath, it's all take and no give.


The interview is a series of rapid questions designed to discover vulnerabilities and status of a victim. Their human prey will naturally feel the psychopath is interested in them as a person from the attention they receive, with no idea they are being coldly analysed and assessed. The psychopath will use the information they obtain to create pseudo interest in a victim's hobbies or activities, provided the victim is of sufficient interest to their hidden agenda.


If you are their target, you are in danger – even mortal danger. They will use your emotions to play you like a fiddle. Your human feelings are the joystick they use in their game of control, mayhem and theft. If they are looking for sex, they will be the most appealing individual you could ever meet.


They will turn on the charm, be attentive, shower you with gifts, treat you like royalty and sweep you off your feet. They make you feel special, tell you everything you want to hear, listen to everything you say, respond to every little whim, it all seems very wonderful and that's exactly the way the psychopath prepares their victim. I say victim, because there is no way an association with a psychopath is going to be beneficial to a feeling human being. You are simply a means to an end, disposable and a plaything to alleviate boredom and they may even murder you to relieve their boredom for a few moments.


Getting the picture yet?

Let me say it again. A psychopath/sociopath is the most dangerous and controlling life form on the planet!


If you stay around long enough or survive long enough, the fictional caring mask of the psychopath will soon slip and you will see the real psychopath as -


1) Pathological Liars, capable of lying to a spouse, a jury, a whole nation.

2) Having grandiose self-importance seeing themselves as the centre of the universe; feeling “no one else is human, only I.” Their self adoration is absolute.

3) Lacking guilt with no conscience.

4) Brutally callous.

5) Having absolutely no feelings or empathy for others.

6) Emotionally shallow with undeveloped childlike reactions to normal emotional intercourse.

7) Parasitic.

8) Sexually promiscuous.

9) Aggressive.

10) Irresponsible and inept.

11) Having poor money skills.

12) Failing to accept responsibility for their actions.

13) Impulsive.

14) Having no long term, realistic goals.

15) Manipulative.

16) Cunning and devious.

17) Having a history of juvenile delinquency.

18) Skilled at faking emotions, including love, sincerity, regret and bereavement.

19) Easily bored and needing constant stimulation.

20) Unable to maintain long term relationships.

21) An extreme desire for vengeance.

22) Constantly humiliating others physically, verbally, emotionally, psychologically or sexually.

23) Denigrating their own children or partner.

24) Abusive and will torture living creatures.

25) Underestimation of their own anger.

26) No sense of responsibility for their actions.

27) Contempt for those who “play by the rules.”

28) A talent for criminal behaviour, with energy and originality in this field.

29) Warlike courage far above the norm.

30) Superior and may believe they are closely connected to god.


That's a hell of a list of nasty traits and its worth backtracking and looking at the list a few times just to gain a glimpse of the strange, twisted world the psychopath lives in. Unless you are a suicidal masochist, these are people to avoid at all costs. These traits are the vile inheritance all psychopaths share. No psychopath can move beyond the parabola of their disorder. They cannot change and no one can change them.


Depending on their needs, psychopaths will hone in on kind and caring people. They will use them for whatever transient benefit they need and then dispose of them like toilet tissue and move on to the next victim. They are like alien leeches that suck the material and emotional life from their hosts. They do not care – in fact, they cannot care – they do not have the emotional capacity for caring. They have restricted neuron connection to the part of the brain responsible for caring. How warped, sad, freaky and dangerous is that!


Sadly, there is no cure for psychopathy at this stage.


They literally cannot love, care or nurture, unbelievably, they have no concept of these feelings. It doesn't even register on their radar, yet they cleverly learn to fake these feelings! In fact, a bleached piece of paper has more emotional feelings than a psychopath. They are incredibly defective, dangerous and interacting with you on a daily basis and on a first meeting, they appear like everyone around you. Psychopaths are the ultimate immoral alien shape shifters and chameleons and they lurk at the heart of all societies.


They wreak havoc on countless numbers of people with whom they come in contact and their diminished emotional receptiveness results in a trail of hate, rage, control, theft and murder. These traits are the legacy they leave for the traumatised humans with whom they associate. I was staggered to discover the scale of their destructive power, both on a personal level and in a global scenario.


In the eyes of a psychopath, you are not enough of a thing for relationships to become personal. The Psychopath believes they are so superior that you are totally disposable; you are far less than shit in the field compared to them. Whenever you meet one they are thinking, “Is there anything I can take from this sucker? Is this idiot going to give me anything I want and can enjoy?”


If they have no dealings with you, it won't be because they feel philanthropic, it's more likely they have rapidly assessed you during the 'interview' and discovered you have nothing of interest for them or you don't pose a risk to their current projects or schemes. If they sense you are a threat to their vile agendas, they will remove you from their program, have you sacked, ostracised from their social network or may even kill you.


