Nia Maritz Profile

I have been told that I constantly look for reasons and causes and make things happen putting thoughts into action and seeing patterns where others simply see complexity I have also been referred to as a bit controlling I concur with a cunning ability to pinpoint core problems partnered with best solutions Not a winning recipe or most popular But that s not the business I am in Popularity I help individuals and organisations facilitate change drawing out the best in each person and building productive teams Nice vs Niche Qualified Talent Management In-house Recruitment Change Management Executive with an array of skills in managing projects from inception to end branding and social media experiences I am a strategic thinker that enjoys consulting at front through to back end of new initiatives or enterprises with those who are stumped by a particular problem or hindered by a particular obstacle or barriers My approach is innovative yet procedural and has a knack for identifying the best methods for building relationships Turning innovative ideas into immediate action breaking bottlenecks analysing data finding patterns or organising ideas is my passion This allows me to build productive teams and help individuals deal with their problems My experience spans over more than two decades from directors level middle management commercial and technical staff Global experience with emphasis on behavioural development coaching and talent development enables me to help individuals worldwide recognise and discover their own intellectual contributions I focus on people s natural behaviour and enlist their own unique Natural Aptitude Planning NAP to optimise talent to an organisations benefit As an published author of Know Your Worth an E-Book that helps individuals understand their own intellectual worth I have been well published in Cosmopolitan SA Magazine in coaching capacity An understanding of talent movement