José Manuel Profile

19th February 1960
José Manuel Moreira Batista is a private trader and investor and manages private concerns. After graduating in Business Administration in 1982 he did a stint in the Air Force and then went on to hold executive positions in several multinational corporations until 1999.
That year he left the corporate world and started the management consulting and training company that he still owns today. He also taught university courses in Corporate Finance, Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting and Real Estate.
As an early display of his uncanny market timing he started trading the stock market in 1987. In case you are wondering, he did not lose money in the crash having been lucky, scratch that, savvy enough to exit all his positions a few days before Monday, October 19. He kept actively trading, studying and researching throughout the years.
In 2013 he published his first book, Trading Binary Options for Fun and Profit: A Guide for Speculators which was followed by many others mainly focusing on trading.
His results-oriented books and courses blend experience with a sound theoretical foundation to deliver practical, easy-to-follow knowledge that brings immediate benefits to readers and students.
Feb 2015
Invaluable Rogue Financial Wisdom: If you’re looking to acquire deep financial savvy and have fun in the process, then this book is for you. It contains a ...
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