18 Paradigm Frob to Manipulate your Destiny by Aman V. Varma - HTML preview

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Dictionary Meaning

img6.png A position in which someone is greatly or uncritically admired.

img6.png A position of high regard or adoration.

img6.png A position of eminence or supposed superiority.

The Concept

This world is BIG we are small. We are invisible in the crowd. That's external world. Let's see our internal world. Our fears are BIG we are small, Dogmas are BIG our intelligence is small, Dreams are BIG but mindsets are small, Expectations are BIG detachment is zero. This is the biggest misery of human life, putting everything around yourself on pedestal and making it seem like you are worthless and inferior-powerless being. God! Give me a break! This mindset is sick.

I want you to develop this 9th mindset which is pedestal mindset. Let me warn you, this pedestal mindset works both ways, positive and negative so pay intense focus to understand this and fit it in the beautiful brain of yours. Let’s begin,

Here's the deal, I want to take it back to the basics right now. One of the biggest barriers that come in the way to live a legendary life is our inability to put things in the right perspective. That being said, we often make terrible mistakes to see and think the exact opposite of what needs to be done.

What's happening here is that we often put things that are out of our potential abilities on a pedestal. We assign superiority, authority, regard and high adoration to that thing or emotions where as in reality that's not the case. You are increasing the importance, value and worth of that thing/emotion and that has a reverse effect on you making you seem even smaller, inferior, and weak and of less value than you actually are. Finding it difficult to understand? Let's take a look at an example; I will demonstrate to you how you can use this mindset in various situations.

Let's called this strategy "Pedestal Reversal Technique" which you will use to overcome this problem in life.

Here is the situation, Imagine you have the fear of attending board meetings and every time you are invited to it, you either make excuses or mess up with your emotions, you get anxiety attacks, feel nervous and break down emotionally. So how can you use this technique? In this case what actually is happening is that you are putting the thing that is outside your comfort zone on a pedestal. Because you lack communication skills to deal with the pressure of questions that the BOD is going to ask you, you start making excuses for why you cannot attend the meet, you are putting your fear and disability to communicate on a pedestal. The moment you put anything/emotions on a pedestal you lose power, you fail! To deal with this situation you have to use the perspective reversal technique and put yourself on the pedestal instead of your fears or disabilities. Think as if you have already attended more than a 100 meetings in your lifetime, feel it, feel the confidence, see the fears at your feet, see them small, raise your esteem and feel like a king, imagine that you are sitting on a throne and you are the best communicator in the world who has given more than 1000 speeches successfully. How are you feeling right now? In power? Superior? Confident?

Do you see how it works?

The only thing that you have to is reverse the perspective, put yourself on a pedestal and remove the things or people/emotions off the pedestal. This will be done in imagination and not in reality but to trick your mind yo produce the confidence and power that is enough, it does the work.

How to develop the pedestal mindset? Here is a checklist:

img7.png Don't assume that people, things, events, emotions & luck have any power on you. It's false. They don't have any power or influence on you unless you allow them to manipulate your mind and persuade you to believe that they are stronger, important, valuable and superior than true.

img7.png Whenever you feel overwhelmed, stressed, nervous or under pressure by any circumstances, emotions or people use the pedestal reversal technique to decrease its influence on you and to give yourself confidence, strength, authority and superiority so that you can easily deal with the difficulty.

img7.png If you are obsessed with someone, then bring them down from the pedestal. It is natural for us to put that "special someone" on pedestal and see them as someone "without any faults" making him/her appear more powerful than they actually are, having a reverse undesirable effect that makes you look needy, powerless, validation approval seeker and a person with low self esteem.

img7.png If you have the fear of public speaking use the technique again, think and act as if you have given 100 speeches already. If you have the fear of approaching someone and conveying them your true feelings, use the technique again, think and act as if you do that every time and with everyone and that it is natural for you.

Never put anything on a pedestal. Believe that you are bigger, smarter, powerful, in control, superior, confident and of higher value than your fears, the people and events. This will give you enough courage to expand your actionable zone.