How to Analyze People on Sight Through the Science of Human Analysis by Elsie Lincoln Benedict - HTML preview

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Part One


¶ As stated in Chapter I, Alimentives are born for business. They can sell almost anything in the line of food, clothing, or shelter because they are so interested in them themselves they can make them interesting to others. They like money for the comforts which money alone can bring and business furnishes a wider field for money-making than any other. So the

Alimentive likes the commercial world for itself and for what it brings him.

Sells Things to People

¶ The Alimentive can deal with both people and things, but it should be in the capacity of selling the things to the people.

Chances for Money-Making

¶ The Alimentives have the greatest opportunities today for making fortunes and many of the multi-millionaires of America are combinations of this type with the Cerebral. This is due to the fact that the world must be fed, clothed and sheltered and the Alimentive, more than any other type, excels in the marketing, manufacturing and merchandizing of these things.

A Good Overseer

¶ The Alimentive makes an excellent overseer also. He is so genial, likable and yet so bent on saving himself work that he can get more work out of others than can any other type.

So he succeeds as a foreman, supervisor, boss, superintendent, manager and sales department head.

Capitalizes His "Comfort" Instincts

¶ The Alimentive loves comforts. He feels he must have them. Because any man's success will be found to lie in the

direction which most nearly satisfies his basic instincts, the Alimentive succeeds by making "the good things of life" look so interesting to others they are willing to buy them from him at the best prices.

The Alimentively Inclined

¶ Every man who is largely Alimentive in type can sell commodities or oversee the work of others. Every woman who is

largely Alimentive can also sell the same commodities, oversee the work of others in her department and become a good


Things to Avoid

¶ The Alimentive should avoid vocations dealing exclusively with ideas. Books are almost the only things an Alimentive can not sell successfully. This is due to the fact that he is not as interested in ideas as in things, and the things he is interested in—food and comforts—are the farthest removed from books.

Partners to Select

¶ When he goes into partnership the Alimentive should endeavor to do so with a practical Muscular, a clever Thoracic or another Alimentive.

Partners and Employees to Avoid

¶ He should avoid as partners the pure Cerebrals and the pure Osseous. The former are too high brow and visionary for

him, and the Osseous are too critical of his easy ways.

Bosses to Avoid

¶ The Alimentive, when looking for employment, should try to avoid the boss who is a pure Cerebral or a pure Osseous.

The Cerebral may be a good planner but his plans and those of the Alimentives will not work well together. The Cerebral can not see the Alimentive's point of view clearly enough to forgive him for his too primitive methods. The pure Osseous boss soon becomes disgusted because the Alimentive is so lacking in system. He usually comes out all right in the end, but the orderly Osseous is too exasperated by what he considers the Alimentive's slackness, to wait for the end.

Localities to Avoid

¶ The Alimentive should avoid all frontiers. He can not work well without conveniences, and since these are few and far between in unsettled regions it is much more difficult for him to be a success there.

Vocations for Pure Alimentives

¶ Cooking, catering, nursing, merchandizing of all food and drink stuffs, the conducting of cafes, restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, rest rooms and all places maintained for the ease, comfort and feeding of mankind, are the general vocations for pure or extreme Alimentives.

Vocations for Alimentive-Thoracics

¶ The merchandizing of the artistic, novel and esthetic in food, clothing and shelter; conducting of tea rooms,

confectionery stores, smart specialty and clothing shops. Salesmanship of restricted residence districts, fancy cars, etc.

Vocations for Alimentive-Musculars

¶ The merchandizing of more practical commodities such as potatoes, meat, middle class homes, durable clothing.

Alimentive-Muscular women make excellent dressmakers.

Vocations for the Alimentive-Osseous

¶ Merchandizing of farms, ranches, timber, lumber, hardware. Bond salesmanship.

Vocations for Alimentive-Cerebrals

¶ Merchandizing, manufacturing and marketing of food, clothing and shelter commodities on a large scale in world

markets. This type combination exists in most of the world's millionaires.