Rye-n Profile

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I'm reckless. I know I should be writing this bio from the third person perspective to give the allure of professionalism. Please don't take me too seriously; I don't. I graduated from a premier Art School where I studied Usability and User Interface design. Did I also mention that I graduated into a recession? Score! It's okay, getting a job was totally my plan b anyway. FADER was so PLAN A! I think you should help support my Plan A. I'll help support yours, scout's honor! Otherwise, I'll have to answer those job offer emails asking me to relocate to some random city I've never heard of. I don't want to stare at thousands of lines of code anymore. Please don't make me do it.

P.S. I was never a boy scout.

Books I've written

  • Fader (Act I)
    Fader (Act I) Sci-fi Fantasy by Rye-n
    Fader (Act I)
    Fader (Act I)



    Feb 2011

    Screenplay: It's 2045 and we've come a long way. The unexpected Gamma Burst of Alpha Centauri changed our world forever. There was just one problem: We lived...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT