The Conservative King Diary by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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Chapter 8 - Speculative Thoughts

I guess you can say I have a huge desire to fly much like birds of the sky. The only sitch lies in the whole process can only become a reality within the imagination. I also have a huge desire to have a little place to stay in, my own little republic. When I think about where i want to go, it would be nice to attend either one of the universities because they would give me exactly what I want. Although time is not on my side for completely pushing the agendas I want, my heart dwells on the endless possibilities of overcoming the language barrier and conflict for the liberation of my own personal desires. The liberation of my desires will enable me to put them into action apart from a physical body of my mother who will likely judge and inspect every single thing I do. The little hitch that the eagles want to put me a semester back for the

accomplishment of their goals seems to be a tiny hindrance in the long run but considering the present situation and where i am along with my age, the public will make me a huge target for their own personal target practice… an example to teach their kids of what not to be when they grow up if i turn down their offer. During these isolation times, the relentless rhetoric that is going around the nation will not work well in my favor as well whenever I put my personal thoughts into the matrix of the general population. Facing reality will not really be a huge problem especially considering the days are rapidly approaching.

To the absolutists, it makes no sense what the actual hell mtap is because they will say you are either in or out which makes it difficult to input any subjective thought. There is no way I will be able to tell them I am in or out. However, the answer lies in where my stride is being extended. One way or another I will end up winning and getting what I want. The correct answer to tell them will be i am a student at the university of maryland especially considering i have an id and will be in a classroom setting by may 31st. The objective condition however is much more difficult to comprehend. Considering there is no money shelter or food on campus at the present moment, no kind of life will be able to be sustained on campus if I go there now. I will wither and die like a twig by the end of the day, spent by the journey and harsh conditions of the climate as well as the desert-like surroundings.

The days seem to be getting closer and closer for the whole thing to either be a colossal success or a situational success. The minimum day stands at 19 at the moment while the maximum stands at 40. I could pull the jesus in the desert or could push forward my full desire to be with my wife and take on a shit job to get a place to stay and be part of an illusive little tiny group that works for the sake of a depreciating agenda… a twisted one much like a sophisticated anvil. A debaucherous hedonist on a mission or a royalist monarchist. Often I keep finding these

two things to be one and the same however. They just keep showing up on different sides of the same coin. There could be a differentiating matter which might lie in the figurative definition. By the action of dividing these frequencies, it is possible to make a judgment that is not sound but just enough to get me what I want even though I will be working all hours of the day. Which might mean I would have to find a democracy that I really want, people I really want to be with, someone I really enjoy staying with the whole day that I do not mind working for. My depravities are not however letting me to express my wants seeing as they are in constant union or conflict with time. If this route is adequate, then I would have to make myself a nice little republic at my home at which I will be able to do much of the work that I need to show my educators that I am in the slightest bit competent. There can only be enough money left for me to get plastered to the wall after paying for housing and food on this road. I doubt the explanation,

“I was knee deep in apple flavored jack daniels and my wifes pussy” will be a substantial excuse for missing an assignment. Lately upon working on my parliamentary studies, all my inhibitions and desires point towards supporting a conservative agenda. I’ve always supported them yet when I think of myself seated on the bench looking to the other side I cannot help but lose myself in Angela's beauty. “Who the hell cares if the bill passes or not '' my mind will start to ponder. Tomorrow we will all lieky be dead and the only great accomplishment I would have succeeded in supporting would be the division of myself with women like her who i could have ended up cuddlded in bed with by 8pm that day but now she will hate my fucking guts because I am not supporting an agenda she wants pushed through the party i know to right and support. My thoughts dwell on whether it is the right thing or not because, I will end up doing the right thing yet by midnight end up in bed alone with bitter distaste in my mouth. In the past I would have been in doubt about the thoughts of the women but I certainly know it now at any point if was to

chose money they would hate my fucking guts to the brim. There are many things that could go wrong in the pursuit of money and there are lots of people that you need to turn your backs on.

