The Conservative King Diary by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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Chapter 17 - Dreams of Adventure

Nobody really knows this but I never really went to my highschool prom. I have attended a few homecoming events but never prom. I have never had a real girl friend in my life though I am a monarchist. It would be nice to have one. Especially now that I am growing up and the family life is starting to look appealing to me. I am 28 years old. I am an african american male. I am educated. I do not have a criminal record. I do not have STI's. I have never been married and I do not have any children but I do want to have children now. I want to get married. I do not have friend at the moment. It is hard for me to make friends because I do not have a job. Since I do not have a job, I do not have money. Since I do not have money, I can't afford to go on vacations to miami beaches or summer vacations like everybody else. I can't even afford to eat at my local restuarnt at the moment. The hard part is, I kind of want to. I want to go on vacations and have fun just like everyone else. I guess it's mostly because of the work route I took. I still have yet to generate any kind of revenue to make a living on. I would say the parts that want are the

spontaneous hitting me up out of nowhere hangouts that I have yet to experience with delight. I have never been to spring break and I want to explore that a bit just for the sake of it. There are so many things that I want to do but the limit seems to be finances at the moment. I guess it's just about finding the means to procure the funds to make some dreams a reality from this point on.

Chapter 18 - The Ease of Life

I seem to recall my experiences having fun in the past in matter of fraction. I can't begin to explain how much I enjoyed going through long line forest walks down the road, enjoying a cigaratte on the way. I am a person who likes to just enjoy the moments as I walk around.

Looking back, I recall some wild traveling that I want to get into later in this script. I make sure my things are packed before I leave the house. I make sure my bag pack is filled with documents and my financial tools. I account on my journey the cloth I am wearing, I account how much calories I need to consume before the day starts. I get my chores done around the house early. I tend to take care of my cloth often and consistantly which lets me have one day a week I get my stuff done on sundays. I use the laundry very well. It tends to get stains of from the parties of last night. Way before the party starts, long scales of work must be completed usually. I think to myself before I leave the house, my phones must be charged for the journey. My work is constantly accounted for by a large team of bankers who help maintain my trading money though a vast chain of banks. I ussually like to leave a small amount in some accounts just incase when I go on walks and need to buy something, I can swipe out my cards or my phone and use it to purchase items like cookies and drinks for the journey. I tend to maintain a system where before a lot things are done, I write out the plans way before time. I tell my friends what they want to

hear usually. Before hand, I call them and ask them how they want the nights to go because they tend to get as wild as me when we rally or before we do. I am no t a fan of pregaming since it tends to not keep things packed well together in the stomach. The food that is usually prepared tends to take a large amount of space in the stomach and adding a few shots tends to make my stomach upset so I make sure to just drinking coffee or a bit of tea. My days tend to start out week however, I can't tell you how much stress there is in the morning. Waking up in my bed, I look outside the window and peer to the skies for the break of morning light. Sometimes, I do not want to miss the first light ravaging the dark skies in mist of deep rain. I like it when it rains the night before or when it rains at night. It helps me get up feeling refreshed and a bit relaxed. The stressful part comes in when the hangover or headaches are not taken care of. It is really hard to maintain a decent composure after a good night of partying so breakfast must be made fresh. I like to eat a nice clean fresh made breakfast. I usually eat a lot of pancakes and I drink a lot of milk. I tend to avoid bacon and everything that upsets my stomach. I like eggs but not all the time. Eggs help but they are very hard to cook. I mostly peer through the fridge for something light. The coffee smell fresh from the coffee makers eases the tension and stress that come about as a result of having regular duties.

I stick with regular foods that are not processed. I am a fan of fruits and veggies. Some veggies have good proterties that I like. I like parsley. It has an item in it that helps make caterpillars not appealing to feast on. The sustance makes the little bug disgusting to eat for potential predators. I add a lot of parsely in my lunch meals so it help ward of my potential enemies. I am not really a religious person, but I do believe if the stuff inside the parsely protects the bug, it will probably help protect me to since I wil likely emit in through my pores. I am a constant reader, and

throughout the day, I consume a lot of information on the world wide web. I read a lot of financial artices, I read a lot of people's magazine. I enjoy following the ups and downs of wallstreet and when the market opens on mondays, I tend to wait till around 9:45 to watch the little green wave start out in a bull market. I love the constant uproar that helps me fuel for the day quite well. With the morning irritation comes the usual demand from friends of what they want to eat throughout the day. I tend to text me in ten minute intervals to let them know which brands I want. I usually ask for my usual, Yuenglings. Sometimes, my friends want to drink mixed drinks so before hand, they tell me and I prepare a plan for the day that will help sustain the mixed drink. I hate drinking mixed drinks while I had any kind of dairy for lunch. The cheese doesn't agree with the drinks in my stomach. I prefer beer. It is made with good ingredients and tends to have the right amount of calories I want. The calories are for the morning. Fueled up to the brim with beer the night before, it is like eating bread but you don't have to digest it much.

The parties I have with my friends tend to go on all night so we have to make sure we do not use private transportation. We stick with public transportain incase we get too fucked up and we lose the stamina for the morning. Not only are public transportations safer for the environement, they help deal with the driving while intoxicated problem. There are usually not a lot of my friends who liked to be the DD for the whole group so taking the bus or the train is a valuable asset.

I believe the quality time that you spend with your friends make you the person you are in the future and to have valuable memories built together, one must take the whole day to get ready.

Sometimes it takes the whole week if you are planning on having a good time with your friends because you have to account every bit of the night way before the good times happen. The body must be taken care of, the brands must be chosen, the chores have to be done, the house must be

in order. Once the occasion is ready, it becomes a good source of fun. You can't really measure the happiness of the night, or the amount of attention it generated without tending to your items.