Here's my original
article on the
methods I used to
A big part of self-education is book reading. Book reading isn’t read 70+ books
complete (skill mastery is the other half of self-education), but I’d guess if
you’re reading 30-50 books per year, you’re learning more than most Some other
people in full-time classes.
thoughts on
reading more:
In the past, I wrote about how I read over 70 books per year, during a 2-year period. Today I probably read 30-50 books, per year, but the
principles I used to reach that reading volume still hold today.
Speed Reading for Dummies
Speed reading is an important tool for increasing your reading reading a book
per day for one
volume. I think the term speed reading is a bit of a misnomer, because it week.
makes people think only about reading faster.
The practice of speed reading, however, taught me a lot more about controlling my speed. Yes, it helped me increase the upper speed limit, but
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