Studies in the psychology of sex, volume 2 by Havelock Ellis. - HTML preview

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infantile incestuous emotions or early Narcissism as an essential

feature of the mechanism of homosexuality, a conscientious

investigator will not rest until he has discovered traces of

them, as he very probably will. (See, e.g., Sadger,

"Fragment der

Psychoanalyse eines Homosexuellen," _Jahrbuch für sexuelle

Zwischenstufen_, Bd. ix, 1908; and cf. Hirschfeld, _Die

Homosexualität_, p. 164). But the exact weight and significance

of these traces may still be doubtful, and, even if considerable

in one case, may be inconsiderable in another.

Freud, who sets

forth one type of homosexual mechanism, admits that there may be

others. Moreover, it must be added that the psychoanalytic method

by no means excludes unconscious deception by the subject, as

Freud found, and so was compelled to admit the patient's tendency

to "fantasy," as Adler has to "fictions," as a fundamental

psychic tendency of the "unconscious."

The force of these considerations is now beginning to be

generally recognized. Thus Moll (art.

"Homosexualität," in 4th

ed. of Eulenburg's _Realencyclopädie der gesamten Heilkunde_,

1909, p. 611) rightly says that while the invert may occasionally

embroider his story, "the expert can usually distinguish between

the truth and the poetry, though it is unnecessary to add that

complete confidence on the patient's part is necessary," Näcke,

again (_Sexual-Probleme_, September, 1911, p. 619), after quoting

with approval the remark of one of the chief German authorities,

Dr. Numa Praetorius, that "a great number of inverts' histories

are at the least as trustworthy as the attempts of psychoanalysts, especially when they come from persons skillful

in self-analysis," adds that "even Freudian analysis gives no

absolute guarantee for truth. A healthy skepticism is

justifiable--but not an unhealthy skepticism!"

Hirschfeld, also

(_Die Homosexualität_, p. 164), whose knowledge of such histories

is unrivalled, remarks that while we may now and then meet with a

case of _pseudo-logia fantastica_ in connection with psychic

debility on the basis of a psychopathic constitution, "taken all

in all any generalized assertion of the falsehood of inverts is

an empty fiction, and is merely a sign that the physicians who

make it have not been able to win the trust of the men and women

who consult them." My own experience has fully convinced me of

the truth of this, statement. I am assured that many of the

inverts I have met not only possess a rare power of intellectual

self-analysis (stimulated by the constant and inevitable contrast

between their own feelings and those of the world around them),

but an unsparing sincerity in that self-analysis not so very

often attained by normal people.

The histories which follow have been obtained in various ways,

and are of varying degrees of value. Some are of persons whom I

have known very well for very long periods, and concerning whom I

can speak very positively. A few are from complete strangers

whose good faith, however, I judge from internal evidence that I

am able to accept. Two or three were written by persons

who--though educated, in one case a journalist--had never heard

of inversion, and imagined that their own homosexual feelings

were absolutely unique in the world. A fair number were written

by persons whom I do not myself know, but who are well known to

others in whose judgment I feel confidence. Perhaps the largest

number are concerned with individuals who wrote to me

spontaneously in the first place, and whom I have at intervals

seen or heard from since, in some cases during a very long

period, so that I have slowly been able to fill in their

histories, although the narratives, as finally completed, may

have the air of being written down at a single sitting. I have

not admitted any narrative which I do not feel that I am

entitled to regard as a substantially accurate statement of the

facts, although allowance must occasionally be made for the

emotional coloring of these facts, the invert sometimes

cherishing too high an opinion, and sometimes too low an opinion,

of his own personality.

HISTORY I.--Both parents healthy; father of unusually fine

_physique_. He is himself a manual worker and also of

exceptionally fine _physique_. He is, however, of nervous

temperament. He is mentally bright, though not highly educated, a

keen sportsman, and in general a good example of an all-around

healthy Englishman.

While very affectionate, his sexual desires are not strongly

developed on the physical side, and seem never to have been so.

He sometimes masturbated about the age of puberty, but never

afterward. He does not appear to have well-marked erotic dreams.

There used to be some attraction toward women, though it was

never strong. At the age of 26 he was seduced by a woman and had

connection with her once. Afterward he had reason to think she

had played him false in various ways. This induced the strongest

antipathy, not only to this woman, but to all marriageable women.

A year after this episode homosexual feeling first became clear

and defined. He is now 33, and feels the same antipathy to women;

he hates even to speak of marriage.

