18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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Dictionary Meaning

img4.pngOne who follows mentally, adhere to the opinions, ideas or teachings of img4.pnganother, a movement etc.

img4.pngAn imitator, who follows another's example

img4.pngA pursuer.

img4.pngA person who supports and admires a particular person or set of ideas.

The Concept

Becoming a student is the first step to become a master. Becoming a follower is the prerequisite to become a leader. Following the basic principles of people who are already successful is the first rung of the ladder to success. Following the steps of great people who have mastered their craft is the first step to master your craft as well.

People are extremely stupid. They want to be successful but don't want to learn and put into action the principles that have been proven to work time and again by successful people.

People want to have great relationships and networks but are too lazy to invest their energy, time, money & thought in learning from people who have mastered this area of their life.

People are stupid to think that they have to find out how to be effective and world class in anything they do all by themselves. They don't realize that people who have figured out the "stuff" are very excited and willing to share the wisdom and help the world. That's natural human nature, to contribute. People are foolish to miss to seek such great help.

What I am trying to convey is that our previous generations have already laid down the foundational path to everything for us and the only thing we have to do is seek it, implement it and see the results. Yes, it is simplistic. Don't make it complicated and fool yourself to think "being an extraordinary producer" is either a natural gift restricted to a few lucky people or destined to them by god. That's a mistake.

So what’s the point?

The point is I want you to develop this 6th "follower mindset" so that you become what you want to be and make a legendary life for yourself in small period of time by becoming a follower of wisest masters and take action on their opinions, ideas, teachings, principles and examples.

See, life is short and learning is vast. We cannot learn everything by ourselves and the mistakes that we do. We need a shortcut. We need to speed up. We need to cut down the learning curve so that we retire at the age of 40 instead of 60 and live a rich quality life. So that we live more than we work, so that we can enjoy our lives, experience varied things, live like a king, travel the world, surround with highest quality people, eat good food and saver the sweet juices that life have to offer with heart opened fully.

Sounds too good to be practical? Not really. Everything's possible, let's see how you can do it by developing this mindset.

How to develop follower mindset?

1. Design your ideal life first. Find a pen, maybe an ink pen if you like, see around yourself and find a crisp & fresh A4 leaf. Got it? Good. I want you to write down the following points, right now.

img5.png How do you want your financial life to look like? Is there a person in real time who is having that figure in his bank account? I bet there is. Find him.

img5.png How do you want people to associate you in social circles? I mean what qualities of yours do you want people to identify you as? Is there anyone in the world who has cultivated such qualities and is living it to greatest? I bet there is. Find him.

img5.png What kind of lifestyle do you want to live? Both on work and off work? Scan around; do you see that person who is already living that kind of life? I bet there is. Get in touch with him.

img5.png What kind of family do you want to rise? How do you want your children to associate you as a parent? Is there someone around you, maybe a neighbor or the person on the Internet, is having those qualities and projects exactly how you want to be? I bet there is. Reach them.

2. After you find out the people who are already living the kind of life you desire for then it's time to learn from them. It's time to dig for some wisdom from their life. It's time to research and study their lives. It's time to read their biographies and watch their biopic. It's time to listen to their advices, take notes, download the knowledge, install their psychology and take action on what you learn.

Remember, for every field, there is a leader, a pioneer who has reached to the core of their understandings, now it's your responsibility to take their job further, a step higher just like a son who carries his Father's work after him and cut down your investment of time and use of resources to build up the foundations from scratch.

"When the student is ready, the master appears" - A Chinese Proverb

"He who cannot be a good follower, cannot be a good leader" - Aristotle