It's not that I hate burning bridges, it's much more like for the sake of buying pleasure, a lot of convictions have to be compromised and a lot of holy matters defiled. The last thing I want defiled is the love I posses for women and with the pursuit of money comes the thoughts of neglecting the only mail responsibility a man should have which is the take care of the woman.

Chapter 8 - The most glorious pain

The most glorious pain

I woke up this morning just like I did every other morning with a little bit of ache in my lats from having the headphones dig in deep because I forgot to take them off the night before talking on the phone all night. The night was longer and the weather seems to have gotten warmer. I had a bit of reluctant doubt that lingered in my mind about whether or not the weather might change much. Looking outside the window, I saw light streaming in through the window and the sound of the coffee machine kicking in just as good as it did made me keep my eyes open further. After a few entertainment sessions on the Tv along with a good breakfast, it was off to the garden to do what I always did, exploring new ways to satisfy my inner desire for debauchery. While watering and cultivating the garden my thoughts dwelling deep on whether or not I should accept the book deal on the table laid out, I found a rather odd character on one of my plants which I leaned over to investigate. It had leaned a lot, slanted and damaged by the force of a heavy object that was near it. I had inspected it in the past but the stem was rather weak and not clearly visible. This morning the moment I laid my fingers on it, I tasted bitterness

in my mouth that came in with a sharp prick from the thorns on the plant. The plant had kept growing sideways even though the weight of the heavy object was crushing it and dismantling its roots. The leaves looked very promising and the colors were not as vivid anymore, but they had changed rapidly over the past week. The stem had turned really green and the thorns on it had turned blood red. I couldn't tell whether the plant should be like it does or whether it was the possibility of it adapting to the damage that was done to it by the external object. Either way, the pain from the prick on my finger was the most glorious sensation I have ever felt in my life. I gasped for air yet there was so much of it in the air and my blood stream. I was unable to speak due to the pleasure that came about as a result of the likely toxins in the tip of the plant. I was bleeding a bit but deep inside I wanted to bleed some more only to taste the bitter pleasure of the sweet suffering that has been granted to me by my labor spent watering and cultivating the plant.

To expand further would get me into religious concepts I would rather not, however, I guess you can say I truly understand the definition of the words “crown of thorns”. When looking at the world of animals and plants, we classify them as kingdoms. I find it very amusing that this concept has not been fully understood but by very few botanists who have attachments to the church. It was the most demented feeling or the most marvelous yet I couldn’t tell. I had to put a lot of distance between the prickle pain pleasure and this text I am writing now because to feel pleasure while the body is being damaged is a huge red flag and the most marvelous torture. You know it is wrong, your body is being injured, yet with the damages comes too much pleasure and you beg your consciousness to override the signal just to feel the sensation just once more. I have felt this feeling before maybe once when I was around 3 or 4 in elementary school. I do believe that specific government is called zion because they are the memories of my infanthood, way before I gained consciousness and touch with the reality most people Identify with.

Chapter 9

The safest investment in life

Much like a Beatles song, there are places in my life I remember along with the events that never seem to leave my thoughts. I have accomplished quite a lot in my past. When pondering upon my success, there is a certain thing that never seems to lose value over time no matter how much lives and things change, the vagina/pussy/cunt. The safest investment in life is the pleasure one gets from jumping in a free fall inside the pink velvet cum dumpster. There have been 105 billion humans on the plant so far and each and every one of them are a product of bunny fuck and bungee jumping into the heavenly temple. If there was a goddess on earth I would love to hide under her skirt and be overtaken by her mysteries while tasting her glorious fruit. Preferably someone in menopause with a private tight cum bucket to ride without any thoughts of conception. Mommy always said, “eat your food while its still warm”, and she is right. I prefer mine never having to cool down and constantly keeping me on edge. I sometimes wish there is a buffet at the mall just like an ice cream stroll, selling cunt flavors of all kinds, they would be rich and I would be called the coupon master constantly in search of discounts. The whole world will go through multiple wars, storms and tides will hit the shores of beaches on the boarder of continents yet come the next day, some stupid cuck will end up being a father likely to an offspring he will likely not be able to afford. The birth rate is constantly rising. Tomorrow in some dumb country, a law will pass to legalize same sex marriage by a bunch of sheep following a democratic system yet right next door at the hospital, you will hear the scream of birth pains from a mystery ride 9 month ago.

