How to Analyze People on Sight Through the Science of Human Analysis by Elsie Lincoln Benedict - HTML preview

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Part Two


¶ The Thoracic type works best with people. Every person in whom this type predominates will make his greatest

success only in vocations bringing him into contact with people.

The Born Entertainer

¶ As we have pointed out, the Thoracic is a born entertainer. His greatest abilities lie in the direction of the stage and all forms of its activities.

Capitalizes His Approbative Instincts

¶ The Thoracic loves the approval and applause of others. He is clever, dazzling, often scintillating, brilliant and

magnetic. All these enable him to win fame behind the foot-lights, upon the screen and in many lines of theatrical work.

His gregarious instincts also enable him to make a success of work with others.

Chances for Money-Making

¶ His chances for making a great deal of money are excellent. A thousand dollars a week is not an unusual salary for an entertainer and the thousand-dollar-a-night singer is no longer a rarity. These always belong to the Thoracic type, for reasons stated in Chapter II.

Chances for Money-Spending

¶ But when the stage gives him a large income it also furnishes the companions and temptations for spending money

freely. Even the Thoracic of fame seldom has much money. Also his own irresponsibility makes it difficult for him to save.

Work to Avoid

¶ The Thoracic should avoid every line of work which has to be done the same way day in and day out. He must avoid

routine in every form. Monotonous work is not for him.

Things to Avoid

¶ Things the Thoracic must avoid are the mechanical—for these demand to be used in the same way always. The

Thoracic does not like to do anything over and over.

Should Not Work Alone

¶ The Thoracic should never work alone. He should not go into any vocation where he is separated from his fellows. The loneliness and drabness of working away from people are fatal to his best effort.

Business Partners to Select

¶ The Thoracic should select Muscular business partners because of their practicalizing influence. Second choice for

him is an Alimentive partner and third is a Thoracic like himself.

Partners and Employees to Avoid

¶ The Thoracic should avoid Osseous employees and Osseous partners, for the reason that this type can no more

understand the Thoracic than it can understand the easy-going Alimentive. These two types are at opposite ends of the

pole, and to blend them harmoniously in any relationship is almost impossible. The Thoracic employer, who always

wants things done instantly, is maddened by the slow, unadaptable Osseous employee.

Bosses to Avoid

¶ For the reasons stated above, every Thoracic person should avoid working for extremely bony people. The Osseous is

as much irritated by the rapid-fire reactions of the Thoracic employee as the Thoracic is by the slowness of the Osseous.

Localities to Avoid

¶ The Thoracic individual should avoid all localities which would cut him off from his kind. He should never, except when combined with the Osseous in type, live in remote regions, on the edge of civilization or too far away from neighbors.

Companionship is always essential to his happiness and success.

Vocations for the Pure Thoracics

¶ Art, advertising, comic opera, grand opera, concert singing, the stage, the screen and all forms of high class reception work are the lines for pure Thoracics.

For Thoracic-Alimentives

¶ Medicine, merchandizing of artistic, esthetic commodities, life insurance, moving pictures, novelty salesmanship, and demonstrating.

For Thoracic-Musculars

¶ Vocal and instrumental music, interior decoration, politics, social service, advertising, athletics and design.

For Thoracic-Osseous

¶ Landscape gardening, scientific research, the ministry.

For Thoracic-Cerebrals

¶ Authorship, private secretaryship, education, journalism, musical composition, publicity work, photography.