Profiler by David B H - HTML preview

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Following are my promised personal tips:


Remember - knowledge of law enforcement procedures by an offender does suggest a criminal record or a legal relationship with law enforcement institutes.

When in emotional stress our apocrine sweat gland releases secretions which are easily picked up by dogs.

If a crime is of a violent nature it suggests that the offender has previous criminal record, probably some petty crime as car theft. When an offender shoots from a vehicle and gets away quickly it means that he isn’t a sadist and doesn't want to see his victim suffer.

There are two typical torture categories: sadistic, is used to extract some sort of emotion and functional, which is used to extract information or as a punishment.

If a compulsive psychopath stops killing is because he's dead.

If an offender is committing his crimes during nights it means that he probably has a steady work during day time.

Serial vigilantes are extremely rare.

As a profiler psychoanalyze crime scenes in order to gain a better understanding of the offender.

Every time a person is killed, robed, raped or a victim to other crimes, the most important question a profiler should ask is "why?" Why the offender choose the specific victim' why he committed the crime at this specific time.

Profiles are formulated not just by what's present at the crime scene but also by what's missing.

Typically when a child loses his mother he sees her as a victim and as an adult he wants to protect women.

Spies are among the smartest liars in the world.

A guilty person will feign disgust faced with a criminal scene.

Being intelligent and aware doesn't always allow us to control our urges.

Admitting a problem doesn't meat controlling it.

Part of a sexual – sadist profile is the ability to mimic honesty and sincerity.

Hyper vigilance is common in post traumatic stress disorder.

Palilalia: voluntary repetition of words.

Erotomania = a personal belief that someone, usually of a higher social status but not necessarily a celebrity, is in love with the person. The "love" is transmitted through looks, gestures and glances. It's also known as "De Clerambault's Syndrome".

Tardive dyskinesia: severs facial tics, usually developed after years of taking anti-psychotic medication.

Psychotic minds are hard to predict.

Anthropophagi = cannibalism.

Hate crimes are like terrorism – they intend to increase publicity.

Hate crimes are politically.

Remember - Each time an addict needs a fix he needs more of the drug to get off.

Homeless generally stay in small and well-defined areas based on familiarity and what services are nearby.

Birders are extremely single-minded in their pursuits.

A psychopath is incapable of emotional bonding with anyone.

Behavior is determined by three factors: bio, psycho and social.

Water obliterates human body and destroys evidence

The direct use of "we" in a treat is always bogus – one individual trying to diffuse responsibility.

Hate crimes are political

Sexually motivated killers almost always kill within their own race.

Racial profiling is targeting suspects because their race – beware!

Emotionally, taupe is linked to loneliness and the desire to escape from the word

Militia members are almost always discharged military who resent the structure therefore they form their own paramilitary governments

There are 2 types of violent satanic criminals: type A – teen Satanists assume the satanic identity to rebel. They'll perform minor crimes, theft and vandalism to churches, schools and symbols of authority. Combined with drugs or alcohol they turn violent even deadly. Type B – the adaptive Satanist. He adapts satanic beliefs to his specific homicidal drives. He doesn’t kill because he believes in Satan – he believes in Satan because he kills. He's rationalizing his fantasies by blaming them on outside force.

The severely mentally ill have chaos around them. When institutionalized they're given order, thought to keep their room clean and neat. When discharged they stop taking medications. Their minds fall back into chaos but often they do one thing they learned while inside to keep some order back into it.

When a woman tells a man about her feelings she doesn't want him to fix her – she wants him to shut up and listen.

Remember – some criminals are smart enough to use forensic countermeasures like staging a scene to look like a robbery.


About half of all bombing cases are actually acts of vandalism. Bombers are mostly male, loners with a criminal activity history. The first suspects of bombing are the victims of the bombing because the bombers are more often than not end up accidentally blowing themselves up.

Bombers usually do that for profit or to conceal another crime.

Douglas & Olshaker categorized bombers as criminal, cause, personal and psychologically disorganized.

Personal caused bombers are motivated by an underlying emotional conflict.


Only 20% of all rapes are reported.

Rape without penetration is probably due sexually inadequacy.    

A high proportion of female rape victims later in life are raped again.

When victims are dumped like trash it indicates that the killer is trying to demean the victims.