“Buy one get 50% off at the throb market,

mix and match chocolate and strawberry”

Chapter 10 - Diversity and Inclusion in Sports

I would like to explain the three levels where sporting takes place and what is lacking in each one of them. The first is the micro level where individual achievement and participation is taken into account. The second is the meso level where sports are looked at the team or group level.

The third is macro level where we look at sports at the league level of organization (Andrews, 2017a). It’s no surprise that ever since 9/11 the sporting world, has turned towards militarization (Andrews, 2019). Militarization did not just happen in sports but throughout society as well,

“sports imagery has long been a part of military history and most sporting contests have their origin in military engagement or training activities” (Jenkins 2013). For example, In high school, we used to do hundreds of drills in wrestling class to get molded into shape like that of soldiers.

At the micro level, I put in hours of work at the gym Sunday to Saturday where I got into the best shape of my life.

As an agent of change, I began to see that there needed to be changes made in all level the three levels of sports. I began to see each level lacks different factors.

The factor that is missing from micro level is charity. Charity is one's ability to give to those in lack or in need. Players are constantly emerging these days where their only goal is to be rich and live like celebrities (Zirin, 2017). Those who come from humble beginnings are starting to forget where they came from and start living lavishly without caring about their brothers in need. What must be done for an athlete to be charitable?

The factor that is missing from meso is joy. The more militarized the world of sport is becoming

, the need for coaches to win championship games is constantly going up because of the pressure

from boosters who are injecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in middle school and high school sports because they want their children to get into the best college programs (Andrews, 2019). As a result of constant badgering and need for order, the joy starts to sip out the game for the players. How can we possibly bring back joy in this sense?

The factor that is missing from macro level is peace. Rivalry breeds hate and hate breeds violence. When a whole fan base storms out of the stadium after a win or a loss to destroy the city no matter the outcome, the reputation of the teams as well as the fans are tarnished. The money that the damages are repaired by comes from the public which could be used for education per se (Mammana, 2016). Teams are constantly vetted against each other in games to have a “survival of the fittest” kind of outcome and peace is on the sacrificial altar every time.

What changes need to arise?

I will start at at the micro level and work my way up. Like mentioned before, micro has to do with the individual role in sports. Tom Brady is a great role model for players because of his ability to sacrifice wealth for the sake of the team. “A more aggressive estimate would suggest that Brady has sacrificed something closer to $100 million” (Celebrity, 2017). A lot of players are concerned about personal profit but they fail to see the big picture which is why they don’t have 6 super bowl rings like Brady does. Brady is not only a hero on the field, off the field he contributes modestly to charities all around the globe regardless of backlash. “In 2015, Brady took flack for accepting a $170,000 speaking fee from Salem State University Foundation.

However, it was later revealed that Brady didn’t accept a dime. He instead donated $50,000 to Best Buddies and the other $120,000 to various charities” (Celebrity, 2017). The bar hasn’t really been set too high in the world of sports when it comes to charity but there are many other players that are making a huge difference in the lives of people. Just like Tom Brady, Tim Tebow

constantly contributes to Best Buddies and even created The Tim Tebow Foundation. After meeting a boy named Sherwin ostracized by a village because of his deformity, he wanted to associate with people like him in need of love and company. He wrote on his website, “I was so excited to create the Tim Tebow Foundation with a mission to bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.” Like Brady and Tebow, I am inspired to be charitable to bring change to the world of sports by any means I can. I must give my time, money, and most of all, love to those who need it all around me no matter who they are.

