The Conservative King Diary by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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Chapter 13 - Beer Pong Legislation

The independent legislation of the house beer pong game Drafted by Samuel Kebede

1 - Every game consists of 6 cups filled halfway with water. Beer cannot be used because there is the risk of the ground soaking with precious blood (the effort of the soldier), and the actual food which costs money

2 - The individual player gets two shots every turn

3 - You miss a shot, you take a sip of your drink. You miss twice, you sip twice from your cup in hand

4 - The last cup has to be hit twice with both pongs, to win the game 5 - The individual gets 1 gentlemans, or 1 pushback at the last cup to the edge 6 - If a cup falls from the table, the opponent drinks, as a result of the ball 7 - The player may call an island, which will remove two cups if made on a single isolated cup.

An island can only be called once a game

8 - A player may get 1 adjustment of cups per game between diamonds, lines, or triangles 9 - In olympics levels, there are no adjustments, or gentlemans 10 - The winner of the game is the person who succeeds in putting the pong balls in all the cups 11 - A pong that bounces back may be retrieved and shot again

12 - There are no rights or lefts. Ambidextrous plays are permitted Chapter 14 - The delight of wisdom

When I think of situations that have been going on lately because of the covid virus, I believe they have to be addressed individually. Much like the answers I have come up with the the questions of life, there were many who did not make it to tell their side of the story. Events like the wuhan lab virus escape, the country going into complete shutdown and mandates that were made in every business place to wear masks have made us accept different forms of living. The game was life, and it was played in a large scale. Now that everyone is bouncing back to their normal way of life, we can’t just ignore the whole crisis that happened the past few years. We have moved on to comfort and we are seeing the end of mandates all around. All I am saying is, between the rapid change of events, wisdom has been non-existent. I have been seeking wisdom lately, in many different forms. I have been searching for wisdom in religion and state texts. I have been studying the ancient philosophers and recent psychotherapists to find answers to this world's questions. I have actually found some to be useful. Recently, I found out the answer to some philosophical questions. The first one, what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object? The answer I came up with is, the unstoppable force is the unmovable object.

They are exactly the same. One cannot exist without the other. In the covid sense, human beings were the unmovable objects that kept of reproducing, the covid virus was the unstoppable force.

Our ability to reproduce makes us in a sense a likeness of a pathogen, our behavior somewhat the same, we can be invasive. Glad to come to delight that this answer puts warmth in my heart. I have come to complete satisfaction because there is no lie in it. The second one is, does the end

justify the means? The answer I came up with is, the ends do justify the means, if you get away with it. Example, you are hungry, you go in a store and steal some chips. If you succeed in stealing the chips successfully, you take it outside without being caught then you eat it, the end is justified because you got away with it. If the store owners catch you, the end does not justify the means because it is the failure of the means and the end because it was not the result you wanted.

The question is a little tricky because the moment you ask the question your thoughts are no longer a virgin one. You have defiled it because the only reason a person would speculate these thoughts is if you want to accomplish something outside the ordinary that the system or the government you abide in has agreed to be the just way to function as an organism. Whenever someone asks this question, it is always to achieve or reach an end the person himself or herself wants to accomplish. In this sense, the delight in this wisdom exists in the answers.

Chapter 15 - A life of Crime

I am sitting here on my mattress thinking to myself, "well, a life of crime would be better because I currently have .11 cents to my name in my bank acount." How is it that I have good health, good morals yet I am poor as all hell? There are a lot of things that I do not understand.

Here I am wanting very few but I think I am closer to being homeless than anthing else.

Cannabis has been legalized in Maryland. Everyone has a pretty different thought on the whole having fun matter now since possesion of the plant is no longer a crime. I want to get high right now but I can probably afford a one or two days go before I crash financially. I do not know what I have to do to make it sustinable other than earn a living through getting a job. I would love to get a job but the whole system is rigged. I can't even afford to get a job because every application I have sent out has been rejected or ignored. I can't imagine life being great anymore because

there isn't much to look forward to. Things seem to be getting a little grimmer everyday and when I watch youtube then see crime, I can't believe my eyes. Inside I get terrified but my mind goes blue with envy. I can't imagine all they had to do is use considerable force to take something they wanted. When you see them flourish in their actions, it withers any hope you have of living a rightous life because why should I do the right thing and starve away while the wrong things are being done, and others are sleeping with a full belly? Ofcourse it's not always about food, mostly it's about having a good time. I want to have a good time like they do in the movies sometimes. Maybe that is why I am so envious, just like everybody else. I am talking about the big parties and the live audiences with huge spectacles not giving a damn about anything. I do not even know if the book I recently have published will ever sell. I guess you can say I have to play the race card here and be like " I am an African American male who has published a book at the age of 28." That would likely get me a few head tilts my way. Maybe the ocassional, "hey look, a black dude who is trying to make it as an author and not an athlete or a rapper". Often times I wonder to myself what would it hurt if I wanted to have what other want to have? I think it would all be great once I have it all to go off somewhere in the country side with an Irish lass and disappear for a month or two betwen her arms.

Chapter 16 - I have nothing to lose, they do.

I always liked the play on words. I love how you can twist words into sentences that you plunge into another like a knife, except they cut deeper. I have loved the federalist papers for a while. I have learned to be pragmatic, and often follow that route when in need. I like the phrases such as "Maximum Correctional Fascilities". I think they are great when you really look at them wholisticly because, instead of saying prison, you are putting emphasis on safety, in that case

then The White House must be a "Minimum Spoiling Operation Unit". Pretty much, less safety would be given to the president in the name of freedom, because that must be the complete opposite. In a sense, the most safest people on the planet are the one's in prison because they are being protected by the most powerful army in the global fire power in today's word. I do not understand why people fear people in prison when they are completly safe from them but they look on their past history and trumble while ignoring the dumbasses in The White House with absolute liberty to kill and destroy as they please without consequenses.

All I am sayin is, after talking to one, when your back is turnt no matter how humble, only one can get near you to smell the nape of your neck to contemplate what they can do to you.

Chapter 16 - What I want so badly

I am sitting here thinking to myslef how awesome it would be to just sit and have fun with princes from all over the world. I think I have a good shot at having decent conversations with them while eating good food and drinking fine wine. I want to make friend with princes from all over the world. I want to hang out with them and see really cool stuff that is a mix of the spirit world and the material world. I want to see glory and majesty but the only problem seems to be my lack of money. I can't begin to describe how much I hate that I do not have any kind of finanical assets right now. Man I wish I had a lot of money right now but it seems to be just that, a wish. I saw a guy at the hospital once who was in a wheel chair. He apparently had a lot of money after winning a lottery a while back but his health is deteriorating so bad he can't even walk any more. His feet were so swollen and his back was terrible. I can't imagine having a curse

like that. Sitting here financially poor, but with all the health in the world, I can't help but imagine what myslef would be like in his shoes where he has a lot of money but can't even go up the stairs of his mansion. I bet there are a lot of people in the world right now who can't even go outside their home without security because of threats that loom about yet they have so much wealth. I have all the health in the world, no threats almsot from anywhere from my lack of fame and can pretty much enjoy walks and stuff yet the problem still lies in the fact that I can't go anywhere because the most I can travel on foot is like 2 miles right now. With all my my freedom, I can't go far. With all their money, they can't enjoy their freedom. Kind of messed up how the whole gig is set up.

It's been a while now since I stopped drinking and smoking yet I can't say I miss it because I stopped because I can't afford it anymore. I wish I could with friends but I can't even afford friends. There isn't anyone that has abandonded me so far. Alone and bored, I sit and write this upset a little. I wish I could be in Irelend right now with a smore shop next door to my flat. A cute girlfriend that texts me,while studying in school wearing suits and doing research most of the day to only take a break at the smoke shop and hit a couple of spliffs while reading a story book with the boys. The afternoon will commence with bars along with the english friends I would have discussing concepts of the world, politics and philosphy until the night comes. At night, walking back home a few blocks, meeting up with the lady of the house, kissing her, sitting on the couch and possibly watching movies after a long day of having a blast. Maybe with a little bit of passing out cuddiling on the couch watching narnia high and tipsy.

There maybe options where I could earn money but they are quite lacky in all forms of statues and simplicity. I am dead of I end up venturing on my own to a job right now, to start paying my bills if I get fired the first week or the first 3 months of my empolyment. I would end up broke

and there doesn't seem to be any kind of security for this kind of progress. The only thing I could say I am gambling on right now is my education. I have applied to my local Universities and if I get accepted, I could get financial support from the schools that will allow to stay and do research at the schools for a long time because this time I have no plans of leaving. I would work my way up to a PHD and just apply for a professor position in the political science department and start teaching immedietly. I never want to leave the University scene ever again in my life.

It's a mistake. At the moment, I think I have fucked up my life pretty much badly by life seven percent. I can't afford to fuck up anymore. God I wish I had a pint right now, something cold in my hand with a bit of pizza to wash down.