There has only been one really strong attraction, toward a man of

about the same age, but of different social class, and somewhat a

contrast to him, both physically and mentally. So far as the

physical act is concerned this relationship is not definitely

sexual, but it is of the most intimate possible kind, and the

absence of the physical act is probably largely due to

circumstances. At the same time there is no conscious desire for

the act for its own sake, and the existing harmony and

satisfaction are described as very complete. There is no

repulsion to the physical side, and he regards the whole

relationship as quite natural.

HISTORY II.--B.O., English, aged 35, missionary abroad. A brother

is more definitely inverted. B.O. has never had any definitely

homosexual relationships, although he has always been devoted to

boys; nor has he had any relationships with women.

"As regards

women," he says, "I feel I have not the patience to try and

understand them; they are petulant and changeable,"

etc. He

objects to being called "abnormal," and thinks that people like

himself are "_extremely_ common."

"I have never wanted to kiss boys," he writes, "nor to handle

them in any way except to put my arm around them at their studies

and at other similar times. Of course, with really little boys,

it is different, but boys and girls under 14 seem to me much

alike, and I can love either equally well. As to any sort of

sexual connection between myself and one of my own sex, I cannot

think of it otherwise than with disgust. I can imagine great

pleasure in having connection with a woman, but their natures do

not attract me. Indeed, my liking for my own sex seems to consist

almost entirely in a preference for the masculine character, and

the feeling that as an object to _look at_ the male body is

really more beautiful than the female. When any strong

temptations to sexual passion come over me in my waking moments,

it is of women I think. On the other hand, I have to confess that

after being with some lad I love for an hour or two, I have

sometimes felt my sexual organs roused. But only once in my life

have I experienced a strong desire to sleep in the same bed with

a particular lad, and even then no idea of doing anything entered

my mind. Needless to say, I did not sleep with him.

"I never feel tempted by any girls here, although I see so many

with their bodies freely exposed, and plenty of them have really

pretty faces. Neither do I feel tempted to do anything improper

with any of the boys, although I frequently sit talking with one

who has very little on. But I find the constant sight of

well-shaped bare limbs has a curious effect on the mind and comes

before one's imagination as a picture at unlooked-for times. But

the most curious thing of all is this: There are several lads

here of whom I am very fond. Now when they are near me I think of

them with only the purest and most tender feelings, but sometimes

at night when I am half asleep, or when I am taking my midday

siesta, my imagination pictures one of these lads approaching a

girl, or actually lying with her, and the strange thing is that I

do not feel any desire myself to approach the girl, but I feel I

wish I were in _her_ place and the lad was coming to _me_. In my

calm, waking moments it disgusts and rather horrifies me to find

myself apparently so unsexed--yet such is the fact, and the

experience, with only slight changes, repeats itself over and

over again. It is not that I, as a man, wish even in imagination

to act improperly with a boy, but I feel I would like to be in

the girl's place, and the strange thing is that in all these

dreams and imaginings I can always apparently enter into the

feelings of the woman better than into those of the man.

Sometimes I fancy for a moment that perhaps reincarnation is true

and I was a woman in my last life. Sometimes I fancy that when I

was in the womb I was formed as a girl and the sexual organs

changed just at the last moment. It is a curious problem. Don't

think I worry about it. Only at long intervals do I think of

it.... The thing has its bright side. Boys and men seem to have

tender feelings toward me, such as one expects them to have for

members of the opposite sex, and I get into all the closer

contact with them in consequence."

HISTORY III.--F.R., English, aged 50, Belongs on both sides to

healthy, normal families, of more than average ability. Father

was 35 at birth, and mother 27. He is the second of four

children. There was a considerable interval between the births of

the children, which were spread over twenty-one years. All are

normal, except F.R., two of them married and with families.

Owing to the difference of age between the children, F.R. (who

was three years younger than his elder brother, and more than

four years older than his sister, the third child) had no male

companionship and was constantly alone with his mother. "Being

naturally imitative," he remarks, "I think I acquired her tastes

and interests and habits of thought. However that may be, I feel

sure that my interests and amusements were more girlish than

boyish. By way of illustration, I may mention that I have often

been told by a friend of my mother's that, on one occasion, I was

wanting a new hat, and none being found of a size to fit me, I

congratulated myself that I should therefore be obliged to have a

_bonnet!_ As regards my feminine tastes and instincts, I have

always been conscious of taking interest in questions of family

relationships, etiquette, dress (women's as much as, or more

than, men's) and other things of that kind, which, as a rule,

were treated with indifference or contempt. In the house I take

more notice than my sister does of the servants'

deficiencies and

neglects, and am much more orderly in my arrangements than she


There is nothing markedly feminine in the general appearance.