What is lacking in the meso world is Joy. “According to a poll from the National Alliance for Youth Sports, around 70 percent of kids in the United States stop playing organized sports by the age of 13 because “it’s just not fun anymore” (Miner, 2016). Dr. Randy Cale writes, “It seems that our culture is on a course to destroy one of the key elements of playing sports—play! It’s supposed to be competitive, athletic and be fun”(Miner, 2016). This is largely because ever since 9/11, the militarization of sports has gone to a whole new level. Coaches have been acting like the field marshals and treating their players like soldiers, drilling them endlessly to win wars (championships), in a sense “Sports reacts after a tragedy by first cancelling games, then restarting them to signal and return to normalcy, and then through an incorporation of military and patriotic symbols to signify national unity in a time of crisis” (Jenkins, 2013) . Play has to return to sports like the Carolina Panthers under the leadership of Cam Newton with wild touchdown celebrations and engagement with the audience. We need to go back to singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” instead of “God bless America” at baseball games. (Jenkins , 2013).

Riots happen whether a team wins a sport or not but that must not be the central focus in Macro sports. The central matter should be peace and it is being subtracted from sports as time

goes by. People are getting too attached to teams. After the University of Arizona 1997

championship game, in an article titled, “Anyone Not on 4th Ave. Last Night?,” the author commented, “I’ve never felt like I had 30,000 family members, but last night on Fourth Avenue it was like one big family party. I’ve never given more high-fives and hugs to people that I have never met (Mammana, 2016). People like President Donald Trump are constantly talking about how the country is growing soft over the years, he pointed out about how big hits used to be made that are now being called back by referees because they want their wives at home to see them throw a flag. He states that this is which is why he won’t be watching football any longer (Andrews, 2019). It would be dangerous for fans to take on that mentality as well because violence has no place in sports. We should not be moving to the direction of violence but towards peace because “When a celebration following a college sporting event turns into a riot, the consequences may be devastating to a school, a community, and the police department”

(Mammana, 2016). In order for peace to return to sports, we must learn to start loving one another and respect each others humanity. If the city gets destroyed, the public money that could be used to help those in need will go to waste. We must learn to appreciate one another's humanity and learn to live in harmony, sometimes with the help of the man on the moon.

In conclusion, there needs to be a charity in the micro level of sports, joy in the meso level of sport and finally, there needs to be peace in macro level of sports. The only way to achieve these goals is by constantly moving forward and working together to shape the world of sports into something we can be proud of to pass on to the next generation. Dave Zirin points out in his book, A people’s history of sports in the United States, militarization of sports isn't

something that started recently but 9/11 changed everything. “If we challenge sports to be as good as they can be - a force to break down walls that divide us, a motor for inclusion- they can propel us toward a better world, a world worth playing in - and worth fighting for” (Zirin, 2009).

If America was able to return to homeostasis in the times of Teddy Roosevelt, why not now?

The less we give and ignore our brothers and sisters, the more humanity will leave our conscious.

The more militarized the sporting world becomes, the less happier we would be even with more money in our pockets and the less peace there will be in the lives of citizens.


Andrews, D.L. (2019, Summer). Lecture - Module 3, Topic D: Sporting Nationalisms KNES

287, University of Maryland: College Park, MD

Andrews, D.L. (2019, Summer). Module 3, Topic D: Video Clip 8. KNES 287, University of Maryland: College Park, MD

Celebrity, G. (2017, February 03). Tom Brady is an MVP On & Off the Football Field: A Complete Look at the Patriots QB's Charity Work. Retrieved from riots-qbs-charity-work/

worldwide Outreach. (2017, October 05). Retrieved

Mammana, & N, G. (n.d.). Sports Related Riots: Understanding Group Behavior To Improve Police Strategy. Retrieved from

Miner, J. W. (2016, June 01). Why 70 percent of kids quit sports by age 13. Retrieved from


Jenkins, T. (2013). The Militarization of American Professional Sports: How the Sports–War Intertext Influences Athletic Ritual and Sports Media. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 37(3), 245–260.

Zirin, D. (2009). A people’s history of sports in the United States: 250 years of politics, protest, people, and play. New York: New Press.