Profiler by David B H - HTML preview

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Long term abductions of small children are rare but more likely to be fatal.

Most abducted children are murdered within the first hour. Virtually all of them are dead after 24 hours.

Offenders against children are likely to have menial or temporary jobs, be socially marginalized, frustrate and better related to kids than to adults. Probably had a recent stressor such as a job loss or other setback. He'll probably have extensive pornographic materials in his home or his computer.

First time child offenders hunt closer to home. Experienced one doesn't.

Pedophiles seek jobs which gives them as much access to children as possible and can be divided into two categories:

1. Situational offenders who rarely seek out children but take advantage of a situation when presented with it.

2. Preferential offenders who actively target children by age group or hair color for example.

The intimacy of strangulation suggest a personal attack literally and figuratively the need to kill in a hands-on manner. Crushing someone with a car presents as distance and removal from the kill.

Impulsiveness implies young and inexperienced.

Killing parental figures is based on killer's need for revenge and punishment.

Suicides don’t spike after a tragedy, quite the opposite.

Overkill means rage; rage means a close personal relationship.

Handwriting slanting uphill, consistent spacing and long t-bars are a clear sign of optimism and indicates an enthusiastic person.


Most serial arsonists are white males.

Female arsonists are far less likely and their motive typically being revenge.

There are two common stressors for a serial arsonist – loss of job or loss of love.

Pyromania is a mental disorder.

Serial arsonist drive pleasure from pathological fire setting, it gives them a sense of power and sexual satisfaction. They need to experience it so they won't just walk away from the fire.

There are four motives for arson:

1. Vandalism

2. Crime concealment

3. Political statement profit

4. Revenge

Arsonist are socially incompetent, they don’t date, don’t go to parties and don’t feel comfortable in groups.

Most serial arsonists don’t intend to inflict harm. Injuries or death are accidental.

Most of the time if wounds lack blood, they were inflicted post mortem.

Torture can be a substitute for a sex act.

Serial killers who move around fall into two types: A – itinerant homeless; B – the occupation allows him to travel.

Hybristophilia = is a paraphilia of the predatory type in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities or crime, such as rape, murder, or armed robbery. Aka as "Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome".

Peacocking= the adornment of some sort of flashy affect to sort of try to distract witnesses.

Killers working together, like gangs, can establish the same M.O.

Sexual sadists attack anonymously because they have to sever all personal connections and see the victim as object to perpetrate the level of torture.

Killing is not genetic – to kill or not to kill is a choice.

Any unusual crime scene may point to an obsessive compulsive or other mental derange criminal and possible past institutional.

Serial killers groupies usually are attractive, well educated, successful, reformers, sometimes suffering from Hybristophilia.


Ever heard of "EIER"?

E= Event

I= Interpretation

E= Emotions

R= Reaction

An event occurs either directly or indirectly involving you.

As a result you are giving it your own interpretation.

According to your interpretation emotions appear.

As a result to those emotions you react.

It's clear and easy to understand that the "I", the Interpretation is responsible for the rest, what emotions will appear, what will be the reaction. Also clear that if we will be able to control the interpretation we will be able to control the emotions and the reaction. Two ways to control interpretation are knowledge and perspective. A richer and vast knowledge will help stop the auto-pilot interpretation. The same will happen with a wider perspective.

This is a so called normal behavior. Any deviation is an un-normal behavior. By understanding the deviation you'll be able to understand the person. By understanding the person you'll understand the behavior. Following the logic, all criminals are mentally disturbed. RIGHT ? WRONG ! If E is followed by a normative I or E or R the behavior should be consider a normal one. Only if I, E or R aren't normative the behavior should be consider a un- normal behavior.