Pubertal development took place at an early age, long before

fourteen, with nocturnal emissions, but without erotic dreams.

The testicles are well developed, the penis perhaps rather below

the average in size, and the prepuce long and narrow. Erection

occurs with much facility, especially at night. When young he

knew nothing of masturbation, but he began the habit about ten

years ago, and has practised it occasionally ever since.

Although he likes the society of women to a certain extent, he

soon grows tired of it, and has never had any desire to marry.

His sexual dreams never have any relation to women.

"I am

generally doing or saying something," he remarks,

"to some man

whom I know when awake, something which I admit I might wish to

do or say if it were not quite out of the question on grounds of

propriety and self-respect."

He has, however, never had any intimate relationships with men,

and much that he has heard of such relationships fills him with


"What I feel about myself is," he writes, "that I have to a

certain extent, or in some respects, a feminine mind in a male

body; or, I might put it that I am a combination of an immoral

(in tendency, rather than in act) woman and a religious man.

From time to time I have felt strong affection for young men, but

I cannot flatter myself that my affection has been reciprocated.

At the present time there is a young fellow (23

years old) who

acts as my clerk and sits in my room. He is extremely

good-looking, and of a type which is generally considered

'aristocratic,' but so far as I (or he) know, he is quite of the

lower middle class. He has little to recommend him but a fine

face and figure, and there is nothing approaching to mental or

social equality between us. But I constantly feel the strongest

desire to treat him as a man might a young girl he warmly loved.

Various obvious considerations keep me from more than

quasi-paternal caresses, and I feel sure he would resent very

strongly anything more. This constant repression is trying beyond

measure to the nerves, and I often feel quite ill from that

cause. Having had no experiences of my own, I am always anxious

to learn anything I can of the sexual relations of other men, and

their organs, but I have no curiosity whatever concerning the

other sex. My chief pleasure and source of gratification is found

in the opportunities afforded by Turkish and other baths;

wherever, in fact, there is the nude male to be found. But I

seldom find in these places anyone who seems to have the same

tendency as myself, and certainly I have not met with more than

two cases among the attendants, who responded to my hinted desire

to see everything. Under a shampooer, particularly an unfamiliar

one, I occasionally experience an orgasm, but less often now than

when I was younger."

F.R. is very short-sighted. His favorite color is blue. He is

able to whistle. His tastes are chiefly of a literary character,

and he has never had any liking for sports. "I have been

generally considered ineffective in the use of my hands," he

writes, "and I am certainly not skillful. All I have ever been

able to do in that way is to net and do the simpler forms of

needlework; but it seems more natural to me to do, or try to do,

everything of that sort, and to play on the piano, rather than to

shoot or play games. I may add that I am fonder of babies than

many women, and am generally considered to be surprisingly

capable of holding them! Certainly I enjoy doing so.

As a youth,

I used to act in charades; but I was too shy to do so unless I

was dressed as a woman and veiled; and when I took a woman's part

I _felt_ less like _acting_ than I have done in _propria

persona_. A remark made by an uncle once rather annoyed me: that

it seemed more like nature than art. But he was quite right."

HISTORY IV.--Of Lowland Scotch parentage. Both sides of house

healthy and without cerebral or nervous disease.


desires began at puberty. He practised onanism to a limited

extent at school and up to the age of about 22. His erotic dreams

are exclusively about males. While very friendly and intimate

with women of all ages, he is instantly repelled by any display

of sexual affection on their side. This has happened in varying

degree in three or four cases. With regard to marriage, he

remarks: "As there seems no immediate danger of the race dying

out, I leave marriage to those who like it." His male ideal has

varied to some extent. It has for some years tended toward a

healthy, well-developed, athletic or out-of-door working type,

intelligent and sympathetic, but not specially intellectual.

At school his sexual relations were of the simplest type. Since

then there have been none. "This," he says, "is not due either to

absence of desire or presence of 'morals.' To put it shortly,

'there were never the time and the place and the loved one

together.' In another view, physical desire and the general

affection have not always coexisted toward the same person; and

the former without the latter is comparatively transient; while

the latter stops the gratification of the former, if it is felt

that that gratification could in any way make the object of

affection unhappy, mentally or emotionally."

He is healthy and fairly well developed; of sensitive, emotional

nature, but self-controlled; mentally he is receptive and

aggressive by turns, sometimes uncritical, sometimes analytical.

His temper is equable, and he is strongly affectionate. Very fond

of music and other arts, but not highly imaginative.

