18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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A Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement of working practices, personal efficiency, etc made up of two characters in Japanese: kai, which means 'change,' and zen, which means 'good.'

The Concept

The 7th mindset that I want you to develop is kaizen mindset which is all changing, growing, optimizing your mindsets, character and worth every single day. It should be your principle to outperform your yesterday self, everyday. I want you to grow and rapid pace every single day. I want you to set higher benchmarks for yourself every single day in business and life. I want you to become better every hour of your day.

This may sound a lot of work, too much sense of urgency, too much stress and too much investment from your end and that's true.

Not everyone is doing this. Not every is constantly kaizening themselves and so not everyone is living a legendary life. I want to tell you straight, if you do what other people are doing you will get the results what other people are getting.

The only way to Kaizen at a rapid speed and achieve more output or success in less time is by making optimum use of time and depositing of mind- expanding information in your mind.

Why to develop kaizen mindset?

Success is development. Development is growth. Growth is change. Change is optimization. Optimization is kaizen.

If you understand what I am trying to say, if you have every come in contact with a superior quality human being you will notice that they are improving every hour of their life. No, this is not overestimation or false perception but a true statement. If you meet a superior human being today and your next meet happens to be a week later you will be astonished and fascinated by how much they have grown/kaizened in a single week. That's really impressive. And every superior human being is successful; they have money, good social circle, amazing health, bubbly relationships and massive respect. What's the secret? They are conveying it to us loudly and clearly but people are way to deluded to see the clear picture. I am telling you it's kaizen mindset.

How to develop kaizen mindset?

  1. Have a knowledge orgasm! I mean literally get yourself blown away with high quality wisdom. Get a wisdom trip. Get flashes of realizations and deep insights of your surrounding and working of the complex components of this universe by reading and soaking up knowledge every hour. And that's not it, I want you to have multiple orgasms, maybe 3-4 every day! Read only what will truly help you become wiser, smarter and stronger. Listen to only the things that are going to make sense and support you to progress in your life. Surround yourself with people who talk only wisdom and not gossips. Read. Listen. Surround. Soak your brain in wisdom, very important.
  2. Master your time. Cut off the funny videos, memes, gifs and useless shit on social media. That's not serving you in any way. Cut off the useless TV serials and reality shows, you won't earn money by watching stupid people do dramatic shit all day long instead you are making them some money. Ridiculous. Cut off the hours you invest on social media chatting useless crap, scrolling through profiles of the attention seeking vampires, playing time wasting games and shit like that. See for yourself, what is the output you are getting from investing so much time in these things? Practically they are making you mire depressed, lazy, stupid and unfulfilled with life. Instead what you can do is read a book, watch educational/inspiring videos on YouTube, watch biopic and documentary films. Be wise enough to invest your time. Don't be stupid; successful people don't have time for useless shit. Imagine for a second that you were Steve Jobs, how will you spend your time now?
  3. Mastermind. Make sure your friends are smart and wise. Meet up with them every week or everyday and bombard each other with your ideas, experiences, lessons, wisdom and knowledge. Of course! Sometimes you need to relax a little, have fun and spend quality time. That's okay, we are humans we need that alright? But not excessive. Anything in excess is a poison.
  4. Take action. Implement the ideas and knowledge right away. Action is mandatory. It is what will produce tangible results. Act your brains off till you have no more ideas to implement. The repeat the above steps and keep the cycle going. This is kaizening.