Lisa Picard Profile

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My greatest joy is to share my love of the mystical forests of South Africa's Garden route through my writing. Read my book, The Green Lady, and allow your inner-child to be touched by magic and wonder.




I am an ex-corporate warrior who, like several of the characters in my first book, The Green Lady, had a deeply transformative experience in the forests of South Africa’s Garden Route. You can read all about it on my website. This life-altering experience led to my leaving my city life and corporate job and moving to a remote smallholding, high up in the mountains, on the border of the beautiful indigenous forest. My life partner, fellow author and spiritual healer, Arn Allingham, and I built our off-the-grid home with our own hands. It is my greatest joy to share my love of, and connection with, the forests with others through my writing.

finding and expressing my most authentic self, spirituality, mysticism, organic gardening, nature conservation, reading

Books I've written

  • The Green Lady
    The Green Lady Fiction by Lisa Picard
    The Green Lady
    The Green Lady



    Aug 2015

    A charming and deeply spiritual book charting a journalist's search for stories of transformative encounters with the mysterious Green Lady, guardian of the f...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle