The Monster In Africa by Awe Ayodeji and Adeuja Yetunde - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven




Oh! This is so irrational and unjustifiable! That might be what is running in your mind right now, but we believe it is rational and justifiable for imposition of capital punishment for corruption cases. We are going to use you reading this book as our case study. Now hear this: Are you where you are supposed to be in life? How many of your loved ones and family members have you lost through road accident which was as a result of bad roads? How many of your loved ones and family members have died due to poor health care delivery and facility? How many of your loved ones and family members have died as a result of religious

crises and ethnic crises? Open your book of history; how many times have you cried over a family member that died as a result of generator fumes and petrol explosion? How many of your children, whom you paid through your nose to give good education, after they have obtained several degrees, they are still living in your house and eating your food? How many times have you or any of your associates been maligned and brutally beaten by the law enforcement agents and after complaining to the necessary authorities about the barbaric act, you were apprehended and remanded in prison custody?

How many times have you gone to bed hungry and hoping that there will be a better tomorrow, but that better tomorrow never came. Maybe you do not know the large number of youths that die every day while trying to cross from Africa to Europe in search of better “life” which their various countries have refused to give to them. Our friend, we need to be sincere with you, all you have been saying is “it’s gonna get better” “it’s gonna get better” “it’s gonna get better” and this has been your anthem ever since you were born, even until now that you are growing older.

Friends, we Africans need to wake up from our slumber because our fathers said the same thing that “it’s gonna get better” but unfortunately, it never did and now we also want to continue singing the same anthem that “it’s gonna get better”. Let us face it; it will never get better until we make it better ourselves. Those benefiting from the corruption in Africa can never and we mean will never desist from the crooked act. Therefore, we need to make strong laws that will debar anyone who has the intention and plan to siphon public funds or enrich himself through tax payer’s money from doing so. As a matter of emergency and exigency, we need to clamour for the enactment of the law that imposes capital punishment on whoever is involved in any form of corruption. After the enactment of this law, we can begin to work on changing our value system, prioritizing education, practicing true democracy and not despotism, dealing with the get rich quick syndrome and doing away with the ethnicity syndrome.

At this point, we will quit but before we do please read this: Exodus 14:15 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.”

What does that connote? Your destiny is in your hand. Dear readers, nothing changes until we as Africans make deliberate and conscious effort towards the development of our continent.

Thank you very much and God bless you.