How to Get More from Life by Scott Young - HTML preview

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Chapter Three - Learning

it also taught me how to understand better at lower speeds.

You never know

If you want speed reading tips, check out Double Your Reading Rate,

when your

the most-viewed article on the website. Here’s my quick summary: knowledge of one

topic will pay off

1. Use a pointer, such as your finger, to underline the words while in another area of

reading. This reduces eye movements and distractions which force your your life.

eyes to relocate your position on the page.

2. Practice reading. Practice reading isn’t actually reading, it means taking an unfamiliar book and skimming it faster than you can read. Your My early practice

goal is to train yourself to understand more at higher speeds, not so you’ll with game design

always use those speeds but so you have the ability.

gave me the skills

3. Identify your goals before reading. Get an idea of what you’re to do the artwork

trying to get out of a book before picking it up.

for my later


Learning is a lifelong endeavor. Knowledge has unexpected payoffs.

You never know when your knowledge of one topic will pay off in another area of your life. So don’t just learn the ideas with immediate functionality.

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