These are your everyday, garden variety psychopath and they are extraordinarily devious and dangerous, but they pale into insignificance when compared to the Socially Adept Psychopath and their ability to wreak pathological havoc on a global scale.


'Socially Adept’ Psychopaths are the incredibly cunning, cold, non-feeling humans who learn to successfully blend into positions of power in society without detection and 'appear' normal. These highly intelligent creatures have been studying and mirroring our feelings from birth and are able to hide their emotional desert with a cloak of fake charm and charisma. From infancy, they have studied us with the cold, calculating methodology of scientists studying insect behaviour.


These cold hearted, faux-humans, impeccably dressed in their designer suits, patent leather shoes and carefully coiffured hair are far more dangerous than their brutal cousins are, as they stay undetected and murderous in the very heart of society. They are infinitely more wily, dangerous, undetectable and powerful then their inept sociopath 'cousin' that reaches the headlines of news stories with their clumsily executed crimes.


They are often the people you look up to and respect. I guarantee you have met these creatures at social events and parties and have no idea of their hideous destructive power.

They would have captivated you with their personal magnetism, storytelling, and their extravagant lifestyle and you would leave their gathering feeling these were some of the most wonderful people you have ever met. You could never imagine in your wildest dreams, these same 'people' are deviously thinking of ways to rape, murder you or drain your bank account of money. Unbelievably – they are; and they do.


Without being aware of ASPD behaviour and the ability of ASPD individuals to hide their condition, there is no way the average human would ever know they are coldly being analysed as possible targets in the real life game of psychopathic manipulation.


Socially Adept Psychopaths (SAPs) crave constant stimulation to alleviate boredom in their emotionless lives. The soulless city deserts they create and haunt are the perfect vehicles for them to hunt for human prey to entrap in their Machiavellian reality. They aren’t hiding in the rat infested alley-ways waiting to stab and rob you. They aren’t foaming maniacs chasing you with a meat clever. They are sitting calmly behind polished desks in glittering offices, smiling and waiting to steal your soul, your money, your freedom and your potential.


Socially adept psychopaths seek careers of power and influence that require them to make objective, clinical decisions divorced from feelings. These careers reward the 'path with their required diet of materialism, control and human suffering. Stripped of the 'burden' of true feelings and compassion, the psychopath is free to concentrate with laser focus on manipulation, personal power and wealth. Their lust for money is insatiable.


As a result, we find Socially Adept Psychopaths firmly entrenched as CEO's, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Lawyers, Bankers, Accountants, Media Representatives (Film/TV/Radio and print), Salespeople, Surgeons, Police Officers, Military Personnel, Secret Service agents, Religious Leaders and Chefs.

Careers involving human interaction and dealing with peoples' feelings don't offer much power, control or attraction for 'paths and careers that hold no interest whatsoever for a psychopath include Aide workers, Therapists, Beauticians, Charity Workers, Artisans and Hair Dressers.


Psychopaths will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals; they fake sincerity, lie, cheat, bribe or murder and most terrifying of all: pretend to be human. With absolutely no conscience or moral restraint, they quickly realise that ordinary humans could ever believe they exist or the level of evil they will sink to in order to gain power and control. They cleverly weave their web of invisibility with counterfeit charm and sincerity to maintain their position in society.


Psychopaths are a LIE, Lacking Integrity and Ethics and if a psychopath ever tells the truth, it’s an accident. With no conscience, psychopaths have a Teflon coated, stainless steel suit of armour when caught lying – nothing sticks.

You can’t even hurt their feelings, they don’t have any!


Psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg suggests there are up to 20 per cent of the population that you meet every single day that experience some sort of personality disorder that means one person in every five people you know or meet may suffering from an adverse emotional problem. Therefore, we can see there are a large number of people around us with possible ailments. These disorders may range from mild obsessive-compulsive disorders to full-blown psychosis.


Psychosis is at the extreme end of mental disorders where individuals lose touch with reality as demonstrated by a serial murderer who killed women in the belief he would become a woman through slaying innocent females.


Nearly everyone has heard of schizophrenia, yet schizophrenia represents only a small percentage of a given population. Studies show that psychopaths are less well known, but infinitely more dangerous, more prevalent and hidden from scrutiny by their veil of cunningly copied normality. In their daily lives, people are literally shaking hands with Satan and have no idea of the contempt and hatred hiding behind the smile in front of them.


In ancient and modern human society, the brutal, cunning psychopath lurks at the centre of a social web; like-minded psychopaths/sociopaths form the first tier of the psychopath's control system. The next tier of this system uses compliant individuals who were born normal, but are either already twisted by exposure to psychopathic influence or through predisposition have chosen to meet the demands of psychopathy for their own selfish needs. We refer to these people as sycophants, equally as dangerous as their masters. These spineless individuals have literally sold their souls to the darkness for a few pieces of silver and the right to abuse their fellow humans.