Of sexual inversion in the abstract he says he has no views, but

he thus sums up his moral attitude: "I presume that, if it is

there, it is there for use or abuse, as men please.

I condemn

gratification of bodily desire at the expense of others, in

whatever form it may take. I condemn it no more in its inverted

form than in the ordinary. I believe that affection between

persons of the same sex, even when it includes the sexual passion

and its indulgences, may lead to results as splendid as human

nature can ever attain to. In short, I place it on an absolute

equality with love as ordinarily understood."

HISTORY V.--S.W., aged 64, English, musical journalist. The

communication which follows (somewhat abbreviated) was written

before S.W. had heard or read anything about sexual inversion,

and when he still believed that his own case was absolutely


"I am the son of a clergyman, and lived for the first thirteen

years of my life in the country town where I was born. Then my

father became the vicar of a country village, where I lived until

I went out into the world at the age of 18. As during the whole

of this time my father had a few pupils, I was educated with

them, and never went to school. I was born, I fancy, with sexual

passions about as strong as can well be imagined, and at the same

time was very precocious in my entry into the stage of puberty.

Semen began to form a little before my twelfth birthday; hair

soon followed, and in a year I was in that respect the equal of

an average boy of 15 or 16. I conversed freely with my companions

on the relations of the sexes, but, unlike them, had no personal

feeling toward girls. In time I became conscious that I was

different, as I then believed, and believe now, from all other

men. My sexual organs were quite perfect. But in the frame of a

man I had the sexual mind of a female. I distinctly disclaim the

faintest inclination to perform unnatural acts; the idea of

committing sodomy would be _most disgusting_.

"To come to my actual condition of mind: While totally

indifferent to the person of woman (I always enjoyed their

friendship and companionship, and many of my best friends have

been ladies), I had a burning desire to have carnal intercourse

with a male, and had the capacity for falling in love, as it is

called, to the utmost extent. In imagination, I possessed the

female organ, and felt toward man exactly as an amorous female

would. At the time when I became fully conscious of my condition,

I attached little importance to it; I had not a notion of its

terrible import, nor of the future misery it would entail. All

that I had to learn by bitter experience.

"I did once think of forcing myself to have connection with a

prostitute in order to see whether the actual sensual enjoyment

might bring a change, and so have the power to marry. But when it

came to thinking over ways and means, my repugnance to the act

became so strong that it was quite out of the question. In the

case of any male to whom I became attached, I wanted to feel

ourselves together, skin to skin, and to be privileged to take

such liberties as an amorous female would take if that were all

permitted. I sought no purely sensual gratification of any kind;

my love was far too genuine for that.

"During the rather more than half a century which has elapsed

since my twelfth birthday, I have been genuinely in love about

thirteen times. I despair attempting to give an idea of the depth

and reality of my feelings. I have alluded to my precocity. I was

in love when 12 years old, the object being a man of 24, a

well-known analytical chemist. He came to my father's house very

frequently; and my heart beat almost at the mention of his name.

"The next serious time I was about 15. It was a farmer's son,

about two years older. I don't think that I was ever alone with

him, and really only knew him as a member of his family, yet for

a time he was my chief interest in life.

"When 21 I had a 'chum,' a youth of 17, who entertained for me,

at any rate, a brotherly affection. We were under the same roof,

and early one summer morning he got out of bed and came direct to

my room to talk about some matter or other. In order to talk more

comfortably he got into bed with me and we lay there just as two

school-girls might have done. This proximity was more than I

could stand, and my heart began to beat so that it was impossible

that he should not notice it. As, of course, he could not have

the slightest notion of the reason, he said in all innocence,

'Why, how your heart beats. I can hear it quite plainly.'

"So far my details are purely innocent. Up to 18, familiarities

passed at intervals between me and the son of the village doctor,

a youth about two years older than myself, and precociously

immoral. I did not really care for him much, but he was my chief

companion. Then I became a school-assistant, and for about six

years managed to control myself, only, alas, to fall again.

Another resolution I kept for eight years, one long fight with my

nature. Again I sinned in three instances, extending over three

or four years. I now come to a very painful and eventful episode

in my unhappy life which I would gladly pass over were it

possible. It was a case, in middle life, of sin, discovery, and

great folly in addition.

"Before going into details, so far as may be necessary, I cannot

help asking you to consider calmly and

dispassionately my exact

condition compared with that of my fellow-creatures as a whole.

In my struggles to resist in the past, I have at times felt as if

wrestling in the folds of a python. I again sinned, then, with a

youth and his friend. Oddly enough, discovery followed through a

man who was actuated by