Asher Tensei Profile

21st June 1990
Hi, I'm Ash! I’ve always been good at doing at least one thing in my life, getting people to break the mold. I’m very passionate about the fantasy genre and I like where it is headed, but sometimes, I can’t help but feel we’re all really buying the same stories just told from a different POV.
I made it my duty to generate something in people that already exists in low amounts, uniqueness and esteem. I chose to write Mana because it does exactly what we all expect it to. Those who have read it have thought differently about what it means to feel like to ”one in a million.” It was very important that I convey that message in the book because, every day, more people are doubting themselves and not realizing that only they are capable of being themselves.
Nobody else in the world can write my book. No one else in the world can tell me how to make my craft better (though I gladly accept criticism ). Lastly, no one can diminish me or my works.
Simply because I refuse to be changed. I like being one in a million, and so should you!
Mana, my first published novel, is a book that really spoke to me personally...almost as if it kept telling me to write it. Mana, by term, is the Pacific Islander view that all things consist of this energy that can't be seen, except by those who can see it. That's where Mana, my novel, came from. Would if people could actually see this energy that exists in everything? What if people could use it similarly to magic? What if people who could do this became greedy? I wanted to answer all of those questions, as well as telling the best story I knew how. I wanted a book with rain and lots of forests. Twilight took Washington, so after some intense research. I ultimately decided that Roanoke, Virginia was my ideal setting! Then after finding the setting, I quickly figured out that I could play off an old piece of history, which set the foundation of the book. So though the book is Young Adult Fantasy, this could easily label it as Historical Fiction.