The Monster In Africa by Awe Ayodeji and Adeuja Yetunde - HTML preview

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Chapter Six




Are you wondering what this means; my family and I syndrome? There is something that is missing among African leaders and even among majority of Africans. This is the spirit of patriotism and nationalism. We have successfully replaced “the spirit of patriotism and nationalism” with “my family and I syndrome”. Do not be surprised that this syndrome is one of the major causes of corruption in Africa because its symptoms are all around us, e.g. what on earth will make a man rule a state for eight years, handover to his son, his son handovers to his brother in-law etc. and they continue


to pass the baton round within the family. Though, they may be “magnanimous” enough to permit a godson who is a friend of the family to rule for some time in their own doltish wisdom.

We have successfully

replaced “the spirit of

patriotism and nationalism”

with “my family and I


The mentality of “let me steal all I can steal now before I leave office” is as a result of “my family and I syndrome” because if you truly love your country as a patriot or nationalist, you will not steal from your country to enrich your family.

The symptoms of this syndrome are everywhere, not just among the leaders alone. Now ask yourself this question, if you are chanced to employ or award a contract to somebody and your family member is among those that applied for the job or bid for the contract, will you not overlook all requirements and imbibe the spirit of nepotism? These are issues that we are facing every day and almost everyone is guilty of this, not just our leaders alone, because leaders were followers before they were elected as leaders. Therefore, whatever you are doing now is what you will do when you have the opportunity to lead.

Now, how do we bring back the spirit of patriotism and nationalism? Before we provide an answer to that question, we need to go back to the causes of this syndrome called “my family and I” because it is difficult to solve a problem if you do not know the root cause of the problem.

We will start from the words of the former President of United States of America John F. Kennedy during his inauguration. He said "ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."[7] John F. Kennedy had the confidence to say this because the United States of America is a country that has the interest of its citizens at heart. Therefore, the country did not fail in its responsibilities towards the citizens. In a case where your country does not care about you, then, it will be very difficult to have the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, let alone ask what you can do for your country.

Now, we believe the whole picture is getting clearer to you. “My family and I syndrome” has thrived amongst us because the government has failed in its responsibilities towards the citizens. The family has taken up the responsibilities of the government, in addition to its own normal responsibilities.

When you were sick, your family spent so much on healthcare because the government has refused to provide good and affordable healthcare, when you were studying in school, your family spent so much on education because the government has refused to provide free and affordable education etc.

Now, could you please tell us why on earth will you not owe your allegiance to your family and not your country? In fact, if you do not, you may be regarded as unappreciative or even a bastard because they believe they were there for you when you needed them, and now that they need you, so you also need to be there for them. Therefore, if your uncle calls you that your brother has applied for a job or contract in your office, which you have the power to employ him or award him the contract, you may want to overlook all necessary requirements and go ahead to employ him or give him the contract.

Hopefully you now understand the solution to this problem of “my family and I syndrome”. Therefore, if we want to get rid of nepotism in our society and bring back the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, the government needs to wake up to her responsibilities towards the citizens. The government should begin to nurture and help in the realization of her citizens’ ambitions and dreams by doing what she is supposed to do instead of killing the dreams and ambitions of her citizens. If this can be done, “my family and I syndrome” which is one of the major causes of corruption will give way to the “spirit of patriotism and nationalism” in our continent.