The Conservative King Diary by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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Chapter 6 - The opportunist Predator

I like the fear of celebs who constantly hide away under protection of security thinking they are under threat from specific people who are waiting to take them on because they are the only special beings on the planet. It really churns my gonads, the pride of their perfection, the source of their pleasure and what they do to protect it. That being said, I still want to sue my previous school. I am also waiting to predate just incase shit hits the fan. They left out on my third graduation, my article of recognition after having graduated with a fourth degree. I have been in deep thoughts of bringing defamation charges against them, and maybe just like the celbs, I do have this opportunist predetory side. Like, who the hell leaves out a 0 on a 100,000 dollar check?

"Like, here you go sir, I knew I owed you $10,000, but I left out the 0, and now I am only giving you $1000 dollars".

As an elected representative of the student body, I was actually assaulted quite a few times, and I let that slide. Maybe one of these days, I could just come out swinging. Maybe I am just also waiting for the right time to predate. I also like the possibility of having distance behind these events, because no one has ever gone down because Sam called the cops. Sam however has gone down a few times, had his mental health evaluated, and discharged with a bad name. Maybe one of these days I will open my mouth about my experiences at college parties, on frat brothers with names, and maybe I will threaten to be a snitch, like I have never been. Only time will tell, but at the end of the day, the opportunist predator is lurking around somewhere, in thoughts waiting to strike. I think at the end of the day, when you look back and reflect on it, the answer is quite clear. We say what we say and do what we do to get what we want. The only problem is finding what we do.

Chapter 7 - A former rejected Essay to a University

March 1st, 2023

Firstly, I am a son to a mother who brought me to this Earth 27 years ago. Secondly, I am a friend and companion to many across the globe who value my input on international and military matters. Thirdly, I exist as a brother to many who see fit to seek my advice when in need of spiritual assistance. Lastly, I am a politician who has managed to earn the votes of hundreds for the purpose of pushing an agenda that served the common good of the students at Montgomery College.

I have been elected twice on the student council at Montgomery college, once in 2017 and another time in 2020. I have attained a 4.0 GPA on 5 different occasions at Montgomery College.

I have succeeded in having my article posted on the college's Excalibur newspaper after having competed for a staff writer position. I have graduated three times consecutively in 2019, 2020, 2021 and procured 4 associate degrees.

I would like to be a husband and a father to sons or daughters. I would like to wake up somewhere in Massachusetts in my 40’s on a rainy morning in a house with a family. I want to be a laborer who works and gathers crops in due season to reap a reward, metaphorically speaking. Realistically, I intend to run for federal office in my 30’s because being a Senator is of value to me.