According to Andrzej Lobaczewski, a noted Polish psychiatrist, dedicated to revealing the extent of ASPD influence in society, this group is about 12% of a given population under normal circumstances. So we can see approximately 18% of any given population is active in the creation and imposition of a Pathocracy. The 4%-6% group constitutes the Pathocratic nobility, the 12% group forms the new social class, whose wealth and power is gained through association. Just look at the wealthiest portion of society and you will discover the same small percentage of ‘people’ own all the wealth – a coincidence? I don’t think so.


If we assume the population of the U.S.A. is around 312,000,000 (312 million) people, we can conservatively estimate the number of core psychopathic entities in the U.S. may be between 1% to 4% of the total population. At 4%, there may be 12,480,000 (12 million, four hundred and eighty thousand) core people suffering serious ASPD traits and that's a hell of a lot of psychopaths/sociopaths. Remember, a large proportion of these ASPD individuals are actively seeking positions of power and control and will do whatever it takes to achieve their selfish goals. These emotionally defective individuals despise their fellow humans to the point of hatred and view normal emotional receptiveness as a weakness for their exploitation.


The high proportion of psychopaths/sociopaths in human society has a huge effect on everyone and everything who has to share this planet, even those of us who haven’t experienced the direct trauma of their warped sense of propriety.


Billions of people have no idea psychopathy even exists or the scale of psychopathic influence in their daily lives. The corrupted individuals who make up this small four per cent drain our relationships, our bank accounts, our accomplishments, our self-esteem, our very peace and existence on earth. If you think you are so astute and immune from psychopathic influence – you are one of the billions of happy residents in La La land.


Without understanding the laws of physics and science, we could never develop our current technological achievements. Without understanding psychology and how it affects social systems, we cannot escape from the tyranny of psychopaths in power. Just knowing there is a small percentage of 'people' in power who have absolutely no conscience about murder on a global scale, is a major step in destabilising the ASPD grasp on society. Letting those in power know we know their diabolical personality disorder is the most powerful weapon we have. Psychopaths can never change their behaviour, they can only lie, bluff and fake pity.


Alerting all people, globally to the existence and dangers of these ASPD individuals and publicising, not demonising the way a Pathocracy functions is simple and achievable. Being aware how to spot and respond to the manipulations they use, the authentic members of society can immunise themselves against it. Our greatest weakness is simply not knowing ASPD individuals exist and not knowing they gravitate to positions of power.


Humans trapped in Pathocracies will always see -


Suppression of individualism and creativity.


Reduction in artistic endeavours.


A social structure based on self-interest and dog eat dog, rather than unselfishness and co-operation.


Fanatical political theories.


Suspicion of anyone who is different, or who disagrees with the state.


Rigid, centralised control.


Corruption in all areas of society.


Secretive government activities and surveillance of the general population with no government transparency.


Overwhelming and unfair laws where the power of decision making is removed from the peoples’ everyday lives.


Contempt displayed by the ruling class towards the doctrine they claim to follow, and towards the citizens they claim to represent.


Totally controlled media, weighted with propaganda.


A huge chasm between rich and poor.


Corrupted reasoning with faulty logic, converting individuals to a way of thinking with meaningless speech and nonsense syllables mixed with understandable words.


Rule by force not consensus.


People become a resource to be exploited.


Spirituality crushed.


Created divisions in the populations, where class, ethnicity or creed are used to create conflict.


Suppression of free speech, public debate, demonstrations or protests.


Removal of basic human rights, including food, water, shelter. Imprisonment without charge; torture, abuse and slave labour.


Psychopathic creatures abuse and control you and have controlled all before you, without your awareness. Deprived of the full gamut of human emotions or feelings, they clamour for positions of power and control. In China with a population of 1.35 billion, you will encounter up to 54 million rampaging psychopaths, India also has a population of 1.3 billion and another 54 million defective ‘paths – getting the picture? There is no shortage of psychopaths to abuse humans and they are the most dangerous life forms on the planet, living successfully behind their cleverly woven cloak of deception.


Amazingly, only a tiny fraction of a percentage of people are aware of their existence and an even smaller percentage of people have any idea of the scale of psychopathic influence over humanity both now and in the past.


As you continue reading, you will discover the true scope of their cold-hearted power and control and you will be given the knowledge to unlock the doors to their heavily guarded secret world. As you step inside their shadowy, bunker and flick the switch to the floodlight of ASPD knowledge, you will expose their dark, sinister and hidden world.


For the first time in recorded human history, you will have the power to accurately identify these people, the abuse they administer to all feeling humans and be able to change the negative effect they sway over the planet. You will discover how these soulless individuals are incredibly easy to detect and negate by their predictable and socially flawed behaviour.


You are quietly gaining the knowledge to help repair the carnage of the unfortunate few in control; and its incredibly easy.