Metaphors. Describe one idea within the context of another idea.
Example: derivatives are like the speedometer/odometer relationship in a race car.
Visualization. Create a mental picture of an abstract object. Example: In programming, a “variable” is a strictly abstract idea. A cookie jar that holds data, isn’t. Connect the two.
Diagrams. Draw pictures showing the relationships between ideas.
Holistic learning is way beyond the scope of this guide. But, seeing as it is the most popular topic I write about, it deserved a mention. If you’re interested, here are some resources to read more:
Learn More, Study Less. A comprehensive 200+ page report with bonus materials detailing exactly how I learn holistically, the strategy behind it and the techniques I use.
Holistic Learning. A short pdf, introducing the topic.
How to Ace Your Finals Without Studying. The first article.
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