Most serial killers keep a area of control, where they kill their victims, triangulated between two points, the killing location and the location where the dead victims are dropped. They probably also live that area.

An offender with borderline personality disorder may disfigure female victims and throw them out like trash out oh hates.

Offenders with personality disorder think that all relationships revolve entirely around them. When they set their mind to something its absolute without gray area, it will manifest in their behavior such as intense bouts of anger and depression, drinking problems and highly sensitive to rejection.

Female serial killers typically stick to the same MO.

Psychopaths don’t apologize for their behavior.

Behavioral therapy's most effective in a natural setting.

Tortures without a sexual component are very rare.

When an offender is trying to demonstrate strength most probably has been abused as a child.

An impotent offender may try hiding his situation and keep up appearances by marrying and adopting children.

The fact that victims belong to the same family or other homogenic group suggests multiple offenders. The reason may be gang – related, revenge or personal business.

The destroying of a victim hands and face may indicate that the victim knew the killer and by destroying victim's ID making the connection to the killer will be deleted giving the killer time to go away.

43% of Predators tend to contact victims on the internet

When a written massage is left by a criminal look for patterns in the handwriting

The early age exposure to sexual violence may be a trigger that brings out certain desires

Most cross-dressers are heterosexual.

Anger excitation: when a criminal becomes sexually aroused by the suffering of his victims

Nobody remembers the victims – everybody remembers the killer


Killers get a sense of power from the killing.

Organized killers usually have a skilled job like technological using their hands. They have a fascination with law enforcement. They will inject themselves into the investigation. They will come forward as witnesses to see just how much the police really knows, that makes them feel powerful and in control.

There are four types of poisoners:

-  The true believer, the political terrorist, the religious cult – he is motivated and driven by some sort of idea.

- The extortionist – his goal is money.

- The avenger - he has a personal vendetta and poison is his weapon.

- The prankster – usually a young offender who doesn’t mean any harm and it's basically just a big practically joke.

With the exception of the prankster all the other three types commonly test their poison on a small scale before appearing at a large attack.

The fact that the killing takes place in a major urban setting without detection indicates that the killer is highly intelligent.

Blindfolding a victim indicates that the killer doesn't want his victim to look at him as he kills.

Shooting a victim indicates that the killer needs a quick and effective means of controlling the situation. He may have a physical problem or just being small size.

Post mortem stab wounds almost always indicate sexual homicide.

There are 4 types of killers:

Type 1 – political assassins

Type 2 – egocentrics looking for recognition

Type 3 – psychopaths, cold blood killers who leave far messier scene

Type 4 – delusional, suffering from major mental disorder

When a serial killer is afraid to be caught he either goes hiding or on the run. 

A killer who murders by drowning wants to invoke fear.

A brutal killer who is also psychological attacking the victims family does it because the thrill of the kill isn’t enough to satisfy his sadistic needs and wants to spread the panic.

Sadistic killers are usually stranger to their victims.

It's easier for an offender to torture and kill someone he doesn't know.

It’s a characteristic of partner offenders to record their crimes so they can relive the fantasy later. It permits the dominant partner to keep the submissive one motivated, loyal, aroused and under control.

Most killing teams have a dominant personality that instigates plans and insist to kill and a submissive personality who's the eager accomplice. They share together a common delusion which is the bond that justifies their actions. As a reward for doing as he's told, the dominant partner makes the submissive partner feel invincible.

Snipers or columbine assassins probably met in childhood or are related. 

Psychotic killers are normally not so difficult to catch because they don’t try to hide.

Most serial killers prey upon specific type of victims to carry out their fantasies of revenge.

If a serial killer targets children he may be small himself.

A killer whose victims are prostitutes may lack confidence with women or have poor social skills. If the victim wasn’t raped he could be impotent.

Sex acts with dead bodies are rare occurrences.

Using a gun as the killing tool is giving the killer a sense of power while lets him maintain distance from the kill.

If a victim dies of blunt force head traumas, it indicates that the killer wants to be close and feel the life leaving the body.

If a killer covers the body very carefully is because he feels remorse for killing the victim.

Post – mortem stab wounds almost always indicate sexual homicide.

If the victim has no defense wounds it means most probably it was a blitz attack.

Sexual offenders kill for their sexual needs.